Oversize Ms. Codex 1531 Hybrid book of hours :
Hybrid book of hours :Authors
- Catholic Church
- Catholic Church
Other related names
- Pichore, Jean, active 1502-1520, illustrator (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr98024005)
- Anabat, Guillaume, active 1505-1510, printer (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2017109796)
- Hardouyn, Gilles, active 1491-1521, publisher
- Hardouyn, Germain, active 1500-1541, publisher (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr95035089)
- Lothian, Philip Henry Kerr, Marquis of, 1882-1940, former owner (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n83138006)
- Collins, Mary Schell, 1864-1948, former owner
Call number
Oversize Ms. Codex 1531(3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6206, University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
University of PennsylvaniaLanguage
Latin and FrenchOrigin
- Date
- 1507?
- Place
Book of hours, use of Rome, printed ca. 1507 in Paris by Guillaume Anabat for Gilles and Germain Hardouyn, followed by a few manuscript pages containing an alternate set of lessons, responsories, and versicles for Matins in the Hours of the Virgin; a prayer to Jesus (also known as the Fifteen Oes) often attributed to Saint Bernard; prayers to Saint Nicholas, Saint Eustace, and Saint Roman; and the Seven Verses of Saint Bernard. The printed book of hours, titled Heures a lusaige de Romme tout au long sans riens requerir, avec les figures de la vie de lhomme, et la destruction de Hierusalem, is extensively illustrated by Jean Pichore and his workshop with a series of full-page metal cuts (two fully illuminated with color and gold) and borders (printed from a combination of woodcuts and metal cuts) on every text page. Illuminated initials and line-fillers appear throughout both the printed and manuscript pages.
- Ms. codex.
- Title supplied by cataloger.
- 1. f.1r-8r: [Title, Anatomical man, Calendar 1507-1520]
- 2. f.8v-16r: [Saint John metal cut, Gospel lessons, metal cut of Jesus seized in Gethsemane, and Passion according to John]
- 3. f.16v-55r: [Metal cuts of the four virtues and the Annunciation, Hours of the Virgin, with mixed Hours of the Holy Cross and Holy Spirit]
- 4. f.55v-64r: [Metal cuts of King David and death of Uriah, Penitential psalms, and Litany]
- 5. f.64v-80v: [Metal cuts of Lazarus and Office of the Dead]
- 6. f.81r-92v: [Suffrages and prayers in Latin, including Obsecro te, O intemerata, and Stabat mater]
- 7. f.93r-99v: [Prayers in Latin and French]
- 8. f.100r-103r: [Metal cut of the Virgin with emblems and Hours of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception]
- 9. f.103r-105r: [Five prayers of Saint John the Evangelist and Seven prayers of Saint Gregory]
- 10. f.105r-108v: [Office of Our Lady of Pity, in French]
- 11. f.108v-115r: [Suffrages and prayers in Latin and French]
- 12. f.115v-116v: [List of contents and colophon]
- 13. f.117r-119r: [Alternate readings for Matins of the Hours of the Virgin and accessory texts in Latin (manuscript)]
- For more detailed information on the printed portion of this item, see the record under the title Heures a lusaige de Romme tout au long sans riens requerir.
120 leaves : 245 x 160 mm bound to 258 x 170 mmCollation
Parchment, 120; 1-13⁸ 14⁴ (with printed signatures A-P) 15⁴ (manuscript leaves); modern foliation in pencil, upper right recto, 1-120. Link to collation model at end of record.Support
Original (16th-century) velvet with remains of two later fore-edge clasps (Les Enluminures) over blind-stamped leather over wooden boards.Layout
19 full-page metal cuts (one duplicate), three large and without borders, of which two (Saint John boiled in oil, f. 8v, and Jesus seized in Gethsemane, f. 11v) are fully illuminated with gold highlights, and 16 with architectural borders; historiated woodcut and metal cut borders with biblical, folk, historical, and ornamental images, captions in French and Latin, and a Dance of Death series on recto sides (f. 18r-48r); portraits of evangelists (f. 9v-11r) and the Trinity, saints, and Mary (f. 81r-97r) set in text block; 1- and 2-line initials and line-fillers in gold on red, blue, or brown throughout; occasional 3- and 4-line initials in grey on gold (f. 29r, 100r, 104v, 105v); yellow capital strokes and ruling in red ink throughout; rubrication in red on manuscript pages (f. 117r-119r).
- Formerly owned by the Marquesses of Lothian, holders of the title Earl of Ancram (armorial bookplate with angel and unicorn as supporters and mottos Nemo me impune lacessit and Sero sed serio, inside upper cover; armorial booklabel with angel and unicorn as supporters and motto Sero sed serio, inside lower cover; 18th-century signature Ancram in shield of title device and on occasional leaves), the last owner in that family being Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian (1882-1940).
- Sold at auction in the Lothian sale at Anderson Galleries (New York), 27 Jan. 1932, lot 66, to Philadelphia book dealer Charles Sessler (1854-1935).
- Formerly owned by Mary S. Collins (Philadelphia, bookplate by Philadelphia artist James Horsey Fincken dated 1938, inside upper cover), wife of Curtis Publishing executive and manuscript collector Philip S. Collins.
- Formerly held in the stock and reference library of H. P. Kraus (New York, label inside upper cover).
- Sold by Les Enluminures (Paris and Chicago), 2009.
Subjects topical
- Catholic Church--Prayers and devotions--Early works to 1800
- Catholic Church
- Illumination of books and manuscripts--Specimens
- Illumination of books and manuscripts
- Specimens
- codices (bound manuscripts)
- books of hours
- devotional calendars
- illuminations
- metal cuts
- woodcuts (prints)
- Manuscripts, Latin--16th century
- Manuscripts, Renaissance
- Hybrid books
- Prayers and devotions
- Prayers
- Prayers
- Devotional literature
- Devotional literature
- Book of Hours
- 16th century
- French
- Illumination
- France
- Devotion
- Text
- These images and the content of Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts Oversize Ms. Codex 1531: Hybrid book of hours : are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- Metadata is © and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License version 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode. For a description of the terms of use see the Creative Commons Deed https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
- https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Title, f. 1r
- fol. 2r — Calendar 1507-1520, f. 2r
- fol. 9r — Gospel lessons, f. 9r
- fol. 12r — Passion according to John, f. 12r
- fol. 17v — Hours of the Virgin, with mixed Hours of the Holy Cross and Holy Spirit, f. 17v
- fol. 24r — Lauds, f. 24r
- fol. 29r — Hours of the Cross, f. 29r
- fol. 30r — Hours of the Holy Spirit, f. 30r
- fol. 56r — Seven penitential psalms, f. 56r
- fol. 65r — Office of the Dead, f. 65r
- fol. 81r — Suffrages, f. 81r
- fol. 82v — Obsecro te, f. 82v
- fol. 84r — O intemerata, f. 84r
- fol. 115v — List of contents, f. 115v
- fol. 116v — Colophon, f. 116v
- fol. 117r — Manuscript additions, f. 117r
- Inside front cover — Bookplate, Inside front cover
- fol. 1v — Anatomical man and the four humors, f. 1v
- fol. 8v — Colored metal cut, St. John, f. 8v
- fol. 9v — Metal cut, St. Luke, f. 9v
- fol. 10r — Metal cut, St. Matthew, f. 10r
- fol. 11r — Metal cut, St. Mark, f. 11r
- fol. 11v — Colored metal cut, Jesus seized in Gethsemane, f. 11v
- fol. 16v — Metal cut, The church and three virtues, f. 16v
- fol. 17r — Metal cut, Annunciation, f. 17r
- fol. 17v — Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 17v
- fol. 24r — Metal cut, Augustus and the Tiburtine sibyl, f. 24r
- fol. 24r — Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 24r
- fol. 28v — Metal cut, Flagellation of Christ, f. 28v
- fol. 29r — Metal cut, Crucifixion, f. 29r
- fol. 29r — Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 29r
- fol. 30r — Metal cut, Death of the Virgin Mary, f. 30r
- fol. 30r — Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 30r
- fol. 31r — Metal cut, Nativity, f. 31r
- fol. 31r — Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 31r
- fol. 34r — Metal cut, Annunciation of Christ?s birth to the shepherds, f. 34r
- fol. 34r — Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 34r
- fol. 37r — Metal cut, Adoration of the Magi, f. 37r
- fol. 37r — Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 37r
- fol. 40r — Metal cut, Presentation of Christ in the temple, f. 40r
- fol. 40r — Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 40r
- fol. 43r — Metal cut, Flight into Egypt, f. 43r
- fol. 43r — Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 43r
- fol. 47r — Metal cut, Death of the Virgin Mary, f. 47r
- fol. 47r — Illuminated initial, Initial C, f. 47r
- fol. 55v — Metal cut, King David ordering the death of Uriah, f. 55v
- fol. 56r — Metal cut, Death of Uriah, f. 56r
- fol. 56r — Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 56r
- fol. 60r — Litanies, f. 60r
- fol. 64v — Metal cut, Lazarus and Dives, f. 64v
- fol. 64v — Metal cut, Raising of Lazarus, f. 65r
- fol. 65r — Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 65r
- fol. 81r — Metal cut, God the Father as Salvator Mundi, f. 81r
- fol. 81v — Metal cut, Christ as Man of Sorrows, f. 81v
- fol. 81v — Metal cut, Pentecost, f. 81v
- fol. 86r — Metal cut, Archangel Michael with devil, f. 86r
- fol. 86v — Metal cut, St. John the Baptist, f. 86v
- fol. 86v — Metal cut, St. John the Evangelist, f. 86v
- fol. 87r — Metal cut, Sts. Peter and Paul, f. 87r
- fol. 87r — Metal cut, St. James the Greater, f. 87r
- fol. 87v — Metal cut, St. Stephen, f. 87v
- fol. 88r — Metal cut, St. Lawrence, f. 88r
- fol. 88r — Metal cut, St. Christopher with Christ Child, f. 88r
- fol. 89r — Metal cut, St. Sebastian with archer, f. 89r
- fol. 89v — Metal cut, St. Nicholas with 3 boys, f. 89v
- fol. 90r — Metal cut, St. Claudius, f. 90r
- fol. 90v — Metal cut, St. Anthony, f. 90v
- fol. 90v — Metal cut, St. Anne teaching the Virgin Mary, f. 90v
- fol. 91r — Metal cut, St. Mary Magdalen, f. 91r
- fol. 91v — Metal cut, St. Catherine, f. 91v
- fol. 91v — Metal cut, St. Margaret, f. 91v
- fol. 92r — Metal cut, St. Barbara, f. 92r
- fol. 92v — Metal cut, St. Appollonia, f. 92v
- fol. 96v — Metal cut, God the Father as Salvator Mundi, f. 96v
- fol. 97r — Metal cut, Annunciation, f. 97r
- fol. 100r — Metal cut, Virgin Mary with emblems of the Immaculate Conception, f. 100r
- fol. 100r — Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 100r
- fol. 104v — Inhabited initial, Initial O, Bird, f. 104v
- fol. 105v — Illuminated initial, Initial T, f. 105v
- Inside back cover — Bookplate, Inside back cover

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Decoration: Bookplate, Inside front cover

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Section: Title, f. 1r

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Decoration: Anatomical man and the four humors, f. 1v

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Section: Calendar 1507-1520, f. 2r

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Decoration: Colored metal cut, St. John, f. 8v

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Section: Gospel lessons, f. 9r

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Luke, f. 9v

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Matthew, f. 10r

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Mark, f. 11r

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Decoration: Colored metal cut, Jesus seized in Gethsemane, f. 11v

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Section: Passion according to John, f. 12r

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Decoration: Metal cut, The church and three virtues, f. 16v

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Decoration: Metal cut, Annunciation, f. 17r

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Section: Hours of the Virgin, with mixed Hours of the Holy Cross and Holy Spirit, f. 17v
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 17v

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Section: Lauds, f. 24r
Decoration: Metal cut, Augustus and the Tiburtine sibyl, f. 24r
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 24r

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Decoration: Metal cut, Flagellation of Christ, f. 28v

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Section: Hours of the Cross, f. 29r
Decoration: Metal cut, Crucifixion, f. 29r
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 29r

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Section: Hours of the Holy Spirit, f. 30r
Decoration: Metal cut, Death of the Virgin Mary, f. 30r
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 30r

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Decoration: Metal cut, Nativity, f. 31r
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 31r

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Decoration: Metal cut, Annunciation of Christ?s birth to the shepherds, f. 34r
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 34r

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Decoration: Metal cut, Adoration of the Magi, f. 37r
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 37r

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Decoration: Metal cut, Presentation of Christ in the temple, f. 40r
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 40r

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Decoration: Metal cut, Flight into Egypt, f. 43r
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 43r

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Decoration: Metal cut, Death of the Virgin Mary, f. 47r
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial C, f. 47r

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Decoration: Metal cut, King David ordering the death of Uriah, f. 55v

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Section: Seven penitential psalms, f. 56r
Decoration: Metal cut, Death of Uriah, f. 56r
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 56r

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Decoration: Litanies, f. 60r

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Decoration: Metal cut, Lazarus and Dives, f. 64v
Decoration: Metal cut, Raising of Lazarus, f. 65r

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Section: Office of the Dead, f. 65r
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 65r

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Section: Suffrages, f. 81r
Decoration: Metal cut, God the Father as Salvator Mundi, f. 81r

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Decoration: Metal cut, Christ as Man of Sorrows, f. 81v
Decoration: Metal cut, Pentecost, f. 81v

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Section: Obsecro te, f. 82v

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Section: O intemerata, f. 84r

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Decoration: Metal cut, Archangel Michael with devil, f. 86r

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. John the Baptist, f. 86v
Decoration: Metal cut, St. John the Evangelist, f. 86v

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Decoration: Metal cut, Sts. Peter and Paul, f. 87r
Decoration: Metal cut, St. James the Greater, f. 87r

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Stephen, f. 87v

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Lawrence, f. 88r
Decoration: Metal cut, St. Christopher with Christ Child, f. 88r

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Sebastian with archer, f. 89r

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Nicholas with 3 boys, f. 89v

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Claudius, f. 90r

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Anthony, f. 90v
Decoration: Metal cut, St. Anne teaching the Virgin Mary, f. 90v

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Mary Magdalen, f. 91r

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Catherine, f. 91v
Decoration: Metal cut, St. Margaret, f. 91v

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Barbara, f. 92r

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Decoration: Metal cut, St. Appollonia, f. 92v

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Decoration: Metal cut, God the Father as Salvator Mundi, f. 96v

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Decoration: Metal cut, Annunciation, f. 97r

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Decoration: Metal cut, Virgin Mary with emblems of the Immaculate Conception, f. 100r
Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial D, f. 100r

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Decoration: Inhabited initial, Initial O, Bird, f. 104v

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Decoration: Illuminated initial, Initial T, f. 105v

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Section: List of contents, f. 115v

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Section: Colophon, f. 116v

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Section: Manuscript additions, f. 117r

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Decoration: Bookplate, Inside back cover