Ms. Codex 1153 Tractatus De generatione et corruptione ad mentem subtilium ac theologorum omnium principis Ioannis Duns Scoti
Tractatus De generatione et corruptione ad mentem subtilium ac theologorum omnium principis Ioannis Duns ScotiOther related names
- Rodulphus a Carpo, former owner
Call number
Ms. Codex 1153(Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Rare Book & Manuscript Library)
Alternate identifiers
- bibid: 4293040
The University of Pennsylvania LibrariesLanguage
- Date
- 1650
- Place
Two scholastic commentaries on Aristotle: the first on De generatione et corruptione; the latter on De anima. In between is a two-page work on the soul, apparently unconnected to either book, written in a different hand. The author of the two major works appears to be a proponent of John Duns Scotus. The title page includes two abbreviations, "C. D.F.R.M.D.C.C." and "B. L.N.D.F.C.M.," as well as a dedication: "Ad usus fratris Rodulphi a Carpo ordinis minorum observantium almae provinciae Bononiae" (f. 1r).
- Ms. codex.
- Title from title page (f. 1r).
Briquet Oiseau 12210 (1591).Extent
138 leaves : 184 x 123 (155 x 90) mm. bound to 192 x 137 mmCollation
Paper, iv + 133 + i; 1⁵( -5) 2-17⁸; quires signed 1-17, upper right recto; [1-134], modern foliation in pencil, lower right recto. Irregular contemporary foliation in ink, upper right recto. Catchwords on last leaf of each quire, lower right verso.Support
Contemporary parchment.Layout
Title page has both a rectangular outer border, and a triangular inner border with leaves, vines, and flower designs, as well as a musical instrument of sorts with the abbreviated mottos written on its neck, all in red ink, except the lettering of the titles themselves (f. 1r).
- Sold by Librari L. Gonnelli (Florence), 1963.
Subjects topical
- Soul--Early works to 1800
- Scholasticism
- Manuscripts, Latin--17th century
- Manuscripts, European
- Codices
- Text
- This description is ©2016 University of Pennsylvania Libraries. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License version 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0 For a description of the terms of use see the Creative Commons Deed
- Text
- All referenced images and their content are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Tractatus De generatione et corruptione ad mentem subtilium ac theologorum omnium principis Ioannis Duns Scoti, f. 1r
- fol. 93r — An anime sit subiectum adequatum et attributionis huius scientiae, f. 93r
- fol. 97r — Questiones in libros Aristotelis De anima secundum mentem doctoris subtilis, f. 97r

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Section: Tractatus De generatione et corruptione ad mentem subtilium ac theologorum omnium principis Ioannis Duns Scoti, f. 1r
Decoration: Decorated title page, f. 1r

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Section: An anime sit subiectum adequatum et attributionis huius scientiae, f. 93r

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Section: Questiones in libros Aristotelis De anima secundum mentem doctoris subtilis, f. 97r

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