CAJS Rar Ms 506 Kitve Shelomoh Yosef Ḳarpi me-Liṿorno. / [כתבי שלמה יוסף קארפי מליוורנו]
Kitve Shelomoh Yosef Ḳarpi me-Liṿorno.[כתבי שלמה יוסף קארפי מליוורנו]
- Ḳarpi, Shelomoh Yosef b. Natan
קארפי, שלמה יוסף בן נתן - Ḳarpi, Shelomoh Yosef b. Natan
קארפי, שלמה יוסף בן נתן - Rare Judaica Acquisitions Fund
Call number
CAJS Rar Ms 506(420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106-3703, University of Pennsylvania, Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies)
Alternate identifiers
- bibid: 9969495413503681
University of PennsylvaniaLanguage
Hebrew, with a few words in Italian in the genealogy portion on the rear paste-downOrigin
- Date
- 1744-1745
- Place
This is a manuscript of collected writings and correspondence of Solomon Joseph Ḳarpi (then spelled Carpi) of Livorno. The opening letter is addressed to his brother, Yiśraʼel Ḥayim Ḳarpi, called "the great emissary" in Aramaic ("hai sheluḥah rabah," f. 1r) on the title page which includes a note about the manuscript's creation. Writing about Shabtai Tsevi (Izmir 1626 - Ulcinj 1676, f. v-22r), he records testimonies about a trip through Istanbul (f. 5v-6v) and its surrounding villages (f. 7r-7v) and Shabtai in Italy, including Casale Monferrato (f. 8r-16v). Other materials include correspondence of a R. Mordekhai Bośki, a Shadar (acronym for Sheluḥa de-rabanan, a rabbinical emissary; f. 54r); a ḳinah written by Ya'aḳov Ḥayim Castir-Franco of Padua, possibly about a local tragic event (f. 67r-69v); a eulogy and poem on the death of R. Immanuel Ḥai Ricchi (Ferrara 1688 - Modena? 1743), a prominent cabalist and author of Mishnat ḥasidim and Hon ʻashir, who was murdered on the road near Modena (f. 90r-93r); correspondence to R. Joseph Galiḳi (then called Gallichi), a rabbi in Livorno (f. 110v). Included is a work titled "Naḥalat tsevi" (f. 93r-102v), a condemnation of the proto-Sabbatean writer Neḥemia Ḥayon (Egypt? ca. 1655- North Africa? ca. 1730) attesting to "the nefarious incident, 'Ḥiya Ḥayon sh.r.i.'" (acronym shem reshaʻim yirḳaṿ, or "let the name of the wicked rot") and the mention of Ḥayon's nemesis, R. Tsevi Ashkenazi (known as Ḥakham Tsevi; Velké Meziříčí 1656 - Lviv 1718) and mentioning Ḥayon's anti-Ashkenazi polemic ha-Ttsad Tsevi; the introduction ends with Ḳarpi's prayer to be remembered as siding with R. Ashkenazi (who is not named), and a note that the name of the treatise is the same gematriah as his full name. Some folios, possibly with text, may be missing where there are breaks in the contemporary foliation sequence (after f. 16, 42, 131, 140). Other places named are Severino (f. 114r) and Siena (f. 116v). The manuscript concludes with a poem in honor of Carpi's son Simḥah's marriage (f. 146v-147r). The paste-downs inside each cover have records of the births of members of the Carpi family, with the latest dated 1750.
- Ms. codex.
- Title supplied by cataloger.
148 leaves : 140 x 98 (110 x 65) mm bound to 145 x 105 mmCollation
Paper, 148; 1¹⁰ 2⁶ 3⁴ 4⁴ (-1) 5⁸ (-8) 6¹⁰ (-6) 7⁶ 8¹⁰ 9⁶ 10¹⁰ 11⁶ 12¹⁰ 13⁶ 14¹⁰ 15⁶ 16¹⁰ 17⁶ 18¹⁰ (-4,5,6) 19⁶ 20¹⁰ ; contemporary foliation in ink on folios 1-146, upper left recto, 1-16, 24-42, 44-131, 138-140, 144-160; modern foliation in pencil, lower left recto, [1-148]. References in this record are to modern foliation.Support
Contemporary vellum on soft board, likely original; no spine cords apparent. There is evidence for a contemporary spine title, no longer legible.Layout
- Sold by Kestenbaum and Company, sale 68 (April 7, 2016) lot 113.
Subjects topical
- Shabbethai Tzevi,--1626-1676
- Ricchi, Raphael Immanuel ben Abraham Ḥai,--1688-1743
- Ḥayon, Nehemiah Ḥiyya ben Moses,---approximately 1730
- Ashkenazi, Ẓevi Hirsch ben Jacob,---1718
- Jews--Italy--Livorno--History--Sources
- Jews--Italy--Padua--History--Sources
- Jews, Italian--History--Sources
- Cabala--History
- Hebrew poetry
- Codices (bound manuscripts)
- Religious poetry
- Personal correspondence
- Manuscripts, Hebrew--18th century
- Manuscripts, European
- Text
- These images and the content of Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies CAJS Rar Ms 506: Kitve Shelomoh Yosef Ḳarpi me-Liṿorno. are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- Metadata is ©2020 University of Pennsylvania Libraries and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License version 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0 For a description of the terms of use see the Creative Commons Deed

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