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Collection ID: 0002 | Metadata type: TEI | TEI XML | Data

Ms. Codex 1177 Rule of the Heilig-Geist-Spital in Eichstätt


Rule of the Heilig-Geist-Spital in Eichstätt


Call number

Ms. Codex 1177
(3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6206., University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts)

Alternate identifiers


University of Pennsylvania


German, with one prayer in Latin (f. 8r)


Written in Eichstätt, in Bavaria, Germany, ca. 1247-1259.
ca. 1247-1259


Copy of the rule (Regel) of the Heilig-Geist-Spital (Hospital of the Holy Spirit) in Eichstätt, issued by Heinrich, Bishop of Eichstätt (Wir Heinrich von gotes genaden pischof ze Eysten, f. 1v), probably the last of four bishops by that name who held office between 1225 and 1259, namely Heinrich IV (1247-1259); the other possible authors are Heinrich I (1225-1228), Heinrich II (1228-1232), and Heinrich III (1233-1237). The rule governed the way of life of the monastic community (Bruderschaft, f. 7v) of priests, brothers and sisters who ran the hospital, and was evidently issued by the bishop at the request of a preexisting group (f. 1v). It is modeled on the rule of the Heilig-Geist-Orden (Order of the Holy Spirit) for the care of the sick founded by Guido von Montpellier around 1195, although it was independent of that order; and it is indirectly related to the rules of the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God and of St. Augustine (Bauch). The statutes address such aspects as manner of accepting new members, including required vows (chastity, poverty and obedience, as well as service to the sick); hierarchy and responsibilities of members, with a male and a female leader of brothers and sisters, respectively (Maister, Maisterin; f. 8r); dress; manner of taking in and caring for the sick; handling of income and property; accommodation of guests; customs of eating and drinking; care of sick members; punishments for offenses; confession; guidelines for pious living (Wie man geislich sul werden, f. 10r; Ain gut Lere, f. 10v); and manner of accepting lay people as affiliated members (known as a Third Order; Dritter Orden, Tertiarenbruderschaft). The manuscript contains numerous corrections in the same hand. An addendum, which is written in a different hand and dated either 1335 or 1435 (f. 1r), concerns the conditions for members receiving a sinecure or living (Pfründe, f. 1r). The manuscript is a sewn booklet, with gatherings detached from each other.



11 leaves : 204 x 138-145 (140-150 x 100-105) mm


Parchment, 11; 1⁸ 2⁴(-4); [1-11]; modern foliation in pencil, upper right recto.




  • Written in 33-35 long lines.
  • Script

  • Written in an early Gothic book script.
  • Provenance

    Subjects topical




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