Othmer MS 4 Ars brevis; Ars abbreviata praedicanda
Ars brevis; Ars abbreviata praedicandaAuthors
- Llull, Ramon, 1232?-1316 (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n79142616)
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Othmer MS 4(Philadelphia, Science History Institute, Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Library of Chemical History)
Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Library of Chemical HistoryLanguage
Circa 1490-1550; circa 1490-1520
- Place
Southern Netherlands
This manuscript contains two works by Raymond Llull, one on demonstrating the truth of Catholic faith and the other a treatise on preaching.
- Fol. 22, mostly torn out, fol. 11, with small tear in outer margin, slight staining throughout, with no loss of text, darker on the opening leaves, inner margin in the first quire, bottom margin, fol. 1, and top and outer margins, fols. 18-23v, fol. 24, darkened and stained in the margin, fols. 24v-31, with light staining; Quire 3 leaf 8 has been canceled; Quire 4 begins on fol. 24
Hand or glove, with a cuff, above a flower with six petals, similar to Piccard 155973, Neuenbürg, 1494, Piccard 155968, Bartenstein, 1517, Piccard 155971, Johannisburg, 1517, Piccard 155966, Marienburg, 1520, Piccard 155967, Morungen, 1518, and Piccard 155969, Marinburg, 1517, no similar marks found in Briquet (Work 2)Extent
Ii+35+ii; 198 x 133 mm bound to 203 x 142 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, upper outer corner recto, 1-35; earlier incomplete modern foliation, lower outer corner recto, 1-24; early foliation in Roman numerals, upper outer corner, i-xii (fols. 24-35)Collation
1-2 (8), 3 (8, -8), 4 (12)Support
Modern light brown morocco, spine with four slightly raised bands, and "1307," in gilt, turn-ins tooled in gold, marbled endpapersLayout
Diagrams and tables in green, yellow and red; red paragraph marks; three-line red initial (fol. 1r); two-line initials in red or green
- Clipping from Sotheby sale, 12 July 1971, lot 44 laid in; front flyleaf, fol. iv, in blue pencil, "1307," and in pencil, "(36)," and "SE/-/"; front flyleaf, fol. ii, in blue pencil, "31," front flyleaf, fol. iiv, "Rol xii"; back flyleaf, fol. ii, "SC, 19935."
- Treatise
- 15th century
- 16th century
- Netherlands
- Germany
- Christian
- Theology
- Diagrams
- Tables
- Philosophy
- Text
- These images and the content of Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Library of Chemical History, Othmer MS 4: Ars brevis; Ars abbreviata praedicanda are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Othmer Library, Chemical Heritage Foundation has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Library of Chemical History Othmer MS 4: Ars brevis; Ars abbreviata praedicanda. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
- fol. 1v — A small table, with the letters B-K, with their associated meanings, in chart form
- fol. 2r — Prima figura is a circle with "A" in the center, and with letters representing the nine fundamental principles of the Art inscribed around the circumference; B, goodness, C, greatness, D, eternity or duration, E, power or authority, F, wisdom, or instinct, G, will or appetite, H, virtue, I, truth, K, glory; in text ink and light brown, with green lines connecting points on circle
- fol. 3v — Secunda figura, is a circle, with "T" in the center of three interlocking triangles in red, green and yellow, arranged in a circle; it represents three triads of concepts
- fol. 4r — Third figure, triangle with "compartments" or pairs of all the possible binary combinations without repetitions of the concepts from the first two figures, in text ink, with green
- fol. 4v — A small circular diagram, in brown and green, with the letters b-k, inscribed in the outer ring, and with a small thread extant in the middle (missing are two smaller circles, with the same letters, that would have rotated around their common center, and thus generated "compartments" of three letters)
- fol. 7r — A large table, with combinations of letters

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Section: Ars breuis siue artificum magistri Raymundi Lullii

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Decoration: A small table, with the letters B-K, with their associated meanings, in chart form

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Decoration: Prima figura is a circle with "A" in the center, and with letters representing the nine fundamental principles of the Art inscribed around the circumference; B, goodness, C, greatness, D, eternity or duration, E, power or authority, F, wisdom, or instinct, G, will or appetite, H, virtue, I, truth, K, glory; in text ink and light brown, with green lines connecting points on circle

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Decoration: Secunda figura, is a circle, with "T" in the center of three interlocking triangles in red, green and yellow, arranged in a circle; it represents three triads of concepts

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Decoration: Third figure, triangle with "compartments" or pairs of all the possible binary combinations without repetitions of the concepts from the first two figures, in text ink, with green

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Decoration: A small circular diagram, in brown and green, with the letters b-k, inscribed in the outer ring, and with a small thread extant in the middle (missing are two smaller circles, with the same letters, that would have rotated around their common center, and thus generated "compartments" of three letters)

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Decoration: A large table, with combinations of letters

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Section: Ars abbreviata praedicandi

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