UPA 3 pre 1820, Box UPA 3 pre 1820, Item 1644e Lectures notes on materia medica, part two
Lectures notes on materia medica, part twoAuthors
- Elmer, Jonathan, 1745-1817
Call number
UPA 3 pre 1820, Box UPA 3 pre 1820, Item 1644e(Philadelphia, University Archives and Records Center, University of Pennsylvania, General Administration Collection Pre-1820)
University Archives and Records Center, University of PennsylvaniaLanguage
Primary language: English.Origin
- Date
- ca. 1766
- Place
Philadelphia, PA
Medical student notebook. Dr. John Morgan on Materia Medica. References cases of patients treated at Pennsylvania Hospital (eg. p. 159r).
Subjects names
- Morgan, John, 1735-1789
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine
Subjects topical
- Medicine -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- Early works to 1800
- Lectures
- Text
- These images and the content of University Archives and Records Center, University of Pennsylvania, UPA 3 pre 1820, Box UPA 3 pre 1820, Item 1644e: Lectures notes on materia medica, part two are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, University Archives and Records Center, University of Pennsylvania has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about University Archives and Records Center, University of Pennsylvania UPA 3 pre 1820, Box UPA 3 pre 1820, Item 1644e: Lectures notes on materia medica, part two. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 89r — Lecture 6th: Nutrientia, Drinks
- fol. 96r — Lecture 6th: Nutrientia, Condiments
- fol. 108r — Lecture 7th: Nutrientia, Animal food
- fol. 111r — Lecture 7th: Nutrientia, Milk
- fol. 124r — Lecture 8th: Adstringentia
- fol. 132r — Lecture 8th: Adstringentia, Of particular astrigentia
- fol. 138r — Lecture 9th: Adstringentia, Metallic astringents, Copper
- fol. 143r — Lecture 9th: Adstringentia, Metallic astrigents, Iron
- fol. 147r — Lecture 10th: Adstringentia, Metallic astrigents, Lead
- fol. 155r — Lecture 10th: Adstringentia, Metallic astrigents, Zinc
- fol. 163r — Lecture 11th: Adstringentia, Water
- fol. 169r — Lecture 11th: Adstringentia, Vegetable astringents
- fol. 171r — Lecture 11th: Adstringentia, Of particular astringents

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Section: Lecture 6th: Nutrientia, Drinks

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Section: Lecture 6th: Nutrientia, Condiments

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Section: Lecture 7th: Nutrientia, Animal food

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Section: Lecture 7th: Nutrientia, Milk

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Section: Lecture 8th: Adstringentia

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Section: Lecture 8th: Adstringentia, Of particular astrigentia

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Section: Lecture 9th: Adstringentia, Metallic astringents, Copper

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Section: Lecture 9th: Adstringentia, Metallic astrigents, Iron

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Section: Lecture 10th: Adstringentia, Metallic astrigents, Lead

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Section: Lecture 10th: Adstringentia, Metallic astrigents, Zinc

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Section: Lecture 11th: Adstringentia, Water

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Section: Lecture 11th: Adstringentia, Vegetable astringents

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Section: Lecture 11th: Adstringentia, Of particular astringents

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