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Collection ID: 0002 | Metadata type: TEI | TEI XML | Data

Ms. Coll. 700 Item 243 Extracto de un cuaderno manuscrito "Metodo de confesar en lengua maya," anno de 1803.


Extracto de un cuaderno manuscrito "Metodo de confesar en lengua maya," anno de 1803.


Other related names

Call number

Ms. Coll. 700 Item 243
(3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6206, University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts)

Alternate identifiers


University of Pennsylvania


Spanish and Maya


Written in Campeche, Mexico, probably sometime between 1853 and 1870 (if indeed the copy was made at the request of C. Hermann Berendt, as appears to be the case). Berendt first arrived in Mexico around 1853, and the copy would have been made for him some time before he assumed ownership of the original, in 1870.
between 1853 and 1870


Handwritten copy of an extract from a manual for confessors of 1803, in Spanish and Maya, probably in the hand of Florentino Gimeno Echevarría (Echeverría?), of Campeche, who at the time was the owner of the original manuscript (for the original, see Ms. Coll. 700, Item 26; its title carries the slightly different title: Modo de confesar en lengua maya); the copy corresponds to approximately ten pages in the first quarter of the original (beginning at the top of the ninth page of the original, f. 6r). The title page of the present copy, in the hand of C. Hermann Berendt, includes his notes, signed by him (f. i recto), giving details about the original manuscript, and making reference to a communication about it from Echevarría; a passage in the notes citing the date 1647 is stricken out. In his notes Berendt also highlights a reference in the manual (found on f. 6v-7r in the present copy) that suggests the anonymous author was himself a friar responsible for the parish of Tixcacal (in the former province Cupul, vicinity of Tekom) and a native of Campeche. For a copy in Berend'ts hand of the beginning pages of the same manual, see Ms. Coll. 700, the fourth item in the bound volume containing Items 46 and 47; in the latter copy the last name of the owner of the manuscript is spelled: Echeverría.



8 leaves : 329-330 x 112-116 (300-325 x 112-116) mm


Paper, 8; [i], 1-7; contemporary foliation in ink, upper right recto.






  • Written in 38-40 long lines, with Spanish and Maya on facing pages; lines ruled in lead.
  • Script

  • Probably written in the hand of Florentino Gimeno Echeverría, with title page in the hand of C. Hermann Berendt.
  • Provenance

    Subjects topical




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