Halper 209 Maḥazor, Erets Yiśreʾeli rite, Passover
Maḥazor, Erets Yiśreʾeli rite, PassoverCall number
Halper 209(Philadelphia, United States, University of Pennsylvania, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Library, Cairo Genizah Collection)
Alternate identifiers
Center for Advanced Judaic Studies LibraryLanguage
Hebrew; Judeo-ArabicOrigin
12th century-14th century?
- Place
- Text breaks denoted by a punctus or sof pasuḳ, plus a space; the divine name is signified by a triangle of three dots above a ḳamats; From an instructive Maḥazor, as the prayer texts appear in short, narrated by detailed instructions for the synagogue service. Piyyut supplements are mentioned, such as the Ma'ariv [ליל אומץ [לזרע תמימים; The fragment is from the Evening service, including the rites for Passover Eve on Sabbath, some of which are uncommon; After the 'Amidah, the leader is instructed וירד מן הבמה ויאמר של שבת, followed by Kiddush, where he is instructed וישתה וישקה נער, Mishnah Sabbath chapter II, to the end of the service: וילכו לבתיהם; There is no mention of Hallel. The next paragraph is the Evening Service for Passover Eve if it is the night after Sabbath. The service starts with preliminary Psalms CV and CXXXV (only the latter appears in the common Erets Israel rite, see E. Fleischer, Tefillah u-minhage tefillah Erets-Yiśreʾeliyim, 1988, p. 167), supplementary piyyutim are mentioned. The complete text of the special Havdalah supplement in the fourth blessing of the 'Amidah. Afterwards the leader is instructed ויעלה לבמה for the recitation of Hallel, followed by the complete text of the synagogue Havdalah.
- Condition: damaged, losses at lower interior corner.
34.3 X 26 cmSupport
Black ink
- Cairo Genizah Collection (University of Pennsylvania. Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. Library).
- Cairo Genizah Collection (Dropsie College. Library).
- Sulzberger.
Subjects topical
- Passover
- Text
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