Lewis E 50 Breviary, Use of Ghent
Breviary, Use of GhentOther related names
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811)
- Lewis, Anne Baker, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 50(Philadelphia, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- deRicci: 37
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
Use of Ghent; late 15th century
- Place
Ghent?, Belgium
A Breviary of the Use of Ghent containing a calendar, tables, ferial psalter, and concluding prayers added in a different, but early, hand. Amendations to the calendar indicate a change of use early in the manuscript's history. The major textual divisions are marked by illuminated letters two-to-five lines high and three- or four-sided panels of acanthus leaf sprays.
Iiii+329+iii; 148 x 106 mm bound to 155 x 117 mmFoliation
Modern foliation, upper right rectoCollation
1 (6), 2 (2), 3-33 (10), 34 (12, -12)Signatures
Cropped signatures visible at: fols. 271r, 272r, 273r, 274r, 279r, 280r, 281r, 282r, 283r, 299r, 300r, 319rSupport
Cropped catchwords visible at: fols. 268v, 278v, 288v, 298v, 308v, 318vBinding
Brown morocco with gold edges, in a caseLayout
The major textual divisions are marked by illuminated letters two-to-five lines high and three- or four-sided panels of acanthus leaf sprays
- Book of Hours
- 15th century
- Belgium
- Christian
- Illumination
- Private devotional text
- Devotion
- Liturgy
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 50: Breviary, Use of Ghent are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 50: Breviary, Use of Ghent. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Calendar
- fol. 7r — Breviary Tables
- fol. 9r — Temporale
- fol. 138v — Ferial Psalter followed by litany, petitions, and collects
- fol. 198r — Hymns
- fol. 204v — Common of Saints
- fol. 216r — Sanctorale
- fol. 325r — Hours of the Virgin
- fol. 327v — Office of the Virgin for Advent
- fol. 328v — Absolutions and Benedictions
- fol. 329r — Prayers to martyrs, Bonaventure, Louis, Elzéar, and Anastasia [in a different hand]
- fol. 9r — Illuminated initial F
- fol. 9r — Four-sided border
- fol. 24v — Illuminated initial R
- fol. 24v — Four-sided border
- fol. 38v — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 38v — Four-sided border
- fol. 93r — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 93r — Four-sided border
- fol. 106r — Illuminated initial P
- fol. 106r — Three-sided border
- fol. 108v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 108v — Four-sided border
- fol. 114r — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 114r — Three-sided border
- fol. 138v — Illuminated initial B
- fol. 138v — Four-sided border
- fol. 143r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 145r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 145r — Three-sided border
- fol. 151r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 151r — Three-sided border
- fol. 159r — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 159r — Three-sided border
- fol. 166r — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 166r — Three-sided border
- fol. 171v — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 171v — Three-sided border
- fol. 184r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 184r — Three-sided border
- fol. 198r — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 198r — Three-sided border
- fol. 204v — Illuminated initial F
- fol. 204v — Three-sided border
- fol. 208v — Illuminated initial I
- fol. 208v — Three-sided border
- fol. 209r — Illuminated initial B
- fol. 209r — Three-sided border
- fol. 210v — Illuminated initial F
- fol. 210v — Three-sided border
- fol. 212v — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 212v — Three-sided border
- fol. 214r — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 214r — Three-sided border
- fol. 216r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 216r — Four-sided border
- fol. 231r — Historiated initial E
- fol. 231r — Three-sided border
- fol. 278r — Historiated initial I
- fol. 278r — Three-sided border
- fol. 285v — Historiated initial L
- fol. 285v — Three-sided border
- fol. 291r — Historiated initial A
- fol. 291r — Three-sided border
- fol. 313v — Historiated initial E
- fol. 313v — Three-sided border

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Section: Calendar

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Section: Breviary Tables

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Section: Temporale
Decoration: Illuminated initial F
Decoration: Four-sided border

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Decoration: Illuminated initial R
Decoration: Four-sided border

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Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Four-sided border

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Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Four-sided border

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Decoration: Illuminated initial P
Decoration: Three-sided border

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Four-sided border

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4329_0236_web.jpg (424.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Three-sided border

4329_0285.tif (47.9 MB)
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4329_0285_web.jpg (510.2 KB)
Section: Ferial Psalter followed by litany, petitions, and collects
Decoration: Illuminated initial B
Decoration: Four-sided border

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D

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4329_0298_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
4329_0298_web.jpg (469.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0310_web.jpg (449.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0326_web.jpg (459.3 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0340_web.jpg (475.7 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0351_web.jpg (494.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial C
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0376_web.jpg (430.7 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0404_web.jpg (497.5 KB)
Section: Hymns
Decoration: Illuminated initial C
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0417_web.jpg (516.2 KB)
Section: Common of Saints
Decoration: Illuminated initial F
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0425_web.jpg (490.7 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial I
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0426_web.jpg (512.8 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial B
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0429_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
4329_0429_web.jpg (505.8 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial F
Decoration: Three-sided border

4329_0433.tif (47.9 MB)
4329_0433_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
4329_0433_web.jpg (467.2 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial C
Decoration: Three-sided border

4329_0436.tif (47.9 MB)
4329_0436_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
4329_0436_web.jpg (512.3 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Three-sided border

4329_0440.tif (47.9 MB)
4329_0440_thumb.jpg (7.8 KB)
4329_0440_web.jpg (538.4 KB)
Section: Sanctorale
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Four-sided border

4329_0470.tif (47.9 MB)
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4329_0470_web.jpg (527.5 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial E
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0564_web.jpg (509.1 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial I
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0579_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
4329_0579_web.jpg (481.0 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial L
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0590_web.jpg (541.7 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial A
Decoration: Three-sided border

4329_0635.tif (47.9 MB)
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4329_0635_web.jpg (473.1 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial E
Decoration: Three-sided border

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4329_0658_web.jpg (472.3 KB)
Section: Hours of the Virgin

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4329_0663_web.jpg (399.4 KB)
Section: Office of the Virgin for Advent

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Section: Absolutions and Benedictions

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4329_0666_web.jpg (473.5 KB)
Section: Prayers to martyrs, Bonaventure, Louis, Elzéar, and Anastasia [in a different hand]

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