Othmer MS 9 Le petit rosaire; Extract on Alchemy from the Roman de la Rose
Le petit rosaire; Extract on Alchemy from the Roman de la RoseAuthors
- Pseudo-Arnaldus de Villanova
- Jean, de Meun, approximately 1240-approximately 1305 (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n50051578)
Other related names
- J. B. de G (possibly 'Jean Benoit de Gréon'), translator
- Gilbert, J., former owner
- B.D. Delevue[?], former owner
- Ritman, Joost R., former owner (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2013058385.html)
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Othmer MS 9(Philadelphia, Science History Institute, Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Library of Chemical History)
Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Library of Chemical HistoryLanguage
Middle French (ca. 1400-1600)Origin
Circa 1600-1640
- Place
Northeastern France
This is a seventeenth-century copy of a fifteenth-century translation and re-working on the Rosarius Philosophorum.
- Many annotations by later readers; staining throughout
- 1st leaf is a unnumbered pastedown and the next 5 are unnumbered. fol. 105 is a singleton
I+120+i; 315 x 205 mm bound to 315 x 214 mmFoliation
Original foliation in Arabic numerals in ink upper outer corner, with five unnumbered folios, fols. 1-115 (incorrectly foliated with fol. 65 followed by fol. 67), and one unnumbered leaf, apparently complete; first five folios numbered i-v in pencilCollation
1-7 (12), 8 (14), 9 (13, +13), 10 (10)Support
Bound in contemporary limp vellum over pasteboard, smooth spine with title in ink, "Petit Rosaire d'Arnaud de Villeneuve," rubbed, darkened and slightly soiled, ties missing, covering at top and bottom corners and bottom of spine slightly damaged, but in sound conditionLayout
Ninety-four pen-and-ink illustrations of alchemical equipment; Blank spaces for drawings never completed found on three folios: fol. 62r, Voicy la roué Astrolabicqe de laquelle iay faict mention cy dessus; fol. 97v, Voicy la figure de la four; fol. 98r, Voicy la figure de la four
- Belonged to J. Gilbert, the physician of the Archbishop of Rouen (?), who signed his name in 1743: "J. Gilbert, adr[?] l'archeveque medic. Rothomag. 1743" (inscription, fol. ii, signature repeated on fol. 115v, and verso of last blank); Signed "B.D. Delevue[?], in ink, fol. i (eighteenth- or nineteenth-century); Unidentified early engraved heraldic bookplate, inside front cover, lion rampant azure or; Modern cataloguing notes in pencil, fol. i; Belonged to Joost R. Ritman (b. 1941), the Dutch businessman and collector of art and books; acquired in 1999 from Chastenay (as reported in Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections); Bibliotheca Philosophia Hermetica MS 204 (bookplate, inside front cover); briefly described in Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections (Online Resources)
- 17th century
- France
- French
- Science
- Illustration
- Drawing
- Annotated
- Treatise
- Text
- These images and the content of Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Library of Chemical History, Othmer MS 9: Le petit rosaire; Extract on Alchemy from the Roman de la Rose are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Othmer Library, Chemical Heritage Foundation has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Library of Chemical History Othmer MS 9: Le petit rosaire; Extract on Alchemy from the Roman de la Rose. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- Unnumbered ii recto — Cy commence la table de ce petit liure en recapitulacion des commencement de tous les chappistres. Premirement; incipit: Le proesme du traicté a follio 1
- fol. 1r — Icy commence le petit Rosaire de M[aistre] Arnauld de Villeneufve faict et composé sur la Rose d'alquemie translaté de latin en françois par J. B. de G; incipit: Comme il soit ainsy que ja pieça noz peres et patrons en nostre science cest ascavoir Herme Platon et son filz Aristotil ...
- fol. 110r — Roman de la Rose, Jean de Meun; incipit: Bien dalquimie tant apprendre/ Que tou[s] metaulz en coullor taindre/ …/ Travaillent tant cum il vivront/ La nature n'aconsivront
- fol. 3v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 3v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 3v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 4r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 4r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 4r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 4r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 4v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 7r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 7r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 7v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 8r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 11v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 13v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 14r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 15r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 15v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 16r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 16r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 16r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 16v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 17v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 17v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 18v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 18v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 22r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 22r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 22r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 22v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 22v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 22v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 22v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 23r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 27r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 30v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 32r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 32r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 32r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 35r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 35v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 35v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 35v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 35v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 35v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 35v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 36r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 36r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 36r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 36r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 36r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 36r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 36v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 36v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 36v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 37r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 41r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 41r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 56r — Tables
- fol. 56v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 56v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 64r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 64v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 64v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 64v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 64v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 67v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 74v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 74v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 74v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 79r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 79v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 80r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 80r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 80r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 84r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 84r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 84r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 84r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 84r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 84v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 84v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 84v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 84v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 87r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 87r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 87r — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 87v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 91v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 91v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 91v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 114v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 114v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
- fol. 114v — Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Section: Cy commence la table de ce petit liure en recapitulacion des commencement de tous les chappistres. Premirement

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Section: Icy commence le petit Rosaire de M[aistre] Arnauld de Villeneufve faict et composé sur la Rose d'alquemie translaté de latin en françois par J. B. de G

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Tables

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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Section: Roman de la Rose, Jean de Meun

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Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment
Decoration: Pen and ink drawing of alchemical equipment

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