Halper 191 Adon Olam with correspondent commandments, sephirot, also a discussion of grammatical rules of vocalization and nouns
Adon Olam with correspondent commandments, sephirot, also a discussion of grammatical rules of vocalization and nounsCall number
Halper 191(Philadelphia, United States, University of Pennsylvania, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Library, Cairo Genizah Collection)
Alternate identifiers
Center for Advanced Judaic Studies LibraryLanguage
19th century
- Place
- The primary writing, covering the upper half of the recto, is in an Ashkenazic square hand. In the center are the first eight verses of Adon Olam. To the right is a corresponding list of the Ten Commandments (alluded to by their opening phrase), to the left is a corresponding list of the ten sefirot; The members of each list is placed next to its respective line in Adon Olam; this is followed by a list in a late Ashkenazic cursive hand of numbers with explanations on their respective Kabbalistic values; The remainder of the folio, the lower quarter of the recto (8 lines, starting from the bottom, in the opposite direction) and all of the verso (29 lines) are grammatical notes in a late Ashkenazic cursive hand with sporadic vocalization. The former contains rules of vocalization, the latter explains different types of nouns.
- Condition: complete.
18.5 X 10.9 cmSupport
Material applied: black ink
- Cairo Genizah Collection (University of Pennsylvania. Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. Library).
- Cairo Genizah Collection (Dropsie College. Library).
- Amram.
Subjects topical
- Siddurim , Texts
- Text
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