Franklin & Marshall College Library, Archives & Special Collections

Franklin & Marshall College Library, Archives & Special Collections

Repository ID: 0038 | Metadata type: TEI

Documents the Archives & Special Collections at Franklin & Marshall College Library



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The data presented on OPenn are intended for aggregators, digital humanists, and scholars who have been directed here to procure high-resolution images and their associated metadata. It is presented in a manner most likely to ensure its long-term digital preservation.

Some of the works from the Archives & Special Collections at Franklin & Marshall College Library have facsimiles available online, in a user-friendly format, at:

About Franklin & Marshall College Library, Archives & Special Collections

The Archives & Special Collections at Franklin & Marshall College Library organizes, preserves, and promotes the visual and written record of the college, faculty and student scholarship, and the digital and special collections of the library. Collections include German-American imprints, manuscripts and rare books, posters, maps, prints, newspapers and photographs, as well as the permanent historical record of Franklin & Marshall College and its related institutions: Franklin College, Marshall College, and Franklin and Marshall Academy.

OPenn includes some of the items from Franklin & Marshall College Library, Archives & Special Collections. For more information on all of the archives and special collections available at Franklin & Marshall College Library see:

The documents on OPenn