Halper 273 Collected liturgical poems for mourners
Collected liturgical poems for mournersCall number
Halper 273(Philadelphia, United States, University of Pennsylvania, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Library, Cairo Genizah Collection)
Alternate identifiers
Center for Advanced Judaic Studies LibraryLanguage
Judeo-Arabic; HebrewOrigin
11th century-12th century?
- Place
- Verse denoted by a punctus; marginal correction on fol. 2v; A. (fol. 1) A poetic Tsiduḳ ha-din. 7 strophes (א-ז), of 4 verses. Starts אל[ה]ים י'י בזממו מי יפר; Heading: ברכת המזון לאבל, a poetic supplement to Grace after meals in the house of the mourners, including allusions to the first three blessing of the Grace, where these paragraphs are to be inserted. 6 strophes of 4 verses (א-ששתת). Starts אדם נוצר מעפר; (fols. 1-2) Heading אחרת, another poetic supplement to Grace after meals, to be inserted to the third blessing, startsאברך לאל באמת\ ברוך דיין האמת; (fol. 2) Heading: משה מת. A poetic Tsiduḳ ha-din, constructed of 4 four-verse strophes with the acrostic signature יצחק. Starts יצורי שמיו וטפסרי מעוניו; Heading, in Judeo-Arabic: מתלה, another, 2 four-verse strophes, starting מלאכי מרום כעין הבדולץ; Under the same heading, another, 6 three-verse strophes, starting אזכיר אתכם אנשי תום. The acrostic signature in verses 2-5 reads מאיר. It is then suggested that this be followed by one of two dirges, assumed to be known to the user and mentioned here only by title: שאו קינה על בני אדם, or alternatively אחרית כל נשמה; A poetic eulogy, constructed of 4 four-verse strophes, starting עשו מספד שאו קינה. The fragment ends at the first verse of the fifth strophe.
- Condition: consecutive, nearly complete; fol. 2 unevenly cut along lower exterior corner; marginalia.
17.4 X 11.5 cmSupport
Material applied: black ink
- Cairo Genizah Collection (University of Pennsylvania. Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. Library).
- Cairo Genizah Collection (Dropsie College. Library).
- Adler.
Subjects topical
- Dirges
- Text
- These images and the content of Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Library, Halper 273: Collected liturgical poems for mourners are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
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