Collection ID: 0012 | Metadata type: TEI
2 Zonaras, Lexicon in greek
Zonaras, Lexicon in greekAuthors
- Zonaras, Joannes, active twelfth century, attributed name (
Other related names
- Panteleĭmonov monastyrʹ (Athos, Greece), former owner (
- Cox, Richard, 1650-1733, former owner (
- Coxe, Henry Hamilton, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
2(Philadelphia, United States, Library Company)
Alternate identifiers
- deRicci: 2
- Call/Accession-number: MS 2 2224.Q
Library CompanyLanguage
Ancient Greek (to 1453)Origin
- Place
This manuscript is a copy from the first half of the thirteenth century on parchment in Greek minuscule of most of the short version of the lexicon traditionally attributed to Joannes Zonaras. The beginning of the text is missing; the first entries present are toward the end of the words beginning with gamma. Quire 6 is signed 12, another indication of material missing at the beginning of the manuscript. Rubrication and simple division bars separate sections determined by the first two letters of the words.
- Paper flyleaves, eighteenth-century with binding
- Former shelfmark Yi 2 2224 (Library Company bookplate inside front cover)
- Notes in Greek by later hands on the end flyleaves
I+144+iv; 190 x 135 mm bound to 200 x 145 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in ink, upper right rectoCollation
1-18 (8)Signatures
Quires 6-16 signed 12-22 with Greek numerals, lower left first recto and lower right last verso; quires 17-18 signed illegiblySupport
Eighteenth-century half calf; gilt spine title MSS Greek Commentary; spine and front cover attached to back cover but not to text block, with front flyleaf detachedLayout
Rubrication, initial letters of entries, and marginal indications of word gender in red ink throughout; simple division bars ornamented with knots and stylized semi-palmette finials in red and brown between groups of words starting with the same two letters
- Probably formerly held at the library of Panteleĭmonov monastyrʹ (Athos, Greece; eighteenth-century (?) inscription, third flyleaf at the end of the manuscript); formerly owned by Sir Richard Cox (Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1703-1707); gift of his grandson Henry Coxe Esq. (late eighteenth-century inscription in ink, front flyleaf), 1799
Related resources
- De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, vol. 2 (New York: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), p. 2103, no. 2.
- Kavrus-Hoffmann, Nadezhda, "Catalogue of Greek Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Collections of the United States of America, Part VIII: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, The Library Company of Philadelphia," Manuscripta 58, no. 1 (2014), pp. 55-60 (article pp. 38-73).
- Glossary
- 13th century
- Greek
- Greece
- Grammar
- Text
- These images and the content of Library Company 2: Zonaras, Lexicon in greek are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, The Library Company of Philadelphia has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Library Company 2: Zonaras, Lexicon in greek. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Gamma (partial)
- fol. 2v — Delta
- fol. 16r — Epsilon
- fol. 43r — Zeta
- fol. 51r — Eta
- fol. 58r — Theta
- fol. 63r — Iota
- fol. 68v — Kappa
- fol. 77v — Lambda
- fol. 81v — Mu
- fol. 87r — Nu
- fol. 90v — Xi
- fol. 91r — Omicron
- fol. 100r — Pi
- fol. 116r — Rho
- fol. 120v — Sigma
- fol. 129r — Tau
- fol. 132v — Upsilon
- fol. 135v — Phi
- fol. 137v — Chi
- fol. 140r — Psi
- fol. 141v — Omega

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