Ms. Codex 1394 Ynquisicão, pleitos, bigamia
Ynquisicão, pleitos, bigamiaAuthors
- Fernández de Portocarrero, Luís Manuel, d. 1709
- Sebastião, King of Portugal, 1554-1578
Other related names
- Ferreira, Pedro Augusto, former owner
Call number
Ms. Codex 1394(Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Rare Book & Manuscript Library)
Alternate identifiers
- bibid: 4449412
The University of Pennsylvania LibrariesLanguage
Portuguese, with passages in LatinOrigin
- Date
- ca. 1600-1725
- Place
A collection of church documents written by many different individuals in 17th- and 18th-century Portugal and Spain. The majority of the approximately 68 documents are briefings, referred to as breves, relating to the privileges and salaries afforded to the inquisitors of the Portuguese Inquisition. The documents include a wide range of arguments in favor of increased privileges. Other topics discussed in the documents are the rights of inquisitors to retirement pay, the privileges extended to their families, and a large section (f. 157r-212r) covering church policy related to the crime of bigamy. Most of the authors are Portuguese inquisitors belonging to the Court of the Inquisition located in Evora. There are also numerous letters from the King of Portugal, possibly Sebastian I. Luis Manuel Fernández Portocarrero, Archbishop of Toledo, also appears to be the author of at least one of the documents (f. 78r-84v).
- Ms. codex.
- Title from spine.
Similar to Mošin, 2639; unidentified watermark consisting of a large circle, circumscribed by smaller looping circles, containing what appears to be three galeros and the name Samuel; unidentified monogram watermark with the letters A L and APA inside a circle and a large letter B underneath; variations on an unidentified watermark similar to Likhachev, Leaf, 57, but appearing alternately with the initials P F, S S, Z T, and possibly H B; unidentified watermark consisting of what may be three galeros and the letter V underneath; unidentified watermark consisting of the initials G M Z with a cross above; watermark similar to Valls i Subirá, Circle, 1393, but with the initials T M in the middle circle and only a large dot in the lower circle; watermark similar to Valls i Subirá, Circle, 1391, but with only the middle circle containing a design, possibly an anvil, and without the numeral 2 underneath; unidentified watermark consisting of a cross inside an oval, flanked on either side by a griffin, with a crown above and two circles below.The upper circle contains the initials S P in the top half and D A in the bottom half. The lower circle contains the numeral 3.Extent
372 leaves : 300-305 x 196-203 (240-255 x 140-150) mm. bound to 313 x 214 mmFoliation
Paper, 372; [i-v, 1], 2-30, 35-61 (f.1-61 printed), 62-240, 242-364, [365], 366-371, [i]; contemporary foliation in ink, upper right recto; modern foliation in pencil. Catchwords, lower right corner.Support
Contemporary vellum.Script
- Formerly owned by Pedro Augusto Ferreira (stamps, f. 63r, 302v, 370v).
Subjects topical
- Inquisition--Portugal--Évora
- Bigamy (Canon law)
- Codices
- Hybrid books
- Manuscripts, European
- Manuscripts, Portuguese--17th century
- Manuscripts, Portuguese--18th century
- Text
- This description is ©2017 University of Pennsylvania Libraries. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License version 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0 For a description of the terms of use see the Creative Commons Deed
- Text
- All referenced images and their content are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,

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