Lewis E 221 Antiphonary
AntiphonaryOther related names
- John III, King of Portugal, 1502-1557, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/59093168)
- Mosteiro dos Jerónimos (Lisbon, Portugal), former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/168781211)
- Karl W. Hiersemann (Firm), former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/147835641)
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 221(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- https://know.freelibrary.org/Record/1598524
- deRicci: 26
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
- Place
Belém, Portugal
This antiphonary contains the liturgical texts for the annual cycle of saints' feast days, beginning with Saint Andrew and ending with Saint Clement (fols. 1r-179r). It also includes antiphons for the feasts of Saints Peter and Paul, the Chair of Saint Peter, and Saint Lucy (fols. 179r-183v). The colophon (fol. 318v) tells us that the book was finished in June 1548, and paid for by King John III of Portugal for "this college" and names the rector as Blaise D'Olivença. The college to which this book (along with Free Library Lewis E 222-234) belonged is understood to be the Jerónimos Monastery in Belém, Portugal, which was still under construction at the time these manuscripts were made. The text itself is embellished with a large number of colored initials with intricate pen-work decoration, as well as one historiated initial showing Saint Jerome (fol. 151r) and an illuminated initial with a full panel border (fol. 1r). In the bottom part of the border of fol. 1r are a cardinal's red galero and a lion, symbols associated with Saint Jerome, patron saint of the Jerónimos Monastery. The text of this manuscript has, in places, been erased, corrected, annotated, and doodled upon. Many of its folios bear evidence of paper and parchment tabs stuck down for easy reference to important texts. The parchment has been patched and repaired throughout, including on fol. 1 where some of the roses from the border have been excised. Inside the front cover of the eighteenth-century binding is an index of texts contained within the book, written in pencil in a later hand.
- Historiated initial by same hand as that of Lewis E 222 and Lewis E 223
- Folios missing after fols. 108, 151, 156, 179, and 183
- Remains of parchment and paper marker tabs throughout
- Some flaking of paint and ink
- Wax drippings on fols. 175r and 177r
- Extensive repairs to parchment throughout
183; 590 x 400 mm bound to 624 x 420 mmFoliation
Early foliation red ink, upper right recto; modern foliation in pencil, upper right rectoCollation
1-18 (8), 19 (7, +1), 20 (6, +2 +3), 21-22 (8), 23 (6, +1 +2), 24 (4)Support
Original vertical catchwords, some in scrolls, on fols. 16v, 24v, 32v, 40v, 48v, 56v, 64v, 72v, 80v, 88v, 96v, 104v, 112v, 120v, 128v, 136v, 144v, 165v, and 173vBinding
Eighteenth-century stamped dark brown calfskin; metal corners, bosses and claspsLayout
One historiated initial with Saint Jerome kneeling before a crucifix (fol. 151v); one illuminated initial (fol. 1r) with full panel border; numerous black and colored initials of varying height with pen-work decoration throughout
Absolutum est preclarum hoc divinorum officiorum volumem, anno nostre salutis 1548 messe iunio. rectore huius collegii fratre blasio dolivença. [Ceterum corum pensas?] omnes suppeditavit invictissimus iusitanorum Rex ionnes tertius, quem christus optimus maximus diu in columen tueatur. Laus deo. [fol. 318v]Provenance
- Gift of King John III to the College of Saint Jerome in 1548 (see colophon); Hiersemann of Leipzig (bookseller); bought by the Free Library in 1900
Related resources
- J. Thomson, Hither and Thither (Philadelphia, 1905), pp. 135-144.
- Supplement to the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, originated by C. U. Faye, continued and edited by W. H. Bond (New York: The Bibliographical Society of America, 1962), p. 452, no. 26.
- Antiphonary
- 16th century
- Musical notation
- Notable binding
- Liturgy
- Historiated initial
- Portugal
- Portuguese
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 221: Antiphonary are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 221: Antiphonary. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- Inside front cover [insert recto — Index, eighteenth-century (?)
- fol. 1r — Sanctorale, beginning with the feast of Saint Andrew and ending with the feast of Saint Clement
- fol. 180v — Antiphons for the feasts of Saints Peter and Paul, Cathedra Petri, and St. Lucy
- Inside front cover [insert recto — Print catalog clipping
- Inside front cover [insert recto — Bookplate, Free Library of Philadelphia
- Inside front cover [insert recto — Type-written description
- fol. 1r — Illuminated initial U
- fol. 1r — Full panel border with floral decoration, animal hybrids, and coat of arms
- fol. 4r — Decorated initial S
- fol. 151v — Historiated initial S, Saint Jerome praying before a crucifix

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Section: Index, eighteenth-century (?)
Decoration: Print catalog clipping
Decoration: Bookplate, Free Library of Philadelphia
Decoration: Type-written description

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Section: Sanctorale, beginning with the feast of Saint Andrew and ending with the feast of Saint Clement
Decoration: Illuminated initial U
Decoration: Full panel border with floral decoration, animal hybrids, and coat of arms

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Decoration: Decorated initial S

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Decoration: Historiated initial S, Saint Jerome praying before a crucifix

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Section: Antiphons for the feasts of Saints Peter and Paul, Cathedra Petri, and St. Lucy

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