Halper 116 Collection of philosophical essays and sermonson Joshua, an unspecified woman, Ṿa-yetse, selected midrashim, Shavuot, Seventh day of Passover
Collection of philosophical essays and sermonson Joshua, an unspecified woman, Ṿa-yetse, selected midrashim, Shavuot, Seventh day of PassoverCall number
Halper 116(Philadelphia, United States, University of Pennsylvania, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Library, Cairo Genizah Collection)
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Center for Advanced Judaic Studies LibraryLanguage
15th century?
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- Fols. 1-8a (in the original pagination: 44-51) are from the end of a series of essays on Joshua, written in a dialectic style more common to Talmudists. The discussion is largely on philosophic issues, rather than hermeneutic ones; Each essay is a distinct unit, most of them end with "תם" and empty space. The essays in this fragment are on Joshua VI 27; VII 7; VIII 1; IX; X 12 (ends תם ונשלם, the remaining ¾ of the page is empty); XIV 6 (headed יהושע, as if a distinct discourse is being added); Fols. 8b-11b (51-54) is a sermon for an unspecified deceased woman, as in the heading דרוש לנפטרת. Fols. 12-14 (55-57) contains two essays for the weekly Torah portion Ṿa-yetse (Gen. XXVIII 11-22), dealing primarily with passages from Midrash rabbah and other common Midrashim; Both bear the heading: מאמר לפרשת ויצא. The second essay ends after three lines on fol. 13b, the rest of the page is empty; Fols. 15-20 (58-63) are six folios written in a different, more cursive hand, containing five essays on selected Midrashim, similar in character to the previous two; The first is a short article with no heading, but starts with the citation of Yalkut Shim'oni on Psalm CX, the subject of the article; The second is also on Yalkut Shim'oni Psalm III, but bears the heading ערבי פסחים. This essay ends in the middle of fol. 15b, the rest of the page is empty; The subject of the third essay is Midrash rabbah on Song of Solomon VI 2; The fourth, under the heading מאמר למתן תורה, פרק אמר ר' עקיבא (probably for Shavuoth), is on an Aggadic passage which appears in Talmud, Shabbat 88b. The final article (19b to the middle of 20b) is on Midrash rabbah on Gen. I 31; Fols. 21-24 (64-68, 66 is missing) revert to the first hand. Fol. 21 begins a sermon for the Seventh day of Passover, as in the heading: ספרי מאמר ליום השביעי של פסח. Its subject is the allegory which appears in Mekhilta Be-shalaḥ IV (on Ex. XIV 37, also in Yalḳut Shim'oni Psalm CXIV 5), upon which 12 questions are raised; This is followed by another sermon for the same occasion, headed מאמר אחר לפסח, whose subject is Midrash rabbah on Ex. XVI 1. Of the last sermon in the fragment, remains the first folio only; Headed למתן תורה (probably for Shavuoth), the author starts by raising six questions on the Midrash in Bereshit Rabbah I 10 אמר ר' אלעזר בר חנינא etc.
- Condition: consecutive, except for one fol. between fols. 22 and 23.
20.5 X 15 cmSupport
Material applied: black ink
- Cairo Genizah Collection (University of Pennsylvania. Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. Library).
- Cairo Genizah Collection (Dropsie College. Library).
- Adler.
- Friedenwald.
Subjects topical
- Shavuot sermons , Early works to 1800
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