20 Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones etc.
Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones etc.Authors
- Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298 (http://viaf.org/viaf/100198644)
- Nicholas, of Lyra, approximately 1270-1349 (http://viaf.org/viaf/95296771)
Other related names
- Kartause Erfurt, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/141918870)
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
20(Philadelphia, United States, Library Company)
Alternate identifiers
- Call_Accession_number: MS 20
Library CompanyLanguage
- Place
This manuscript is a fifteenth-century collection of devotional works, including the sermons of the thirteenth-century Dominican Jacobus de Voragine; the Postilla de dominicis of the late thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Franciscan Nicholas of Lyra; and the Itinerarius eternitatis. Written in Germany in Gothic cursive script by multiple hands, the manuscript is simply decorated in red ink and has frequent marginal readers' notes and marks. Text divisions are marked with leather finding tabs on the fore edge of the volume. The pastedowns (back pastedown now free as a flyleaf) are fragments of parchment leaves from a larger manuscript written in two columns of Gothic textualis script with one-line initials in red, with texts including hymn lyrics.
- Different works written in Gothic cursive script by multiple hands; final work written in Hybrida script
- Final leaf, foliated 264, is a fragment of a parchment leaf from a larger manuscript; it was formerly a pastedown, matching the pastedown inside the front cover
- Two back flyleaves, one paper and one a parchment former pastedown, foliated as 263 and 264; flyleaves not included in collation
Similar to Briquet Cercle 3225 (Ferrara, 1371, fol. 106) and Cercle 3228 (Udine, 1376, fol. 182)Extent
255+ii; 290 x 205 mm bound to 290 x 215 mmFoliation
Early foliation in ink, upper right recto; the foliation sequence (3-106, 110-132, 134-204, 206-225, 225-261, 263-264) includes missing leaves (1-2, 107-109, 205, 262, no obvious loss of text) and foliation errors (133 skipped, 225 duplicated); references in this record are to the foliation as it appears in the manuscriptCollation
1-8 (12), 9 (11, +4 -9 -10 -11), 10-12 (12), 13 (10), 14 (14), 15-16 (12), 17 (12, -11), 18-21 (12), 22 (8)Signatures
Leaves in the first half of quire 19 (fols. 219-223) may be signed including the numbers 1-6, lower center rectoSupport
Horizontal catchwords in ink, lower right last verso, except at the end of a workBinding
Original (fifteenth-century) pigskin over wood boards with worm holes; remnants of two metal clasps; damaged fifteenth-century label pasted on front cover with text in Latin concludes with a description of contents; spine title in ink, Itinerarius aeternitatis, sermones Lyrae et Jacobi de Voragine etc.; paper label at bottom of spine, 65Layout
Rubrication, two- and three-line initials, paragraph marks, and underlining in red ink throughout, except in the last work, in which spaces left for initials were not used and there is no rubrication (fols. 254r-261r); occasional manicules by multiple readers (fols. 87r, 191r, 218v, 224r, 231v)
- Formerly held in the library of the Kartause Erfurt, the Carthusian monastery in Erfurt (ownership inscriptions, fols. 3r, 263v)
Related resources
- Faye, C.U., continued and edited by W.H. Bond, Supplement to the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada (New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 1962), p. 469, no. 20.
- Collection of sermons
- 15th century
- German
- Gothic
- Manicules
- Germany
- Devotion
- Theology
- Text
- These images and the content of Library Company, 20: Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones etc. are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, The Library Company of Philadelphia has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Library Company 20: Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones etc.. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode

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Section: Sermones, Jacobus de Voragine

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Section: Postilla de dominicis, Nicholas of Lyra

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Section: De dedicatione templi Salomonis

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Section: Itinerarius eternitatis
Decoration: Decorated initial E

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Decoration: Manicule

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Section: Treatise on the eleven joys of the Virgin

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