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Collection ID: 0016 | Metadata type: TEI | TEI XML | Data

P.Penn. Museum inv.E02773 Receipts for Poll-Tax


Receipts for Poll-Tax

Call number

P.Penn. Museum inv.E02773
(Philadelphia, United States, University of Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Museum of Archaelogy and Anthropology collection)


University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology


English; Ancient Greek (to 1453)


128-129 CE
Harit (Fayum)


"Two receipts for poll-taxes of the twelfth(?) year in the amphodon Hieras Pules paid apparently by the same person through Diodorus, the first payment being 8 drachmae with [4] obols for prosdiagraphomena, the second for 12 drachmae with 6 obols for prosdiagraphomena. The second receipt is dated in the 13th(?) year of Hadrian (AD 128-9); the date of the first is lost, but was probably the same. Incomplete." (Grenfell, Hunt, and Hogarth)



21.2 x 9.3 cm




  • Text is on one side only, 10 lines with the fibers. Text is in two columns, each a separate receipt that can most likely be dated within the same year. Second column most likely in a separate hand, as writing appears more compact and darker than first hand. Bottom margin is clearly visible, other margins are torn.
  • Provenance

    Subjects topical



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