Lewis E 38 Bible
BibleOther related names
- Butler, Charles, former owner
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811/)
- Lewis, Anne Baker, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 38(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- deRicci: 6
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
- Place
Siena?, Italy
This manuscript is a Bible written in Italy, perhaps Siena, in the thirteenth century. Each book of the Bible begins with a historiated initial; approximately ten initials have been cut out, as well as outer half of the fourth leaf. The text of the Bible is written in two columns of rotunda script; it is followed by The Interpretation of Hebrew Names, also in two columns, which is missing the entries at the end after Zava. Copious marginal notes added by a reader to the Christian scriptures have been largely trimmed away in rebinding (for example, fols. 396v-404r).
Ii+ 532+iii; 228 x 165 mm bound to 240 x 185 mmFoliation
Modern pagination in pencil, upper outer corners; modern foliation in pencil, lower right recto; references in this entry are to the modern foliationCollation
Structure uncertainSupport
Seventeenth-century French brown calf with gilt pomegranate ornamentation in corners and on spine, edges of leaves mottled in red and brown; stamped in gold on spine: BIBLIA SACRALayout
Seventy-two historiated initials in gold; several initials have been cut out (for example, fols. 222v, 236v, 363v, 393v, 441r, 455v, 457v, 486v); marginal extensions; penwork tracery in red and blue; running titles and chapter numbers in alternating red and blue letters; rubrication in red; very few manicules (fol. 474v)
- Formerly held in the library of the Franciscan Friars Minor of Verdun (eighteenth-century inscription, "Ex Bibliotheca ff. Minimoru[m] Virdin," fol. 1r); No. 503 in an early English sale catalog; Charles Butler sale (London, 18 July 1921, no. 415) to Davis and Orioli; John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936
- Bible
- 13th century
- Italian
- Illumination
- Historiated initial
- Gothic
- Italy
- Biblical
- Scripture
- Theology
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 38: Bible are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 38: Bible. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
- Flyleaf 1 recto — Ink drawing, Creature
- fol. 1r — Historiated initial F, Saint Jerome
- fol. 1r — Inhabited illuminated border
- fol. 1r — Hippogriff marginalia
- fol. 4r (stub) — Inhabited illuminated border (damaged) w/ drollery
- fol. 24r — Historiated initial H, Moses and three younger men
- fol. 24r — Crane marginalia
- fol. 40v — Historiated initial U, God speaking to Moses
- fol. 51v — Historiated initial L, Moses receiving the Ten Commandments
- fol. 68r — Historiated initial H, Moses proclaiming the Ten Commandments
- fol. 82v — Historiated initial E, God speaking to Joshua
- fol. 92r — Historiated initial P, God speaking with the Israelites
- fol. 102v — Historiated initial I, Naomi with Elimelech and sons
- fol. 105r — Historiated initial F, Eli and Hannah
- fol. 119r — Historiated initial F, King David and the beheading of the Amalekite
- fol. 130v — Historiated initial E, King David in bed and two attendants
- fol. 144r — Historiated initial P, Elijah standing by the bed of King Ahaziah
- fol. 156v — Historiated initial A, Jesus and Adam
- fol. 168r — Historiated initial C, King Solomon
- fol. 182r — Historiated initial I, King Cyrus and two men
- fol. 185v — Historiated initial U, Nehemiah writing
- fol. 191r — Historiated initial E, Josiah aspersing the altar
- fol. 197r — Historiated initial T, Tobit and a fish
- fol. 200v — Historiated initial A, Judith slaying Holofernes
- fol. 206r — Historiated initial I, Ahasuerus and Mordecai crowned
- fol. 206r — Small miniature, Haman hanged
- fol. 211v — Historiated initial U, Job and friends
- fol. 224v — Historiated initial D, God the Father points to David's eye
- fol. 227r — Historiated initial D, King David
- fol. 229r — Historiated initial D, King David and the fool
- fol. 231v — Historiated initial S, King David in the waters praying to God
- fol. 234r — Historiated initial E, King David playing bells
- fol. 239r — Historiated initial D, The Trinity
- fol. 245r — Historiated initial P, King Solomon with rod teaching child
- fol. 253r — Historiated initial U, King Solomon and a young man
- fol. 256r — Historiated initial O, Virgin and Child
- fol. 257v — Historiated initial D, Solomon teaching
- fol. 263v — Historiated initial O, Sirach
- fol. 279v — Historiated initial U, Martyrdom of Isaiah
- fol. 298v — Historiated initial U, Martyrdom of Jeremiah
- fol. 319v — Historiated initial Q, Jeremiah lamenting over Jerusalem
- fol. 321v — Historiated initial E, Baruch writing
- fol. 324v — Historiated initial E, Ezekiel and the vision of four creatures
- fol. 344r — Historiated initial A, Daniel in Lions' Den
- fol. 352v — Historiated initial U, Hosea and Gomer
- fol. 355v — Historiated initial U, Joel prophesying
- fol. 357r — Historiated initial U, God speaking to Amos with his flock
- fol. 359v — Historiated initial U, Obadiah prophesying
- fol. 360r — Historiated initial E, Jonah in the mouth of the whale
- fol. 361r — Historiated initial U, Micah and the Temple
- fol. 362v — Historiated initial O, Nahum
- fol. 363v — Half of an historiated initial O
- fol. 364v — Historiated initial U, God speaking to Zephaniah
- fol. 365v — Historiated initial I, Haggai
- fol. 366v — Historiated initial I, Zechariah and the vision of the woman in a vessel
- fol. 369v — Historiated initial O, Malachi prophesying
- fol. 370v — Historiated initial E, Mattathias slaying Jewish apostate
- fol. 383r — Zoomorphic historiated initial F, Maccabee with letter from the Jews
- fol. 393v — Historiated initial L, Tree of Jesse (partial, damaged)
- fol. 406v — Historiated initial I, Evangelist portrait, Mark
- fol. 415r — Historiated initial F, Evangelist portrait, Luke
- fol. 429v — Historiated initial I, Evangelist portrait, John
- fol. 441r — Illuminated historiated border
- fol. 446r — Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul preaching
- fol. 450v — Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul being lowered in a basket
- fol. 454r — Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul preaching
- fol. 455v — Illuminated initial T
- fol. 457v — Illuminated initial T
- fol. 458v — Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul in prison
- fol. 460r — Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul with letter
- fol. 461r — Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul with Letter
- fol. 461v — Illuminated initial T
- fol. 463r — Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul and Titus as a bishop
- fol. 463v — Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul and Titus as a bishop
- fol. 464v — Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul in prison baptizing Ones Imus
- fol. 464v — Historiated initial M, Apostle Paul preaching
- fol. 468v — Historiated initial P, Apostles with Peter in front
- fol. 474v — Manicule
- fol. 482v — Historiated initial I, Saint James
- fol. 484r — Historiated initial P, Saint Peter
- fol. 485v — Historiated initial S, Saint Peter
- fol. 486v — Illuminated border
- fol. 488r — Historiated initial S, Saint John writing
- fol. 488r — Historiated initial S, Saint John
- fol. 488r — Historiated initial I, Saint Jude
- fol. 488v — Illuminated border
- fol. 489r — Historiated initial A, Saint John the Evangelist on Patmos
- Flyleaf 1 recto — Ink drawing, Creature
Inside front cover
6425_0001.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0001_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
6425_0001_web.jpg (363.9 KB)
Flyleaf 1 recto
6425_0002.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0002_thumb.jpg (3.1 KB)
6425_0002_web.jpg (223.0 KB)
Decoration: Ink drawing, Creature
fol. 1r
6425_0006.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0006_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
6425_0006_web.jpg (332.2 KB)
Section: Vulgate Bible
Decoration: Historiated initial F, Saint Jerome
Decoration: Inhabited illuminated border
Decoration: Hippogriff marginalia
fol. 4r (stub)
6425_0012.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0012_thumb.jpg (4.9 KB)
6425_0012_web.jpg (352.6 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited illuminated border (damaged) w/ drollery
fol. 24r
6425_0052.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0052_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6425_0052_web.jpg (382.0 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial H, Moses and three younger men
Decoration: Crane marginalia
fol. 40v
6425_0085.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0085_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0085_web.jpg (420.9 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, God speaking to Moses
fol. 51v
6425_0107.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0107_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0107_web.jpg (458.9 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial L, Moses receiving the Ten Commandments
fol. 68r
6425_0140.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0140_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6425_0140_web.jpg (397.1 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial H, Moses proclaiming the Ten Commandments
fol. 82v
6425_0169.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0169_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0169_web.jpg (428.1 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial E, God speaking to Joshua
fol. 92r
6425_0188.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0188_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0188_web.jpg (411.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, God speaking with the Israelites
fol. 102v
6425_0209.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0209_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6425_0209_web.jpg (432.5 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Naomi with Elimelech and sons
fol. 105r
6425_0214.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0214_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6425_0214_web.jpg (375.6 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial F, Eli and Hannah
fol. 119r
6425_0242.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0242_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0242_web.jpg (396.5 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial F, King David and the beheading of the Amalekite
fol. 130v
6425_0265.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0265_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0265_web.jpg (425.1 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial E, King David in bed and two attendants
fol. 144r
6425_0292.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0292_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6425_0292_web.jpg (439.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Elijah standing by the bed of King Ahaziah
fol. 156v
6425_0317.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0317_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0317_web.jpg (420.0 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial A, Jesus and Adam
fol. 168r
6425_0340.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0340_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0340_web.jpg (420.1 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial C, King Solomon
fol. 182r
6425_0368.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0368_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6425_0368_web.jpg (411.9 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial I, King Cyrus and two men
fol. 185v
6425_0375.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0375_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0375_web.jpg (431.7 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, Nehemiah writing
fol. 191r
6425_0386.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0386_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0386_web.jpg (389.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial E, Josiah aspersing the altar
fol. 197r
6425_0398.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0398_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
6425_0398_web.jpg (366.6 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial T, Tobit and a fish
fol. 200v
6425_0405.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0405_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6425_0405_web.jpg (395.0 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial A, Judith slaying Holofernes
fol. 206r
6425_0416.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0416_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0416_web.jpg (411.2 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Ahasuerus and Mordecai crowned
Decoration: Small miniature, Haman hanged
fol. 211v
6425_0427.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0427_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0427_web.jpg (438.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, Job and friends
fol. 224v
6425_0453.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0453_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6425_0453_web.jpg (413.6 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial D, God the Father points to David's eye
fol. 227r
6425_0458.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0458_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0458_web.jpg (393.1 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial D, King David
fol. 229r
6425_0462.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0462_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0462_web.jpg (393.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial D, King David and the fool
fol. 231v
6425_0467.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0467_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0467_web.jpg (436.5 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial S, King David in the waters praying to God
fol. 234r
6425_0472.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0472_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0472_web.jpg (425.4 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial E, King David playing bells
fol. 239r
6425_0482.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0482_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6425_0482_web.jpg (389.5 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial D, The Trinity
fol. 245r
6425_0494.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0494_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6425_0494_web.jpg (391.4 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, King Solomon with rod teaching child
fol. 253r
6425_0510.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0510_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6425_0510_web.jpg (394.9 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, King Solomon and a young man
fol. 256r
6425_0516.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0516_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0516_web.jpg (419.5 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial O, Virgin and Child
fol. 257v
6425_0519.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0519_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0519_web.jpg (456.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial D, Solomon teaching
fol. 263v
6425_0531.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0531_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6425_0531_web.jpg (426.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial O, Sirach
fol. 279v
6425_0563.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0563_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0563_web.jpg (427.6 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, Martyrdom of Isaiah
fol. 298v
6425_0601.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0601_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0601_web.jpg (417.2 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, Martyrdom of Jeremiah
fol. 319v
6425_0643.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0643_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6425_0643_web.jpg (438.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial Q, Jeremiah lamenting over Jerusalem
fol. 321v
6425_0647.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0647_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0647_web.jpg (457.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial E, Baruch writing
fol. 324v
6425_0653.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0653_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0653_web.jpg (392.6 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial E, Ezekiel and the vision of four creatures
fol. 344r
6425_0692.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0692_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6425_0692_web.jpg (457.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial A, Daniel in Lions' Den
fol. 352v
6425_0709.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0709_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0709_web.jpg (413.5 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, Hosea and Gomer
fol. 355v
6425_0715.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0715_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6425_0715_web.jpg (457.0 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, Joel prophesying
fol. 357r
6425_0718.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0718_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0718_web.jpg (398.2 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, God speaking to Amos with his flock
fol. 359v
6425_0723.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0723_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0723_web.jpg (443.4 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, Obadiah prophesying
fol. 360r
6425_0724.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0724_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0724_web.jpg (454.2 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial E, Jonah in the mouth of the whale
fol. 361r
6425_0726.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0726_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6425_0726_web.jpg (402.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, Micah and the Temple
fol. 362v
6425_0729.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0729_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0729_web.jpg (408.9 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial O, Nahum
fol. 363v
6425_0731.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0731_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0731_web.jpg (434.6 KB)
Decoration: Half of an historiated initial O
fol. 364v
6425_0733.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0733_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0733_web.jpg (412.5 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial U, God speaking to Zephaniah
fol. 365v
6425_0735.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0735_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0735_web.jpg (422.0 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Haggai
fol. 366v
6425_0737.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0737_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6425_0737_web.jpg (434.6 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Zechariah and the vision of the woman in a vessel
fol. 369v
6425_0743.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0743_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0743_web.jpg (475.1 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial O, Malachi prophesying
fol. 370v
6425_0745.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0745_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6425_0745_web.jpg (419.0 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial E, Mattathias slaying Jewish apostate
fol. 383r
6425_0770.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0770_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0770_web.jpg (428.7 KB)
Decoration: Zoomorphic historiated initial F, Maccabee with letter from the Jews
fol. 393v
6425_0791.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0791_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0791_web.jpg (410.7 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial L, Tree of Jesse (partial, damaged)
fol. 406v
6425_0817.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0817_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6425_0817_web.jpg (445.5 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Evangelist portrait, Mark
fol. 415r
6425_0834.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0834_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0834_web.jpg (462.1 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial F, Evangelist portrait, Luke
fol. 429v
6425_0863.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0863_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6425_0863_web.jpg (411.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Evangelist portrait, John
fol. 441r
6425_0886.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0886_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0886_web.jpg (461.8 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated historiated border
fol. 446r
6425_0896.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0896_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0896_web.jpg (434.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul preaching
fol. 450v
6425_0905.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0905_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0905_web.jpg (449.0 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul being lowered in a basket
fol. 454r
6425_0912.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0912_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0912_web.jpg (432.5 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul preaching
fol. 455v
6425_0915.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0915_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6425_0915_web.jpg (420.9 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial T
fol. 457v
6425_0919.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0919_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6425_0919_web.jpg (402.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial T
fol. 458v
6425_0921.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0921_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0921_web.jpg (455.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul in prison
fol. 460r
6425_0924.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0924_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6425_0924_web.jpg (432.1 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul with letter
fol. 461r
6425_0926.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0926_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6425_0926_web.jpg (457.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul with Letter
fol. 461v
6425_0927.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0927_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6425_0927_web.jpg (422.1 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial T
fol. 463r
6425_0930.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0930_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6425_0930_web.jpg (453.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul and Titus as a bishop
fol. 463v
6425_0931.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0931_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0931_web.jpg (420.0 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul and Titus as a bishop
fol. 464v
6425_0933.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0933_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6425_0933_web.jpg (452.7 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Apostle Paul in prison baptizing Ones Imus
Decoration: Historiated initial M, Apostle Paul preaching
fol. 468v
6425_0941.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0941_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6425_0941_web.jpg (442.7 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Apostles with Peter in front
fol. 474v
6425_0953.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0953_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0953_web.jpg (445.4 KB)
Decoration: Manicule
fol. 482v
6425_0969.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0969_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6425_0969_web.jpg (445.6 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Saint James
fol. 484r
6425_0972.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0972_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0972_web.jpg (433.4 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saint Peter
fol. 485v
6425_0975.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0975_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6425_0975_web.jpg (409.0 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial S, Saint Peter
fol. 486v
6425_0977.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0977_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6425_0977_web.jpg (455.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated border
fol. 488r
6425_0980.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0980_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6425_0980_web.jpg (432.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial S, Saint John writing
Decoration: Historiated initial S, Saint John
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Saint Jude
fol. 488v
6425_0981.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0981_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6425_0981_web.jpg (433.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated border
fol. 489r
6425_0982.tif (103.7 MB)
6425_0982_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6425_0982_web.jpg (474.1 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial A, Saint John the Evangelist on Patmos
fol. 496v
6425_0997.tif (103.7 MB)
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6425_0997_web.jpg (387.8 KB)
Section: Interpretation of Hebrew Names (partial)
Flyleaf 1 recto
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Decoration: Ink drawing, Creature
Inside back cover
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