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Collection ID: 0002 | Metadata type: TEI | TEI XML | Data

Ms. Coll. 1052 Almanac page for January 1747 and ephemeris of the planets for 1747.


Almanac page for January 1747 and ephemeris of the planets for 1747.


Call number

Ms. Coll. 1052
(Philadelphia, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania)

Alternate identifiers


The University of Pennsylvania Libraries


Octavo bifolium from a manuscript almanac otherwise unknown in manuscript or print, comprising a page titled An ephemeris of the planets motions 1747; an almanac page for January; and two pages of discussion of the eclipses during the year, for the latitude of Philadelphia. The eclipse pages are decorated with three lunar faces drawn in ink and tinted with ink or watercolor.


Subjects topical




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