Lehigh Codex 5 John Cassian. Coliatiosses XXIV
John Cassian. Coliatiosses XXIVAuthors
- Cassian, John, approximately 360-approximately 435 (https://viaf.org/viaf/7408676/)
Other related names
- Convent of Saint Cecilia ("bynnen Hoern"), former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lehigh Codex 5(Bethlehem, Lehigh University, Special Collections)
Alternate identifiers
- Hirsh: MS Hirsh 5
- Accession: 23449
- deRicci: 2
Special CollectionsLanguage
Middle Dutch (ca. 1050-1350)Origin
14th century
- Place
This book is a fourteenth-century copy, in Dutch, of Joannes Cassianus' Collationes patrum.
- Stub between fols. 11 and 23 is attached to front pastedown (now Flyleaf 1)
- Stub between fols. 147 and 148 is attached to back pastedown (now Flyleaf 1)
Iii + 162 + ii; 175 x 126 mm bound to 181 x 131 mmFoliation
Sporadically paginated in pencilCollation
1 (2), 2-21 (8)Support
Catchwords visible throughout: 11v, 19v, 27v, 35v, 43v, 67v, 75v, 91v, 107v, 115v, 147vBinding
Original wooden boards, brown stamped calf, with remnants of clasps; lined with parchment leaves from a thirteenth-century manuscript in Dutch, mentioning Saint Agatha; spine cracked, first few quires (through folio 35) looseLayout
- Belonged (15th century) to the susteren van Sinte Cecilien convent bynnen Hoern
- 14th century
- Netherlands
- Dutch
- Church Fathers
- Theology
- Text
- These images and the content of Special Collections Lehigh Codex 5: John Cassian. Coliatiosses XXIV are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Lehigh University Libraries, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Special Collections Lehigh Codex 5: John Cassian. Coliatiosses XXIV. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
- fol. 4r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 4v — Two-line red initial C
- fol. 5r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 5v — Two-line red initial C
- fol. 6r — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 7r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 7v — Two-line red initial W
- fol. 8r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 9r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 10r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 11r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 11v — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 12r — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 13r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 14r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 14v — Two-line red initial B
- fol. 15v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 16v — Three-line blue initial D
- fol. 17r — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 17r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 17v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 18r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 18v — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 19r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 20r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 20v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 22r — Two-line red initial W
- fol. 23r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 24r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 24r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 25v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 26r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 26r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 28r — Two-line red initial W
- fol. 29r — Two-line red initial O
- fol. 29v — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 29v — Three-line blue initial D
- fol. 31r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 31v — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 32v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 32v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 33r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 33v — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 34r — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 34v — Two-line red initial U
- fol. 34v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 35v — Three-line blue initial D
- fol. 35v — One-line red initial H
- fol. 36r — Three-line red initial L
- fol. 37r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 37r — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 37v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 39r — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 39r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 39v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 39v — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 40r — Two-line red initial W
- fol. 40v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 40v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 41r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 42r — Two-line red initial U
- fol. 42r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 42v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 42v — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 44r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 44r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 44v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 44v — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 45v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 46r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 46r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 46r — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 46v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 47v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 48r — Three-line blue initial D
- fol. 48r — Two-line red initial U
- fol. 48v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 48v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 49r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 49r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 49r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 50r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 50v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 51r — Six-line red initial S
- fol. 51r — Two-line red initial U
- fol. 51v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 52r — Three-line red initial S
- fol. 53r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 53r — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 53v — Two-line red initial U
- fol. 53v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 54r — Six-line red initial S
- fol. 55r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 56r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 56r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 56v — Seven-line red initial S
- fol. 56v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 57r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 59v — Seven-line red initial S
- fol. 60r — Seven-line red initial S
- fol. 60r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 60v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 60v — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 61r — Three-line blue initial D
- fol. 61v — Two-line red initial O
- fol. 62r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 62r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 62v — One-line red initial D
- fol. 63v — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 64r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 65r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 65r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 66r — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 66r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 67r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 68r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 69r — Two-line red initial O
- fol. 70r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 71r — Three-line blue initial C
- fol. 71v — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 72r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 72v — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 73r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 73v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 75r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 75r — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 76r — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 76v — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 77r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 77v — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 78v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 79r — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 80v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 80v — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 81r — Three-line blue initial H
- fol. 82v — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 83r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 83r — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 83v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 84r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 84v — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 85r — Two-line red initial B
- fol. 87v — Two-line red initial U
- fol. 88r — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 88v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 89r — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 89v — Three-line blue initial E
- fol. 90r — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 90v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 91r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 91v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 93r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 93r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 93v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 93v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 95v — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 95v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 96r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 97r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 97r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 98v — Two-line red initial O
- fol. 99r — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 99v — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 99v — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 100r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 100r — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 100v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 100v — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 102r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 102v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 102v — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 102v — Two-line red initial W
- fol. 103v — Two-line red initial U
- fol. 104r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 104v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 105r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 105v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 105v — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 106r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 107v — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 108v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 108v — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 109v — Three-line blue initial S
- fol. 110r — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 110r — Two-line red initial O
- fol. 111v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 111v — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 112v — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 115r — Two-line red initial W
- fol. 116r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 116r — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 116v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 117v — Two-line red initial W
- fol. 118v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 119r — Two-line red initial U
- fol. 120v — Two-line red initial U
- fol. 121r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 122r — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 122r — Two-line blue initial D
- fol. 123r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 124r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 125r — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 126r — Two-line red initial W
- fol. 128r — Two-line red initial R
- fol. 129r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 129r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 130v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 131r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 131v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 132r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 133r — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 134r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 134v — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 136r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 137r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 138r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 138v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 139r — Two-line red initial U
- fol. 139v — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 140r — Three-line blue initial M
- fol. 141r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 142v — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 143r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 143v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 144r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 144v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 144v — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 145v — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 146v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 146v — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 147v — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 148v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 149v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 150r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 150v — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 151r — Two-line red initial R
- fol. 151v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 152r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 153r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 153v — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 154r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 154r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 155r — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 157r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 158v — Two-line red initial E

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D

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Decoration: Two-line red initial C

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Decoration: Two-line red initial D

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Decoration: Two-line red initial B

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Decoration: Two-line red initial D

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Decoration: Two-line red initial D

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Decoration: Two-line red initial A

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Decoration: Two-line red initial H
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Decoration: Two-line red initial A

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Decoration: Two-line red initial D
Decoration: Two-line red initial E

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Decoration: Two-line red initial N
Decoration: Two-line red initial N

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Decoration: Two-line red initial G
Decoration: Two-line red initial I

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Decoration: Two-line red initial H

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Decoration: Two-line red initial H
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Decoration: Two-line red initial G

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