MS 484/21 Dialogorum … libri quatuor de miraculis
Dialogorum … libri quatuor de miraculisAuthors
- Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604 (
Other related names
- Cathédrale Notre-Dame (Noyon, France), former owner (
- Marlborough, George Spencer Churchill, Duke of, 1766-1840, former owner (
- Drury, Henry, 1778-1841, former owner (
- Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872, former owner (
- Vollbehr, Otto H. F. (Otto Heinrich Friederich), 1869-, former owner (
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
MS 484/21(Philadelphia, United States, Rosenbach Museum & Library)
Rosenbach Museum & LibraryLanguage
- Place
This manuscript is a copy of the four books of Dialogues of Pope Gregory I. Framed as dialogues between Gregory and his younger associate Peter, the dialogues present the miraculous works of sixth-century Italian monks, with the second book devoted to the life of Saint Benedict. Large simple initials in red mark the beginning of each of the four books (fols. 5r, 28v, 52v, 90v), and the text is written in Protogothic script by multiple hands.
- Nineteenth-century paper flyleaves
- Missing lines of text supplied in a thirteenth-century hand (twelve lines at the bottom of fol. 99r, four lines at the top of fol. 99v)
- Trimmed marginal notes (such as fols. 122r, 126r)
Ii+126+ii; 255 x 165 mm bound to 260 x 180 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, upper right rectoCollation
Structure uncertain; sewing visible after fols. 42, 58, 66, 74, and 98 suggests a series of gatherings of eightSupport
Early nineteenth-century English brown diced Russian leather; gilt spine title S. Gregorii DialogiLayout
Title in display uncials, alternating lines of red and brown, large simple ornamented initials in red at beginning of table of contents and book divisions (fols. 1r, 5r, 28v, 52v, 90v); rubrication, red 1-line or 2-line initials, the names Gregorius and Petrus, and marginal roman numerals in red throughout
- Formerly held by the Cathédrale Notre-Dame of Noyon (thirteenth century; inscription Liber Sancte Marie Noviomensis, f. 1r); George, fourth Duke of Marlborough and Marquess of Blandford (Drury inscription, White Knight's Library, front flyleaf 1 recto), his sale London, 1819, number 1961; sold to the Reverend Henry Drury, Harrow (Drury inscription, front flyleaf 1 recto), his sale London, 1827, number 2014; sold to dealer Thomas Thorpe for Sir Thomas Phillipps, his number 3355 (pencil inscription, front flyleaf 1 verso), his sale London, 1913, number 791; sold to dealer Karl W. Hiersemann; formerly owned by Otto H. F. Vollbehr; purchased in 1946 from the Vollbehr collection through Bank of America
- Treatise
- 12th century
- French
- Ornament
- France
- Church Fathers
- Theology
- Text
- These images and the content of Rosenbach Museum & Library MS 484/21: Dialogorum … libri quatuor de miraculis are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Rosenbach of the Free Library of Philadelphia has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Rosenbach Museum & Library MS 484/21: Dialogorum … libri quatuor de miraculis. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Table of contents
- fol. 5r — Liber primus; incipit: Quadam die nimiis quorundam saecularum tumultibus ... [fol. 5r]; explicit: Si aliud exordium sumamus. [fol. 28r]
- fol. 28v — Liber secundus; incipit: Fuit vir vitae venerabilis gratia Benedictus et nomine ... [fol. 28v]; explicit: Loquendi vires interim per silentium reparemus. [fol. 52v]
- fol. 52v — Liber tertius; incipit: Dum vicinis valde patribus intendo maiorum facta reliqueram ... [fol. 52v]; explicit: Subsequenti hoc quarto volumine demonstrabo. [fol. 90v]
- fol. 90v — Liber quartus; incipit: Postquam de paradisi gaudiis culpa exigente ... [fol. 90v]; explicit: Si ante mortem deo hostia ipsi fuerimus. [fol. 126r]

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Section: Liber quartus
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