Lewis E 037 Bible
BibleOther related names
- Mannheimer Hofbibliothek, former owner (https://viaf.org/viaf/266843151)
- Stuart, William, 1798-1874, former owner (https://viaf.org/viaf/286696864)
- Baillie-Weaver, Harold, -1926, former owner
- Thomas, George C. (George Clifford), 1839-1909, former owner (https://viaf.org/viaf/9714548)
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811/)
- Lewis, Anne Baker, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 37(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- https://know.freelibrary.org/Record/1450903
- deRicci: 9
- Leaves-of-gold: 5
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
- Place
This manuscript is a large Latin Bible with prologues and the Interpretationes Hebraicorum nominum. It was written in Italy in rotunda script between approximately 1260 and 1280, but the historiated and illuminated initials from the beginning of the Old Testament through the wisdom writings are by a French illuminator. An Italian illuminator is responsible for the decoration in the rest of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament through the Gospel of Mark. The illuminations through to the end of the volume may be by a third artist or a combination of hands. The eighteenth-century binding is from the Bibliotheca Palatina in Mannheim.
- Four front flyleaves, first paper, second and third modern parchment, fourth medieval parchment; three end flyleaves, first and second modern parchment, last paper
Iv+499+iii; 375 x 260 mm bound to 390 x 280 mmFoliation
Foliation in ink, upper right rectoCollation
1-50 (10)Signatures
Quires 21 and 22 have fols. 2-6 marked b-e, +, in red ink, lower right rectoSupport
Horizontal catchwords in ink, enclosed in simple ink frames, lower right last verso; some partly or mostly trimmed awayBinding
German red morocco with gilt-tooled borders and two gilt clasps, arms of the Elector of Bavaria (1770-80) on the upper and lower covers, stenciled edges, gilt title Biblia sacra B. Hieronymi, Ms. Sec. XIII, and initials B.P. (Bibliotheca Palatina) on the spine, 18th century; crest and motto (Nobilis Ira) of William Stuart of Aldenham Abbey added above the arms of the Elector of Bavaria on upper coverLayout
Approximately eighty historiated initials, mostly at book divisions; approximately ninety-five illuminated and/or painted initials, most six or seven lines in height, mostly at prologue divisions; historiated and illuminated initials through Ecclesiasticus (through fol. 249r) are by a French illuminator, those from Isaiah onward (from fol. 263v) are by an Italian illuminator, and those from the Gospel of Luke onward (from fol. 390r) may be by a third artist; two-line penwork initials either red flourished with blue or blue flourished with red throughout at chapter divisions, with red and blue borders along the left edge of the column; running titles and roman numerals for chapters in alternating red and blue letters
- Bibliotheca Palatina, Mannheim, Germany, circa 1770 (coat of arms, covers); Joseph Lilly (bookseller), London, before 1840; bought June 1840 by William Stewart of Aldenham Abbey, Hertfordshire, and Tempsford Hall (crest, front cover; bookplate from Tempsford Hall Library, Case C, Shelf ), died 1874; sale, Christie's, London, March 6, 1895, lot 144 (under name Stuart); Harold Baillie-Weaver (through Nichols, London bookseller), 1895; sale, London, March 29, 1898, lot 145; Bernard Quaritch (bookseller), London; George C. Thomas, Philadelphia, November 18-19, 1924, lot 200 (signature on Quaritch description pasted onto f. i recto); John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936
Related resources
- De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, vol. 2 (New York,: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), p. 2062, no. 9
- Free Library of Philadelphia, A Descriptive Catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia, compiled by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, with an introduction by Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach (Philadelphia: The Library, 1937), pp. 44-45, no. 37.
- Philadelphia Museum of Art, Leaves of Gold: Manuscript Illumination from Philadelphia Collections, edited by James R. Tanis (Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2001), pp. 34-35, cat. no. 5.
- Bible
- 13th century
- French
- Italian
- Historiated initial
- Italy
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 37: Bible are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 37: Bible. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Bible with Prologues; incipit: Frater Ambrosius tua m[ihi] tua m[ihi] munuscula p[er]f[er]ens detulit … [fol. 1r]; explicit: Gra[tia] d[o]m[ini] n[ost]ri Ih[es]u Xpi cum omnibus v[o]b[is] [fol. 462v]
- fol. 462v — Interpretationes Hebraicorum nominum; incipit: Aaz apprehendens vel apprehensio [fol. 462v]; explicit: Zusim consiliantes eos vel consiliatores eorum. [fol. 499v]
- Inside front cover — Bookplate, George Clifford Thomas
- Inside front cover — Bookplate, Tempsford Hall
- Inside front cover — Bookplate, John Frederick Lewis
- fol. 1r — Historiated initial F, Saint Jerome
- fol. 3v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 4r — Historiated initial I, Days of Creation, Fall of Man, and Expulsion from Paradise
- fol. 21v — Inhabited initial H, Two men
- fol. 36r — Historiated initial U, Israelites sacrificing oxen and sheep
- fol. 46v — Inhabited initial L, Three men
- fol. 61r — Historiated initial H, Moses and the Israelites
- fol. 74r — Illuminated initial T
- fol. 74v — Inhabited initial E, Two men
- fol. 84r — Historiated initial P, God speaking to a champion of Israel
- fol. 93v — Historiated initial I, Elimelech and Naomi with two sons
- fol. 95r — Illuminated initial U
- fol. 95v — Historiated initial F, Beheading of the Amalekite
- fol. 109r — Historiated initial F, Beheading of the Amalekite
- fol. 120r — Historiated initial E, King David in bed
- fol. 132v — Historiated initial P, Ahaziah falling from a tower
- fol. 144v — Illuminated initial P
- fol. 144v — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 145r — Inhabited initial A, Four men
- fol. 155v — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 156r — Historiated initial C, King Solomon
- fol. 169v — Illuminated initial U
- fol. 170r — Historiated initial I, Ezra and King Cyrus
- fol. 173v — Historiated initial U, Nehemiah and Artaxerxes
- fol. 178v — Historiated initial E, Priest at an altar
- fol. 184r — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 184r — Historiated initial T, Tobit, Raphael, and Tobit's son
- fol. 187v — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 188r — Historiated initial A, Judith and Holofernes
- fol. 192v — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 192v — Historiated initial I, Esther and Ahasuerus
- fol. 197v — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 197v — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 198r — Historiated initial U, Job and two friends
- fol. 207v — Historiated initial B, King David with harp
- fol. 211r — Historiated initial D, Coronation of David
- fol. 213r — Historiated initial D, David pointing to his tongue, kneeling before Jesus
- fol. 215v — Historiated initial D, Fool eating bread
- fol. 217v — Historiated initial S, God above, King David in the waters below
- fol. 220r — Historiated initial E, King David with bells
- fol. 222v — Historiated initial C, Monks singing
- fol. 225r — Historiated initial D, Trinity
- fol. 231r — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 231r — Historiated initial P, King Solomon with scepter and two young men
- fol. 239r — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 239r — Historiated initial U, King Solomon teaching a boy
- fol. 242r — Historiated initial O, Virgin and Child
- fol. 243r — Historiated initial D, King Solomon with sword and another man
- fol. 248v — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 249r — Historiated initial O, King Solomon with cup
- fol. 263v — Illuminated initial N
- fol. 264r — Historiated initial U, Martyrdom of Isaiah
- fol. 280v — Inhabited initial I, Dragon
- fol. 281r — Historiated initial U, Stoning of Jeremiah
- fol. 301r — Historiated initial E, Stoning of Jeremiah
- fol. 303r — Illuminated initial R
- fol. 303r — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 303r — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 305v — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 305v — Historiated initial E, Ezekiel's vision of the Tetramorph
- fol. 323v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 324r — Illuminated initial A, Daniel with two lions
- fol. 331v — Illuminated initial N
- fol. 331v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 332r — Illuminated initial T
- fol. 332r — Historiated initial U, Hosea and Gomer
- fol. 334v — Inhabited initial I, Dragon
- fol. 334v — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 334v — Historiated initial U, Joel prophesying to a group
- fol. 335v — Illuminated initial O
- fol. 335v — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 336r — Historiated initial U, God speaking to Amos with his flock
- fol. 338r — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 338r — Illuminated initial I
- fol. 338r — Historiated initial U, Obadiah prophesying to another man
- fol. 338v — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 338v — Illuminated initial I
- fol. 338v — Historiated initial E, Jonah being swallowed by the whale
- fol. 339r — Illuminated initial T
- fol. 339v — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 339v — Historiated initial U, God speaking to Micah
- fol. 341r — Illuminated initial N
- fol. 341r — Illuminated initial N
- fol. 341r — Historiated initial N, Nahum at Nineve
- fol. 341v — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 341v — Illuminated initial Q
- fol. 342v — Historiated initial H, God speaking to Habakkuk
- fol. 343r — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 343r — Illuminated initial T
- fol. 343v — Historiated initial U, God speaking to Zephaniah, holding a scroll
- fol. 344r — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 344r — Historiated initial I, God speaking to Haggai
- fol. 344v — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 345r — Illuminated initial Z
- fol. 345r — Historiated initial I, God speaking to Zechariah
- fol. 348r — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 348r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 348r — Historiated initial O, Malachi with lamb at an altar
- fol. 349r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 349r — Illuminated initial R
- fol. 349v — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 349v — Historiated initial E, Mattathias slaying idolater
- fol. 361r — Illuminated initial F
- fol. 369r — Illuminated initial P
- fol. 369v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 369v — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 370r — Historiated initial M, God speaking to Matthew holding Matheus scroll
- fol. 371r — Historiated initial L, Virgin and Child
- fol. 371r — Marginal illuminations, Genealogy of Christ, Virgin and Child, Magi
- fol. 382v — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 382v — Historiated initial I, Winged lion
- fol. 390r — Historiated initial L, Winged man
- fol. 390v — Illuminated initial Q
- fol. 390v — Historiated initial F, Winged ox
- fol. 403r — Historiated initial H, Eagle
- fol. 403r — Historiated initial I, Jesus in mandorla supported by caryatid
- fol. 412v — Illuminated initial R
- fol. 412v — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword
- fol. 417r — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 417r — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword
- fol. 421v — Illuminated initial P
- fol. 421v — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword
- fol. 424v — Illuminated initial G
- fol. 424v — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword
- fol. 426r — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 426r — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword
- fol. 427v — Illuminated initial P
- fol. 427v — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword
- fol. 429r — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 429r — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword
- fol. 430r — Illuminated initial T
- fol. 430r — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword
- fol. 431r — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 431r — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul
- fol. 431v — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 431v — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword
- fol. 432v — Illuminated initial I
- fol. 433r — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword
- fol. 433v — Illuminated initial T
- fol. 433v — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul
- fol. 434r — Illuminated initial P
- fol. 434v — Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword
- fol. 434v — Illuminated initial I
- fol. 434v — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 438r — Illuminated initial N
- fol. 438v — Historiated initial I, Saint James above a pilgrim
- fol. 439v — Historiated initial P, Saint Peter with cross and Bible
- fol. 440v — Historiated initial S, Saint Peter
- fol. 441v — Historiated initial Q, Saint John
- fol. 442v — Historiated initial S, Saint John
- fol. 443r — Historiated initial S, God speaking to Saint John
- fol. 443r — Historiated initial I, Saint Jude with a scroll
- fol. 443v — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 443v — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 443v — Historiated initial P, God speaking to the Evangelist Luke
- fol. 456r — Illuminated initial O
- fol. 456v — Illuminated initial I
- fol. 456v — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 462v — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 470r — Illuminated initial B
- fol. 474v — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 475v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 476v — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 479r — Illuminated initial F
- fol. 480r — Illuminated initial G
- fol. 481v — Illuminated initial H
- fol. 483r — Inhabited initial I, Man with sword
- fol. 485v — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 486v — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 489r — Illuminated initial N
- fol. 490v — Illuminated initial O
- fol. 491r — Illuminated initial P
- fol. 491v — Illuminated initial R
- fol. 492v — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 497r — Illuminated initial T
- fol. 498v — Illuminated initial U
- fol. 499r — Illuminated initial Z

6563_0001.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Bookplate, George Clifford Thomas
Decoration: Bookplate, Tempsford Hall
Decoration: Bookplate, John Frederick Lewis

6563_0010.tif (229.4 MB)
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Section: Bible with Prologues
Decoration: Historiated initial F, Saint Jerome

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D

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Decoration: Historiated initial I, Days of Creation, Fall of Man, and Expulsion from Paradise

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Decoration: Inhabited initial H, Two men

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Decoration: Historiated initial U, Israelites sacrificing oxen and sheep

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Decoration: Inhabited initial L, Three men

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Decoration: Historiated initial H, Moses and the Israelites

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Decoration: Illuminated initial T

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Decoration: Inhabited initial E, Two men

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Decoration: Historiated initial P, God speaking to a champion of Israel

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Decoration: Historiated initial I, Elimelech and Naomi with two sons

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Decoration: Illuminated initial U

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Decoration: Historiated initial F, Beheading of the Amalekite

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Decoration: Historiated initial F, Beheading of the Amalekite

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Decoration: Historiated initial E, King David in bed

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Decoration: Historiated initial P, Ahaziah falling from a tower

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Decoration: Illuminated initial P
Decoration: Illuminated initial S

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Decoration: Inhabited initial A, Four men

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Decoration: Illuminated initial C

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Decoration: Historiated initial C, King Solomon

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Decoration: Illuminated initial U

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Decoration: Historiated initial I, Ezra and King Cyrus

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Decoration: Historiated initial U, Nehemiah and Artaxerxes

6563_0365.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Historiated initial E, Priest at an altar

6563_0376.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Illuminated initial C
Decoration: Historiated initial T, Tobit, Raphael, and Tobit's son

6563_0383.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Illuminated initial A

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Decoration: Historiated initial A, Judith and Holofernes

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Decoration: Illuminated initial L
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Esther and Ahasuerus

6563_0403.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Illuminated initial C

6563_0404.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Historiated initial U, Job and two friends

6563_0423.tif (229.4 MB)
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6563_0423_web.jpg (399.9 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial B, King David with harp

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Decoration: Historiated initial D, Coronation of David

6563_0434.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Historiated initial D, David pointing to his tongue, kneeling before Jesus

6563_0439.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Historiated initial D, Fool eating bread

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Decoration: Historiated initial S, God above, King David in the waters below

6563_0448.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Historiated initial E, King David with bells

6563_0453.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Historiated initial C, Monks singing

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Decoration: Historiated initial D, Trinity

6563_0470.tif (229.4 MB)
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6563_0470_web.jpg (371.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial C
Decoration: Historiated initial P, King Solomon with scepter and two young men

6563_0486.tif (229.4 MB)
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6563_0486_web.jpg (341.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial M
Decoration: Historiated initial U, King Solomon teaching a boy

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Decoration: Historiated initial O, Virgin and Child

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6563_0494_web.jpg (363.6 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial D, King Solomon with sword and another man

6563_0505.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Illuminated initial M

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Decoration: Historiated initial O, King Solomon with cup

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Decoration: Illuminated initial N

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Decoration: Historiated initial U, Martyrdom of Isaiah

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Decoration: Inhabited initial I, Dragon

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Decoration: Historiated initial U, Stoning of Jeremiah

6563_0610.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Historiated initial E, Stoning of Jeremiah

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Decoration: Illuminated initial R
Decoration: Illuminated initial L
Decoration: Illuminated initial E

6563_0619.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Illuminated initial E
Decoration: Historiated initial E, Ezekiel's vision of the Tetramorph

6563_0655.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Illuminated initial D

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Decoration: Illuminated initial A, Daniel with two lions

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Decoration: Illuminated initial N
Decoration: Illuminated initial D

6563_0672.tif (229.4 MB)
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Decoration: Illuminated initial T
Decoration: Historiated initial U, Hosea and Gomer

6563_0677.tif (229.4 MB)
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6563_0677_web.jpg (426.9 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial I, Dragon
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Historiated initial U, Joel prophesying to a group

6563_0679.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0679_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6563_0679_web.jpg (429.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial O
Decoration: Illuminated initial A

6563_0680.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0680_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6563_0680_web.jpg (433.5 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, God speaking to Amos with his flock

6563_0684.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0684_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0684_web.jpg (408.9 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial A
Decoration: Illuminated initial I
Decoration: Historiated initial U, Obadiah prophesying to another man

6563_0685.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0685_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6563_0685_web.jpg (423.9 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Illuminated initial I
Decoration: Historiated initial E, Jonah being swallowed by the whale

6563_0686.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0686_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6563_0686_web.jpg (411.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial T

6563_0687.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0687_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6563_0687_web.jpg (432.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial M
Decoration: Historiated initial U, God speaking to Micah

6563_0690.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0690_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0690_web.jpg (418.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial N
Decoration: Illuminated initial N
Decoration: Historiated initial N, Nahum at Nineve

6563_0691.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0691_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6563_0691_web.jpg (426.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial A
Decoration: Illuminated initial Q

6563_0693.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0693_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6563_0693_web.jpg (420.0 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial H, God speaking to Habakkuk

6563_0694.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0694_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6563_0694_web.jpg (414.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Illuminated initial T

6563_0695.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0695_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6563_0695_web.jpg (442.2 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, God speaking to Zephaniah, holding a scroll

6563_0696.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0696_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0696_web.jpg (407.2 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial A
Decoration: Historiated initial I, God speaking to Haggai

6563_0697.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0697_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0697_web.jpg (419.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial A

6563_0698.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0698_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0698_web.jpg (405.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial Z
Decoration: Historiated initial I, God speaking to Zechariah

6563_0704.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0704_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0704_web.jpg (419.7 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial M
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Historiated initial O, Malachi with lamb at an altar

6563_0706.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0706_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6563_0706_web.jpg (404.1 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated initial R

6563_0707.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0707_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0707_web.jpg (403.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial M
Decoration: Historiated initial E, Mattathias slaying idolater

6563_0730.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0730_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6563_0730_web.jpg (400.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial F

6563_0748.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0748_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6563_0748_web.jpg (386.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial P

6563_0749.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0749_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0749_web.jpg (407.2 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated initial S

6563_0750.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0750_thumb.jpg (4.9 KB)
6563_0750_web.jpg (302.9 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial M, God speaking to Matthew holding Matheus scroll

6563_0752.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0752_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6563_0752_web.jpg (421.1 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial L, Virgin and Child
Decoration: Marginal illuminations, Genealogy of Christ, Virgin and Child, Magi

6563_0775.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0775_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6563_0775_web.jpg (401.2 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial M
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Winged lion

6563_0790.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0790_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6563_0790_web.jpg (402.2 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial L, Winged man

6563_0791.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0791_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6563_0791_web.jpg (410.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial Q
Decoration: Historiated initial F, Winged ox

6563_0816.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0816_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6563_0816_web.jpg (421.2 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial H, Eagle
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Jesus in mandorla supported by caryatid

6563_0835.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0835_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6563_0835_web.jpg (405.1 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial R
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword

6563_0844.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0844_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6563_0844_web.jpg (414.3 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial C
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword

6563_0853.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0853_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0853_web.jpg (400.9 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial P
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword

6563_0859.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0859_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6563_0859_web.jpg (411.8 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial G
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword

6563_0862.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0862_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6563_0862_web.jpg (391.7 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword

6563_0865.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0865_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6563_0865_web.jpg (397.8 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial P
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword

6563_0868.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0868_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6563_0868_web.jpg (421.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial C
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword

6563_0870.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0870_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6563_0870_web.jpg (406.3 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial T
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword

6563_0872.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0872_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6563_0872_web.jpg (440.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial A
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul

6563_0873.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0873_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6563_0873_web.jpg (390.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial C
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword

6563_0875.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0875_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6563_0875_web.jpg (407.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial I

6563_0876.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0876_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6563_0876_web.jpg (410.9 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword

6563_0877.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0877_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0877_web.jpg (407.8 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial T
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul

6563_0878.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0878_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6563_0878_web.jpg (397.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial P

6563_0879.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0879_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6563_0879_web.jpg (413.2 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Paul with sword
Decoration: Illuminated initial I
Decoration: Illuminated initial M

6563_0886.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0886_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6563_0886_web.jpg (387.7 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial N

6563_0887.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0887_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6563_0887_web.jpg (428.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Saint James above a pilgrim

6563_0889.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0889_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6563_0889_web.jpg (401.7 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Peter with cross and Bible

6563_0891.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0891_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6563_0891_web.jpg (419.2 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial S, Saint Peter

6563_0893.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0893_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0893_web.jpg (395.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial Q, Saint John

6563_0895.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0895_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6563_0895_web.jpg (413.5 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial S, Saint John

6563_0896.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0896_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6563_0896_web.jpg (412.6 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial S, God speaking to Saint John
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Saint Jude with a scroll

6563_0897.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0897_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6563_0897_web.jpg (384.1 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial L
Decoration: Illuminated initial L
Decoration: Historiated initial P, God speaking to the Evangelist Luke

6563_0922.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0922_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6563_0922_web.jpg (378.7 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial O

6563_0923.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0923_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6563_0923_web.jpg (413.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial I
Decoration: Illuminated initial A

6563_0935.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0935_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6563_0935_web.jpg (344.8 KB)
Section: Interpretationes Hebraicorum nominum
Decoration: Illuminated initial A

6563_0950.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0950_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6563_0950_web.jpg (375.2 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial B

6563_0959.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0959_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6563_0959_web.jpg (391.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial C

6563_0961.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0961_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6563_0961_web.jpg (386.7 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial D

6563_0963.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0963_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0963_web.jpg (398.9 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E

6563_0968.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0968_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6563_0968_web.jpg (384.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial F

6563_0970.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0970_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6563_0970_web.jpg (377.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial G

6563_0973.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0973_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6563_0973_web.jpg (383.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial H

6563_0976.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0976_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6563_0976_web.jpg (404.3 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial I, Man with sword

6563_0981.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0981_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6563_0981_web.jpg (390.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial L

6563_0983.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0983_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6563_0983_web.jpg (408.3 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial M

6563_0988.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0988_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6563_0988_web.jpg (385.1 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial N

6563_0991.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0991_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6563_0991_web.jpg (400.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial O

6563_0992.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0992_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6563_0992_web.jpg (387.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial P

6563_0993.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0993_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6563_0993_web.jpg (386.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial R

6563_0995.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_0995_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6563_0995_web.jpg (402.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial S

6563_1004.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_1004_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6563_1004_web.jpg (381.8 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial T

6563_1007.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_1007_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6563_1007_web.jpg (391.3 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial U

6563_1008.tif (229.4 MB)
6563_1008_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6563_1008_web.jpg (386.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial Z

6563_1016.tif (270.1 MB)
6563_1016_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6563_1016_web.jpg (484.0 KB)

lewis_e_037_body0000ref.tif (229.4 MB)
lewis_e_037_body0000ref_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
lewis_e_037_body0000ref_web.jpg (362.4 KB)