Collection ID: 0012 | Metadata type: TEI
3 Palladius: historia lausiaca, etc.
Palladius: historia lausiaca, etc.Authors
- Palladius, Bishop of Aspuna, -approximately 430 (
- Anastasius, Sinaita, Saint, active 640-700 (
- Athanasius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, -373 (
- Epiphanius, Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus, approximately 310-403 (
- Sophronius, Saint, Patriarch of Jerusalem, approximately 560-approximately 638 (
Other related names
- Cox, Richard, 1650-1733, former owner (
- Coxe, Henry Hamilton, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
3(Philadelphia, United States, Library Company)
Alternate identifiers
- Call/Accession-number: MS 3 1141.F
- deRicci: 3
Library CompanyLanguage
Ancient Greek (to 1453)Origin
- Place
This manuscript is a hagiological miscellany of accounts and sayings of desert monks of the third through fifth centuries, with the Historia Lausiaca of Palladius comprising about half the volume. Text is missing at the beginning, in the middle (after fol. 48), and at the end. The manuscript is written in Greek minuscule on paper whose watermark suggests a date of the second quarter or middle of the fourteenth century, and it is decorated simply with red initials and geometric headbands in brown and red ink.
Axe, similar to Likhachev 3747 (1348), Briquet Hache 7486 (1326-1333), and Piccard 122129-30 (1354)Extent
Ii+130+ii; 271 x 195 mm bound to 290 x 215 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, upper right rectoCollation
1-4 (8), 5 (8, -8), 6 (8, -1 -2 -3), 7-16 (8), 17 (8, -7 -8)Signatures
Quires 1-4 and 6-16 signed, lower right last verso, all with Greek numerals in ink (last leaf of quire 5 missing); signatures added after the loss of at least one quire at the beginning of the textSupport
Eighteenth-century half calf; gilt spine title MSS Greek Commentary; front hinge broken and front flyleaves detachedLayout
Narrow rectangular headbands with geometric patterns in the ink of the text and red, some with zoomorphic finials; initials in red with penwork in red, some with zoomorphic additions; marginal numbers in red in part of the Historia Lausiaca (fols. 6-38)
- Formerly held in the library of the monastery of Panagia Tatarna, Eurytania, central Greece (seventeenth-century (?) inscription in ink, fol. 1r); formerly owned by Sir Richard Cox (Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1703-1707); gift of his grandson Henry Hamilton Coxe Esq. (late eighteenth-century inscription in ink, front flyleaf), 1799
- Accounts
- 14th century
- Greek
- Greece
- Church Fathers
- Devotion
- Text
- These images and the content of Library Company 3: Palladius: historia lausiaca, etc. are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, The Library Company of Philadelphia has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Library Company 3: Palladius: historia lausiaca, etc.. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Palladius, Prooemium ad historiam Lausiacam (partial)
- fol. 1r — Palladius, Historia Lausiaca, Table of contents
- fol. 3r — Palladius, Epistula ad Lausum
- fol. 3v — Palladius, Historia Lausiaca
- fol. 66v — Life of Paul the Theban
- fol. 70r — Anastasius Sinaita, Miracle story
- fol. 71v — Story about Philentolos
- fol. 72v — Apophthegmata patrum
- fol. 106v — Athanasius, Syntagma doctrinae ad monachos
- fol. 109r — Epiphanius, Treatise on the prophets
- fol. 113v — Pseudo-Dorotheos, Treatise on martyrdom of the seventy disciples and on the twelve disciples
- fol. 119r — Sophronius, Vita Mariae Aegyptiacae (partial)
- fol. 44v — Decorated initial I with bird
- fol. 55v — Decorated initial A with bird
- fol. 55v — Manicule
- fol. 66v — Geometric headband
- fol. 72v — Geometric headband
- fol. 94r — Geometric headband with zoomorphic finial
- fol. 106v — Geometric headband with zoomorphic finials
- fol. 109r — Geometric headband with zoomorphic finials
- fol. 113v — Geometric headband with zoomorphic finials
- fol. 115v — Geometric headband with zoomorphic finials
- fol. 119r — Decorative headband

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Section: Palladius, Prooemium ad historiam Lausiacam (partial)
Section: Palladius, Historia Lausiaca, Table of contents

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Section: Palladius, Epistula ad Lausum

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Section: Palladius, Historia Lausiaca

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Decoration: Decorated initial I with bird

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Decoration: Decorated initial A with bird
Decoration: Manicule

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Section: Life of Paul the Theban
Decoration: Geometric headband

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Section: Anastasius Sinaita, Miracle story

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Section: Story about Philentolos

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Section: Apophthegmata patrum
Decoration: Geometric headband

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Decoration: Geometric headband with zoomorphic finial

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Section: Athanasius, Syntagma doctrinae ad monachos
Decoration: Geometric headband with zoomorphic finials

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Section: Epiphanius, Treatise on the prophets
Decoration: Geometric headband with zoomorphic finials

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Section: Pseudo-Dorotheos, Treatise on martyrdom of the seventy disciples and on the twelve disciples
Decoration: Geometric headband with zoomorphic finials

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Decoration: Geometric headband with zoomorphic finials

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Section: Sophronius, Vita Mariae Aegyptiacae (partial)
Decoration: Decorative headband

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