Lewis E 33 Bible
BibleOther related names
- Abbot von Heselwang, former owner
- Richardson, Thomas F., former owner
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811)
- Lewis, Anne Baker, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 33(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- deRicci: 5
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
Circa 1250
- Place
Paris, France
This manuscript is a thirteenth-century Paris Bible.
- Very worn inscription on front pastedown tells that the manuscript is from the monastery of Baumberg, near Traunsteinm, in Baveria and last belonged to Abbot von Heselwang
I+339+i; 148 x 98 mmFoliation
Modern foliation, upper-right recto in pencilCollation
Structure uncertainSupport
Seventeenth-century Flemish or French black morocco, elaborately tooled; stamp of the crucifixion in center of cover and on spine; clasps; gilt edgesLayout
Red and blue flourished initials throughout; marginal decoration and figures throughout
- Abbot von Heselwang, Baumberg; Thomas F. Richardson, Boston (sold in 1919 ) to John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936.
Related resources
- De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, vol. 2 (New York,: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), p. 2025-2026, no. 5.
- Free Library of Philadelphia, A Descriptive Catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia, compiled by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, with an introduction by Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach (Philadelphia: The Free Library, 1937), p. 41, no. 33.
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 33: Bible are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 33: Bible. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Vulgate Bible; incipit: Frater Ambrosius mihi tua miniscula preferens . . .; explicit: Zuzim consiliantes eos vel consiliatores eorum
- fol. 1r — Vulgate Bible; incipit: Frater Ambrosius mihi tua miniscula preferens . . .; explicit: Zuzim consiliantes eos vel consiliatores eorum
- fol. 310v — Interpretation of Hebrew Names
- fol. 1r — Red and blue flourished initial F
- fol. 2v — Large red and blue flourished initial O
- fol. 3r — Large red and blue flourished initial I
- fol. 1r — Red and blue flourished initial F
- fol. 15v — Large red and blue flourished initial H
- fol. 26r — Large red and blue flourished initial U
- fol. 33v — Large red and blue flourished initial L
- fol. 44r — Large red and blue flourished initial H
- fol. 53r — Large red and blue flourished initial T
- fol. 53r — Large red and blue flourished initial E
- fol. 59v — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 66r — Large red and blue flourished initial I
- fol. 67r — Large red and blue flourished initial U
- fol. 67v — Large red and blue flourished initial F
- fol. 77r — Large red and blue flourished initial F
- fol. 88v — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 96v — Large red and blue flourished initial S
- fol. 97r — Large red and blue flourished initial A
- fol. 104r — Large red and blue flourished initial E
- fol. 104v — Large red and blue flourished initial C
- fol. 113v — Large red and blue flourished initial U
- fol. 120r — Large red and blue flourished initial E
- fol. 123v — Large red and blue flourished initial C
- fol. 123v — Large red and blue flourished initial T
- fol. 126r — Large red and blue flourished initial A
- fol. 126r — Large red and blue flourished initial A
- fol. 129v — Large red and blue flourished initial L
- fol. 133r — Large red and blue flourished initial C
- fol. 133v — Large red and blue flourished initial S
- fol. 133v — Large red and blue flourished initial U
- fol. 140r — Large red and blue flourished initial B
- fol. 142v — Large red and blue flourished initial D
- fol. 144r — Large red and blue flourished initial D
- fol. 145v — Large red and blue flourished initial D
- fol. 147r — Large red and blue flourished initial S
- fol. 150v — Large red and blue flourished initial C
- fol. 152r — Large red and blue flourished initial D
- fol. 156r — Large red and blue flourished initial I
- fol. 156r — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 179r — Large red and blue flourished initial D
- fol. 179r — Large red and blue flourished initial U
- fol. 207r — Large red and blue flourished initial L
- fol. 207r — Large red and blue flourished initial E
- fol. 222v — Large red and blue flourished initial A
- fol. 227v — Large red and blue flourished initial N
- fol. 227v — Large red and blue flourished initial T
- fol. 227v — Large red and blue flourished initial U
- fol. 229r — Large red and blue flourished initial S
- fol. 229v — Large red and blue flourished initial I
- fol. 229v — Large red and blue flourished initial U
- fol. 230r — Large red and blue flourished initial O
- fol. 230r — Large red and blue flourished initial A
- fol. 230r — Large red and blue flourished initial H
- fol. 230v — Large red and blue flourished initial U
- fol. 231v — Large red and blue flourished initial I
- fol. 232r — Large red and blue flourished initial U
- fol. 232r — Large red and blue flourished initial S
- fol. 232r — Large red and blue flourished initial I
- fol. 232r — Large red and blue flourished initial E
- fol. 232v — Large red and blue flourished initial T
- fol. 232v — Large red and blue flourished initial U
- fol. 233v — Large red and blue flourished initial N
- fol. 234r — Large red and blue flourished initial O
- fol. 234r — Large red and blue flourished initial O
- fol. 234v — Large red and blue flourished initial O
- fol. 235r — Large red and blue flourished initial U
- fol. 235v — Large red and blue flourished initial I
- fol. 236r — Large red and blue flourished initial I
- fol. 236v — Large red and blue flourished initial I
- fol. 242v — Large red and blue flourished initial F
- fol. 248r — Large red and blue flourished initial M
- fol. 248r — Large red and blue flourished initial M
- fol. 256v — Large red and blue flourished initial M
- fol. 256v — Large red and blue flourished initial I
- fol. 262r — Large red and blue flourished initial Q
- fol. 262r — Large red and blue flourished initial F
- fol. 270v — Large red and blue flourished initial H
- fol. 270v — Large red and blue flourished initial I
- fol. 283r — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 283r — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 285r — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 286r — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 288r — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 289r — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 289v — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 290r — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 290v — Large red and blue flourished initial I
- fol. 291r — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 291v — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 291v — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 292r — Large red and blue flourished initial M
- fol. 294v — Large red and blue flourished initial L
- fol. 294v — Large red and blue flourished initial P
- fol. 303r — Large red and blue flourished initial N

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Section: Vulgate Bible
Decoration: Red and blue flourished initial F

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Section: Vulgate Bible
Decoration: Red and blue flourished initial F

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial A
Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial A

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial L

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial C

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial B

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial S

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial C

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial D

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial L
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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial I

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial N

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial F

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial P

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial I

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial P

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial P

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial M

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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial L
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Decoration: Large red and blue flourished initial N

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Section: Interpretation of Hebrew Names

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