Ms. Coll. 700 Item 244 Letter to José Inocenta Cordon and related papers from the expedition of Franz Bromowicz
Letter to José Inocenta Cordon and related papers from the expedition of Franz BromowiczAuthors
- Berendt, C. Hermann 1817-1878
- Cordon, José Inocenta
- Pais, Eligio
- Bromowicz, Franz
Call number
Ms. Coll. 700 Item 244(3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6206, University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- bibid: 9957244433503681
University of PennsylvaniaLanguage
In SpanishOrigin
- Date
- 1878
Papers of C. Hermann Berendt related to the expedition of Francisco (Franz) Bromowicz to the Acasaguastlán region and to Jilotepeque, in Guatemala, in 1878, for the purpose of gathering information about the language or dialect of Alaguilac. Includes: 1) a draft letter in the hand of Berendt, dated Guatemala, 24 February 1878, to José Inocenta Cordon, the parish priest of San Cristobál Acasaguastlán, addressed to Cordon at the town of Teculutan; 2) an undated leaf concerning Alaguilac and its relationship to the Chorti language, citing a reference in Cortés y Larraz's work Descripción geográfico-moral, and soliciting responses to six questions about the language (in either Berendt's or Bromowicz's hand); 3) a pencilled map, probably in Berendt's hand, showing the area in eastern Guatemala, including the Motagua and Chimalapan Rivers, and the towns of El Jicaro and Usumatan; and 4) two handwritten documents signed by Eligio Pais, dated 6 February and 15 February 1878, respectively, both bearing the municipal stamp of Chimalapan (in the department of Chiquimula). In the letter Berendt refers to having received from Bromowicz some notes made by Cordon, as well as gifts of manuscripts, including an 1818 sermon on Nuestra Sen̋ora del Santissimo Rosario in Pokonchi language, probably by Father Francisco Aguilar (that manuscript is in the current collection, Ms. Coll. 700, Item 65, f. 26-65), and pages concerning Acasaguastlán villages, apparently a reference to the leaves from the parochial archives known to have been given to Berendt by Cordon (also in the current collection, see Ms. Coll. 700, Item 149). The first of the two documents signed by Pais refers to Cordon's recommendation of Bromowicz. The second, longer document (4 pages) seems to be addressed to Cordon, whose name and title appears at the head. It begins with references to both Berendt and Bromowicz, and seems to discuss in detail matters related to the Alaguilac language, possibly comprising a response to the questionnaire mentioned above. It contains a reference to the year 1607. Some passages are underlined in red ink. The latter document is presumably one of the reports (informes) by Pais on the language that Daniel G. Brinton refers to in his article entitled On the so-called Alaguilac language of Guatemala (Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 24: 366-377; 1887).
- Item 244 is one of 7 items (Items 242-248), on disparate topics related to the Indians of Central America, that were contained in a cardboard portfolio labelled: Mapas etnológicos.
1 folder (6 leaves)Provenance
- From the collection of C. Hermann Berendt, later acquired by Daniel Garrison Brinton (ex libris stamp on some items contained in the same file, entitled Mapas etnológicos; no ex libris stamp on the present papers).
Subjects topical
- Chorti language
- Chorti language
- Language and languages
- Indians of Central America--Guatemala--Languages
- Indians of Central America
- Alaguilac language
- Guatemala
- Guatemala--Languages
- Manuscripts, Spanish
- Manuscripts, Latin American
- Text
- These images and the content of Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts Ms. Coll. 700 Item 244: Letter to José Inocenta Cordon and related papers from the expedition of Franz Bromowicz are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- Metadata is ©2023 University of Pennsylvania Libraries and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License version 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0 For a description of the terms of use see the Creative Commons Deed

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