Lewis E 213 Rule of Saint Augustine; Sermon on Matthew 25:6
Rule of Saint Augustine; Sermon on Matthew 25:6Authors
- Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n80126290.html)
- Hugh, of Saint-Victor, 1096?-1141 (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n50079116.html)
Other related names
- Spegher, Marghareta van den, Sister, former owner
- Essen, Anna van, Sister, former owner
- Prince Arenberg Library, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 213(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- deRicciSup: 23
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
Middle Dutch (ca. 1050-1350); LatinOrigin
Written in the Cloister of Jericho; late 15th century
- Place
Brussels, Flanders
This manuscript was written in the late fifteenth century at the Cloister of Jericho in Brussels by eleven nuns, who are named in the colophon. It contains the Rule of Saint Augustine with commentary by Hugh of Saint-Victor, and a sermon on Matthew 25:6, both in Dutch with some Latin rubrics. It is written on paper in Hybrida script with numerous changes of hand, three penwork initials, and rubrication and underlining in red.
- Eleven nuns and their confessor listed in colophon (fol. 118r): Beatrix Noeys (†1497), Margarete Bont, Janne van den Velde (†1504), Maria van Hausbeke (†1530), Katherine Tymmermans, (†1530), Maria Meerts (†1503), Margarete Joerdaens (†1519), Janne Colijns (†1491), Anne Joerdaens (†1495), Rijckmoct van Zellien (†1532), Margarete van den Rade (†1540), and Father Philips Nycholaes (†1500).
- Confessor Philips Nycholaes's tenure at the Cloister of Jericho from 1480 to his death in 1500 set the outer date limits of this manuscript
- Dutch with some Latin rubrics
Briquet 10031, 11399, 12497Extent
Iii+126+iii; 136 x 99 mm bound to 145 x 110 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, upper right rectoCollation
1 (2), 2-14 (8), 15 (12), 16 (8)Support
Horizontal, lower right last verso of most quires, some partially or mostly trimmed awayBinding
Original vellum wrappers; traces of two thongs each on front and back cover; sticker attached to spine; edges dyed blueLayout
Two three-line initials (fol. 3r, 125v) and one five-line initial (fol. 119r) in blue ink with red penwork; rubrication, underlining, paragraph marks and touches to capitals in red throughout
Dit sijn der gheender namen die dit boexsken ghescreven hebben uut caritaten. Ons eerweerdighe pater heer Philips Nycholaes god sij sijn loen. Suster Beatrix Noeys, suster Margarete Bont, suster Janne van den Velde, suster Marie van Hansbeke, suster Katherie Tymmermans, suster Maria Meerts, suster Margarete Joerdaens, suster Janne Colijns, suster Anne Joerdaens, suster Rijckmoet van Zelken, suster Maergarete van den Rade. Int boeck des levens sij haerder alder name (fol. 118r)Provenance
- Marghareta van den Spiegher (inscription, S. Marghareta vanden Spiegher, fol. 3r); Sister Anna van Essen (1623; inscription, Dit boexken is in die bewaringhe van suster Anna van Elsen alsoo langhe alst haer overste belieft 1623 den 22 januarius, fol. 1r); Prince Arenberg Library; acquired by the Free Library in 1957 from H. P. Kraus (inscription in pencil, Kraus 59 RS.NXX, inside back cover); in pencil on inside front cover: "Provenant de la grande bibliotheque", "WW 2/1/78 $150.00", and "B,7"; in pencil inside back cover, "1825", "k..e..b", "5 francs", and "57-520"
Related resources
- Supplement to the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, originated by C. U. Faye, continued and edited by W. H. Bond (New York: The Bibliographical Society of America, 1962), p. 451, no. 23.
- Stoop, Patricia, Schrijven in commissie. De zusters uit het Brusselse klooster Jericho en de preken van hun biechtvaders (ca. 1456–1510). Hilversum: Verloren, 2013 (Middeleeuwse Studies en Bronnen, CXXVII). 495 pp. (I mention the manuscript at pp. 26, 77, 83 nt. 138, 95, 119, 122-123 table 5, 329 n. 46, 347, 347 n. 81, and 400-402
- Webber, Philip E. "Medieval Netherlandic Manuscripts in Greater Philadelphia Libraries." Archives et bibliotheques de Belgique 47, no. 3-4 (1976), pp. 504-506 (article pp. 459-513).
- Commentary
- Church Fathers
- Theology
- 15th century
- Christian
- Dutch
- Flemish
- Colophon
- Belgium
- Flanders
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 213: Rule of Saint Augustine; Sermon on Matthew 25:6 are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 213: Rule of Saint Augustine; Sermon on Matthew 25:6. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 3r — Saint Augustine, Regula, with the Expositio in regulam sancti Augustini of Hugh of Saint-Victor, in Dutch
- fol. 119r — Sermon on Matthew 25:6; incipit: Ten midder nacht is een oepen ghemaect siet die brudegom comet gaeet hem teghen … [fol. 119r]; explicit: Dat ghij in mij ende ic in v onverscheydelijc moeten bliuen hier ende inder ewicheit Amen. [fol. 126v]
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Section: Saint Augustine, Regula, with the Expositio in regulam sancti Augustini of Hugh of Saint-Victor, in Dutch
Decoration: Three line decorated initial D
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Section: Sermon on Matthew 25:6
Decoration: Five line Decorated initial M
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Decoration: Three line decorated initial O