Halper 136 Excerpts from a version of Soferim. Judeo-Arabic essay on Biblical prophecies
Excerpts from a version of Soferim. Judeo-Arabic essay on Biblical propheciesCall number
Halper 136(Philadelphia, United States, University of Pennsylvania, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Library, Cairo Genizah Collection)
Alternate identifiers
Center for Advanced Judaic Studies LibraryLanguage
Hebrew; Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE); Imperial Aramaic (700-300 BCE); Judeo-ArabicOrigin
10th century-11th century?
- Place
- There are missing fols. between fol. 2 and fols. 3-4 (=137 fol. 2-136 fol. 2), but they might be from the same essay. They deal with different types of biblical prophecies, classified into 4 prototypes; Fol. 1 (Halper 136.1) and its continuation at the top of fol. 2 (Halper 137.1) contain a numbered list of laws on various topics. The fragment contains from the end of ז to the beginning of י, which is interrupted after the first word; Although all the excerpts appear in Talmud or Midrash, they are recorded here in a version that is closest to their appearance in Soferim, which, in its various versions, is the only source common to all the material. ז is a laconic presentation (the beginning and end) of an article similar to material in the Talmudic passage Berakhot 61b l. 53-62a l. 13; This article is related to the end of Soferim version II: Masekhet Soferim / Michael Higger [ed.]. New York : Blokh, 1937]. ח is comprised of material in Soferim III 17 and V 9. ט-י is a laconic presentation (beginning and end) of Soferim IV. The orthography is occasionally primitive and plenum; After one line on the second folio (137 fol. 1a), the previous is interrupted with the beginning of a philosophic essay in a primitive, phonetic Judeo-Arabic.
14 X 11.4 cmSupport
Material applied: black ink
- Cairo Genizah Collection (University of Pennsylvania. Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. Library).
- Cairo Genizah Collection (Dropsie College. Library).
- Adler.
Subjects topical
- Jewish law
- Text
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