Lewis E 244 Infortiatum
- Justinian I, Emperor of the East, 483?-565 (http://viaf.org/viaf/88881722)
- Accursius, glossator, approximately 1182-approximately 1260 (http://viaf.org/viaf/102317020)
Other related names
- Kraus, Hans Peter, 1907-1988, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/61624943)
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 244(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
- Place
Bologna, Italy
This large manuscript contains the Infortiatum of Justinian's Digest of Roman Law, along with the thirteenth-century jurist Accursius's commentary. Accursius died in 1263, so this Bolognese manuscript of circa 1270-1280 is an early example of his work. Both the primary text and the commentary are extensively glossed, in near-contemporary and later medieval hands. The parchment evinces historic damage and repairs, as well as the enlargement of pages with parchment strips and the addition of an extra, small leaf to accommodate additional commentary. A series of small miniatures illustrating various litigation processes begin each chapter, and the text is dotted with initials inhabited by monks, lawyers, and animal figures. Five ink drawings–of wrestlers (fol. 9v), a crowned head (fol. 149r), a man pouring wine (fol. 153r), an animal hybrid (fol. 159r), and a man fighting a dragon-like creature (fol. 288v)–populate the margins. A number of fifteenth-century inscriptions on fols. 288r-v indicate this manuscript's continued history of use–on one occasion as surety for a loan.
- Some rubbing throughout has faded the script in places
- Spine partly detached
- Extensive marginal and interlinear glosses in various hands throughout
- Additional, smaller page of commentary added bound in as fol. 6
- Evidence of historic damage and repairs
- Manicules throughout
Ii+288+ii; 415 x 243 mm bound to 434 x 272 mmFoliation
Contemporary foliation in ink, upper right recto; modern foliation in pencil, upper right recto and lower left rectoCollation
1 (12, +1 +6), 2-10 (10), 11 (8), 12 (12), 13-28 (10), 29 (4), 30 (2)Signatures
Two sets of modern quite signatures: the earlier in ink, lower right versos; the later in pencil, lower left rectosSupport
Regular catchwords in lower right versosBinding
Modern blind-stamped pigskin by Franz Hollsteiner of Vienna (his stamp on flyleaf 1v); stamped in gold on spine: "CORPUS JURIS JUSTINIANI 1350-1400. PARIS DIGESTUM"; remains of clasps; modern green slipcase stamped on spine: "JUSTINIAN DIGESTUM INFORTIATUM XIVth CENTURY"Layout
Fifteen small miniatures at chapter beginnings, fifteen inhabited initials, numerous decorated and colored initials throughout; three marginal drawings; occasional ink line-fillers
- Hans Peter Kraus, Catalogue 117, no. 7, his name on back flyleaf; Free Library of Philadelphia
Related resources
- Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, "Signs of Use" in Reactions: Medieval/Modern exhibition pages, 2016 [online] (http://sceti.library.upenn.edu/reactionsexhibit/sec5.html)
- 13th century
- Italian
- Annotated
- Drawing
- Gloss
- Illustration
- Inhabited initial
- Manicules
- Legal
- Italy
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 244: Infortiatum are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 244: Infortiatum. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 1v — Index; incipit: Soluto matrimonio queadmodum dos petatur [fol. 1v]; explicit: Ad senatus consultum tertullianum [fol. 1v]
- fol. 2r — Infortiatum; incipit: Dotis causa semper et ubique praecipua... [fol. 2r]; explicit: ...potastate erat postliminio non sit reuersus. Laus deo amen [fol. 287r]
- fol. 287r — Liber XXXIX of the Justinian Digest [imperfect]; incipit: Hoc edicto promittur ut siue iure siue injuria opus fieret ... [fol. 287r]; explicit: ...molliatur aut si quid contra leges... [fol. 288v]
- Flyleaf 1 verso — Notations in pencil
- Flyleaf 2 recto — Notations in pencil
- fol. 1r — Multiple early notations in ink
- fol. 2r — Small miniature, petitioners before a seated judge
- fol. 2r — Decorated initial P
- fol. 2r — Partial foliate border
- fol. 9v — Marginal drawing, wrestlers
- fol. 10r — Small miniature, petitioners before a seated judge
- fol. 10r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 10r — Partial foliate/ zoomorphic border
- fol. 11r — Decorated initial P
- fol. 12r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 14r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 15r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 15v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 16r — Small miniature, petitioners with a child before a seated judge
- fol. 16r — Decorated initial P
- fol. 16r — Partial foliate border
- fol. 17v — Decorated initial P
- fol. 19v — Decorated initial M
- fol. 20r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 21v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 22v — Decorated initial M
- fol. 32r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 33r — Decorated initial P
- fol. 33v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 35r — Small miniature, petitioners before a seated lawyer
- fol. 35r — Decorated initial H
- fol. 41r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 42r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 44r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 45r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 45v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 46r — Decorated initial P
- fol. 46v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 47v — Inhabited initial U, lawyer
- fol. 49v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 50v — Small miniature, a lawyer's deathbed
- fol. 50v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 50v — Partial foliate border
- fol. 52v — Inhabited initial U, monk
- fol. 55v — Decorated initial P
- fol. 58r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 59r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 67v — Decorated initial M
- fol. 73r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 75v — Decorated initial P
- fol. 76r — Small miniature, petitioners before a seated judge and a scribe
- fol. 76r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 76r — Partial foliate border
- fol. 88r — Decorated initial P
- fol. 88v — Decorated initial P
- fol. 91v — Decorated initial P
- fol. 95v — Inhabited initial U, head
- fol. 95v — Inhabited initial U, animal hybrid
- fol. 99r — Small miniature, lawyer before a seated judge
- fol. 99r — Inhabited initial P, lawyer
- fol. 99r — Partial foliate border with monkey
- fol. 115r — Small miniature, lawyer and petitioners before a seated judge
- fol. 115r — Zoomorphic initial I
- fol. 115r — Partial foliate border
- fol. 127r — Small miniature, lawyer before judge with building
- fol. 127r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 127r — Partial foliate border
- fol. 142v — Small miniature, lawyers and petitioners with a tree
- fol. 142v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 142v — Partial foliate border
- fol. 146r — Decorated initial P
- fol. 149r — Marginal drawing, crowned head
- fol. 149v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 151v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 152v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 153r — Marginal drawing, Man pouring wine
- fol. 159r — Marginal drawing, animal hybrid
- fol. 164r — Small miniature, woman and child presented before a judge
- fol. 164r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 164r — Partial foliate border
- fol. 168r — Inhabited initial P, monk
- fol. 180r — Inhabited initial P, lawyer
- fol. 186r — Decorated initial A
- fol. 186r — Inhabited initial C, lawyer
- fol. 186v — Decorated initial M
- fol. 189v — Small miniature, lawyers
- fol. 189v — Decorated initial L
- fol. 189v — Partial foliate border
- fol. 201r — Decorated initial P
- fol. 211r — Small miniature, lawyers and petitioners
- fol. 211r — Decorated initial T
- fol. 211r — Partial foliate border
- fol. 215r — Small miniature, lawyers
- fol. 215r — Decorted initial U
- fol. 215r — Partial foliate border
- fol. 234v — Decorated initial P
- fol. 234v — Decorated initial M
- fol. 238r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 240r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 242v — Small miniature, petitioners before a judge
- fol. 242v — Inhabited initial U, animal hybrid
- fol. 242v — Partial foliate border
- fol. 243v — Decorated initial P
- fol. 243v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 247r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 249v — Inhabited initial U, animal hybrid
- fol. 252v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 254r — Inhabited initial U, head
- fol. 255r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 257v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 259v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 259v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 260r — Inhabited initial U, head
- fol. 261v — Decorated initial P
- fol. 262r — Small miniature, lawyers and peasants
- fol. 262r — Decorated initial P
- fol. 272v — Inhabited initial U, lawyer
- fol. 276r — Anthropomorphic initial I
- fol. 277r — Decorated initial U
- fol. 277v — Decorated initial G
- fol. 282v — Inhabited initial U, lawyer
- fol. 282v — Decorated initial M
- fol. 282v — Inhabited initial U, head
- fol. 282v — Decorated initial U
- fol. 282v — Decorated initial M
- fol. 288r — Multiple early notations in ink
- fol. 288v — Multiple early notations in ink
- fol. 288v — Marginal drawing, man fighting dragon(?)
- Flyleaf 1 verso — Notations in pencil
- Flyleaf 2 recto — Notations in pencil

6620_0001.tif (159.2 MB)
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6620_0003.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0003_thumb.jpg (2.8 KB)
6620_0003_web.jpg (151.8 KB)
Decoration: Notations in pencil

6620_0004.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0004_thumb.jpg (2.6 KB)
6620_0004_web.jpg (117.8 KB)
Decoration: Notations in pencil

6620_0006.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0006_thumb.jpg (3.6 KB)
6620_0006_web.jpg (306.4 KB)
Decoration: Multiple early notations in ink

6620_0007.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0007_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
6620_0007_web.jpg (377.0 KB)
Section: Index

6620_0008.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0008_thumb.jpg (4.6 KB)
6620_0008_web.jpg (408.8 KB)
Section: Infortiatum
Decoration: Small miniature, petitioners before a seated judge
Decoration: Decorated initial P
Decoration: Partial foliate border

6620_0023.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0023_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6620_0023_web.jpg (477.9 KB)
Decoration: Marginal drawing, wrestlers

6620_0024.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0024_thumb.jpg (4.8 KB)
6620_0024_web.jpg (432.8 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, petitioners before a seated judge
Decoration: Decorated initial U
Decoration: Partial foliate/ zoomorphic border

6620_0026.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0026_thumb.jpg (5.0 KB)
6620_0026_web.jpg (443.4 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0028.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0028_thumb.jpg (5.0 KB)
6620_0028_web.jpg (451.6 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0032.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0032_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
6620_0032_web.jpg (413.6 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0034.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0034_thumb.jpg (4.6 KB)
6620_0034_web.jpg (356.8 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0035.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0035_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6620_0035_web.jpg (479.6 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0036.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0036_thumb.jpg (4.8 KB)
6620_0036_web.jpg (370.3 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, petitioners with a child before a seated judge
Decoration: Decorated initial P
Decoration: Partial foliate border

6620_0039.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0039_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6620_0039_web.jpg (450.5 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0043.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0043_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6620_0043_web.jpg (454.7 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial M

6620_0044.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0044_thumb.jpg (4.6 KB)
6620_0044_web.jpg (397.1 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0047.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0047_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6620_0047_web.jpg (477.2 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0049.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0049_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6620_0049_web.jpg (436.3 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial M

6620_0068.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0068_thumb.jpg (5.0 KB)
6620_0068_web.jpg (451.2 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0070.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0070_thumb.jpg (5.0 KB)
6620_0070_web.jpg (433.0 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0071.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0071_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6620_0071_web.jpg (491.7 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0074.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0074_thumb.jpg (5.0 KB)
6620_0074_web.jpg (429.5 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, petitioners before a seated lawyer
Decoration: Decorated initial H

6620_0086.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0086_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
6620_0086_web.jpg (352.7 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0088.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0088_thumb.jpg (4.6 KB)
6620_0088_web.jpg (386.6 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0092.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0092_thumb.jpg (4.8 KB)
6620_0092_web.jpg (418.6 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0094.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0094_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
6620_0094_web.jpg (395.5 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0095.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0095_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6620_0095_web.jpg (470.3 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0096.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0096_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
6620_0096_web.jpg (451.1 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0097.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0097_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
6620_0097_web.jpg (399.7 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0099.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0099_thumb.jpg (5.0 KB)
6620_0099_web.jpg (442.1 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, lawyer

6620_0103.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0103_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6620_0103_web.jpg (476.7 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0105.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0105_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6620_0105_web.jpg (493.5 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, a lawyer's deathbed
Decoration: Decorated initial U
Decoration: Partial foliate border

6620_0109.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0109_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6620_0109_web.jpg (526.8 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, monk

6620_0115.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0115_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6620_0115_web.jpg (529.7 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0120.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0120_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6620_0120_web.jpg (458.4 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0122.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0122_thumb.jpg (5.0 KB)
6620_0122_web.jpg (405.5 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0139.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0139_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6620_0139_web.jpg (478.6 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial M

6620_0150.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0150_thumb.jpg (5.0 KB)
6620_0150_web.jpg (423.6 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0155.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0155_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6620_0155_web.jpg (478.7 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0156.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0156_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6620_0156_web.jpg (427.4 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, petitioners before a seated judge and a scribe
Decoration: Decorated initial U
Decoration: Partial foliate border

6620_0180.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0180_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
6620_0180_web.jpg (418.1 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0181.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0181_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6620_0181_web.jpg (407.0 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0187.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0187_thumb.jpg (4.9 KB)
6620_0187_web.jpg (400.7 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0195.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0195_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6620_0195_web.jpg (440.2 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, head
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, animal hybrid

6620_0202.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0202_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6620_0202_web.jpg (466.0 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, lawyer before a seated judge
Decoration: Inhabited initial P, lawyer
Decoration: Partial foliate border with monkey

6620_0234.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0234_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6620_0234_web.jpg (447.9 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, lawyer and petitioners before a seated judge
Decoration: Zoomorphic initial I
Decoration: Partial foliate border

6620_0258.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0258_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6620_0258_web.jpg (389.6 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, lawyer before judge with building
Decoration: Decorated initial U
Decoration: Partial foliate border

6620_0289.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0289_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6620_0289_web.jpg (388.7 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, lawyers and petitioners with a tree
Decoration: Decorated initial U
Decoration: Partial foliate border

6620_0296.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0296_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6620_0296_web.jpg (444.0 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0302.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0302_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
6620_0302_web.jpg (411.5 KB)
Decoration: Marginal drawing, crowned head

6620_0303.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0303_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6620_0303_web.jpg (481.2 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0307.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0307_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6620_0307_web.jpg (499.3 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0309.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0309_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6620_0309_web.jpg (434.0 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0310.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0310_thumb.jpg (4.8 KB)
6620_0310_web.jpg (366.9 KB)
Decoration: Marginal drawing, Man pouring wine

6620_0322.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0322_thumb.jpg (5.0 KB)
6620_0322_web.jpg (347.2 KB)
Decoration: Marginal drawing, animal hybrid

6620_0332.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0332_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6620_0332_web.jpg (406.2 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, woman and child presented before a judge
Decoration: Decorated initial U
Decoration: Partial foliate border

6620_0340.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0340_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
6620_0340_web.jpg (345.8 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial P, monk

6620_0364.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0364_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
6620_0364_web.jpg (359.2 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial P, lawyer

6620_0376.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0376_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
6620_0376_web.jpg (460.7 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial A
Decoration: Inhabited initial C, lawyer

6620_0377.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0377_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6620_0377_web.jpg (429.1 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial M

6620_0383.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0383_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6620_0383_web.jpg (461.4 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, lawyers
Decoration: Decorated initial L
Decoration: Partial foliate border

6620_0406.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0406_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
6620_0406_web.jpg (404.4 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0426.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0426_thumb.jpg (4.9 KB)
6620_0426_web.jpg (349.7 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, lawyers and petitioners
Decoration: Decorated initial T
Decoration: Partial foliate border

6620_0434.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0434_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6620_0434_web.jpg (402.7 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, lawyers
Decoration: Decorted initial U
Decoration: Partial foliate border

6620_0473.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0473_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6620_0473_web.jpg (388.6 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P
Decoration: Decorated initial M

6620_0480.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0480_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6620_0480_web.jpg (449.3 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0484.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0484_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
6620_0484_web.jpg (446.2 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0489.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0489_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6620_0489_web.jpg (422.7 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, petitioners before a judge
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, animal hybrid
Decoration: Partial foliate border

6620_0491.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0491_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6620_0491_web.jpg (472.5 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0498.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0498_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6620_0498_web.jpg (441.0 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0503.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0503_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6620_0503_web.jpg (453.6 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, animal hybrid

6620_0509.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0509_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6620_0509_web.jpg (414.7 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0512.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0512_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6620_0512_web.jpg (469.8 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, head

6620_0514.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0514_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6620_0514_web.jpg (450.0 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0519.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0519_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6620_0519_web.jpg (466.6 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0523.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0523_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6620_0523_web.jpg (504.6 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial U
Decoration: Decorated initial U

6620_0524.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0524_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6620_0524_web.jpg (462.1 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, head

6620_0527.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0527_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6620_0527_web.jpg (463.6 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0528.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0528_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6620_0528_web.jpg (446.2 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, lawyers and peasants
Decoration: Decorated initial P

6620_0549.tif (159.2 MB)
6620_0549_thumb.jpg (4.8 KB)
6620_0549_web.jpg (312.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, lawyer

6620_0556.tif (159.2 MB)
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Decoration: Anthropomorphic initial I

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Decoration: Decorated initial U

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Decoration: Decorated initial G

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Decoration: Inhabited initial U, lawyer
Decoration: Decorated initial M
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, head
Decoration: Decorated initial U
Decoration: Decorated initial M

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Section: Liber XXXIX of the Justinian Digest [imperfect]

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Decoration: Multiple early notations in ink

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Decoration: Multiple early notations in ink
Decoration: Marginal drawing, man fighting dragon(?)

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Decoration: Notations in pencil

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Decoration: Notations in pencil

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