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Collection ID: 0002 | Metadata type: TEI | TEI XML | Data

Ms. Coll. 591 Folder 20 Manuscript leaf from In libros De caelo et mundo Aristotelis


Manuscript leaf from In libros De caelo et mundo Aristotelis


Call number

Ms. Coll. 591 Folder 20
(3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6206., University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts)

Alternate identifiers


University of Pennsylvania




Leaf from a late 13th-century manuscript written in France of Thomas Aquinas's commentary on a Latin translation of the cosmological work De caelo et mundo, attributed to Aristotle. The leaf contains the end of lectio XIV and beginning of lectio XV, on the first book, eighth chapter of the Aristotle text, concerning the impossibility of an infinite body. A small diagram in the lower margin of the recto illustrates part of the argument. Written in a Gothic bookhand and glossing hand, in 32 lines of main text and 63 lines of gloss on either side. Two initials in red or blue with contrasting penwork on verso; running heads and pargraph marks alternate between red and blue. Due to the leaf's later use as a wrapper, it is creased and labeled Manuel d'agriculture et réfutation de la methode de Thull, Paris, 1767.


1 leaf : 350 x 220 (240 x 57 main text, 240 x 155 gloss) mm




Subjects topical





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