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Collection ID: 0002 | Metadata type: TEI | TEI XML | Data

Ms. Coll. 591 Folder 33 Manuscript leaves from Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio


Manuscript leaves from Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio


Call number

Ms. Coll. 591 Folder 33
(3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104-6206., University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts)

Alternate identifiers


University of Pennsylvania


In Latin


Five leaves from a manual on confession. The first (p. 51-52) is from a section considering various sins and includes paragraphs on immodesty, contention, and discord. The other 4 leaves (p. [65-66], 67-68, 73-76) are probably 2 bifolia with each leaf now separate, and with the center bifolia of their gathering (p. 69-72) missing. They contain instructions for questioning different categories of individuals, including married men, secular princes and nobles, judges, and lawyers. Written in Italy, in 29 long lines of Gothic script, ruled in faint ink with vertical bounding lines. Decorated with 2-line initials in blue or red with contrasting penwork; paragraph marks alternating in blue and red; rubrication in and initials slashed with red. Pagination (trimmed away on p. 65-66) from before the leaves were removed from their codex, in ink, upper outer corners.


1 item (5 leaves) : 145-151 x 110 (107 x 69) mm




Subjects topical





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