Halper 299 Collected liturgical poems in honor of the bridegroom
Collected liturgical poems in honor of the bridegroomCall number
Halper 299(Philadelphia, United States, University of Pennsylvania, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Library, Cairo Genizah Collection)
Alternate identifiers
Center for Advanced Judaic Studies LibraryLanguage
Hebrew; Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE); Imperial Aramaic (700-300 BCE)Origin
10th century-12th century?
- Place
- Verse endings denoted by a period, strophes divided by a space; A. (fol. 1) The last three strophes (verses ח-ת) of a poem in honor of the bridegroom in Aramaic. The strophes start with the word [חת[ן, and are composed of 2-4 verses that rhyme יה-. Ends תיובה דשיזיב לאחוי מן קטלייה; Possibly recited as a Reshut for the special reading (or its Targum) on the Sabbath of a wedding, in which Gen. XXIV is read. At the end of the piyyut appears ואמר אברהם לעבדיה, the Targum of verse 2 of this reading; B. Heading: חורן רשות. Another piyyut of this type, in Aramaic, starting אתן דוכסא לאל רם ונישא. Seven strophes of four short verses, the first and third are alphabetical, ending at מ; C. (fols. 1-2) Heading: רהוט, possibly intended to be recited with the Seven Blessings, as in the refrainשבע ברכות אברכך בעדת ישרים. Starts חתן אז יברך שוכן שמי עלייה. Identical structure as the preceding, each strophe starts with the word חתן. The theme text, present in every fourth verse (except the second one) is Psalm CXXVIII; D. Heading: חורן. The first 17 strophes (א-צ, skipping ל) of אתחמי במרומה עתיק יומה, in Aramaic. Four short verses per strophe (2-4 words). The subject here is less specific than the others. In place of the missing ל strophe are two empty lines. The fragment ends after the second verse of the צ strophe.
- Condition: consecutive, complete.
11.4 X 10.3 cmSupport
Material applied: black ink
- Cairo Genizah Collection (University of Pennsylvania. Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. Library).
- Cairo Genizah Collection (Dropsie College. Library).
- Amram.
Subjects topical
- Piyutim
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- These images and the content of Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Library, Halper 299: Collected liturgical poems in honor of the bridegroom are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
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