Lewis E 91 Book of Hours, Use of Utrecht
Book of Hours, Use of UtrechtOther related names
- Groote, Geert, 1340-1384, translator (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n86074245.html)
- Eerens, Lambertus, former owner
- Eerens, Conradus, former owner
- Crane, Warren C., former owner
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811/)
- Lewis, Anne Baker, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 91(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- https://know.freelibrary.org/Record/1560762
- deRicci: 61
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
Middle Dutch (ca. 1050-1350)Origin
Late 15th century
- Place
This manuscript is a late fifteenth-century Dutch book of hours for the Use of Utrecht with a calendar for the Use of Maastricht. Occasional corrections or additions are written in the lower margin with points of insertion marked in the text, possibly by the scribe. Two miniatures, a Pieta and a penitent David, are by a much later artist.
- First seven front flyleaves are modern paper, the eighth is parchment; first back flyleaf is parchment, last seven are modern paper
Viii+164+viii; 142 x 100 mm bound to 150 x 115 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, upper right recto; added half folio between fols. 153 and 154, marked 153aCollation
Structure uncertainSignatures
Possible trimmed signature b, fols. 25r-26r, lower right rectoSupport
Dark red morocco, gold-tooled in panel design, gold-tooled inner edges, marbled endleaves; HORAE / DUTCH MS. / XV. CENTURY stamped on gold-tooled spine with false raised bands; bound by H. Zucker of Philadelphia after 1912; in original wooden boards at Anderson sale in 1912Layout
Two miniatures (Mater dolorosa, fol. 14v; David in penance, fol. 60v) added by post-medieval hand; large five-line flourished initials in red, blue, and purple ink at major text divisions; one- and two-line initials in alternating red and blue throughout
- Lambertus and Conradus Eerens (sixteenth century); W.C. Crane; his sale New York, Anderson Auction Co., December 9, 1912, no. 386; John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936; Names of Lambertus Eerens and Conradus Eerens appears in sixteenth-century cursive hand on recto of original front flyleaf; name of Conradus Eerens appears twice again in lower margin of fol. 19r with date "1511" written in red ink; Same hand wrote list of saints on reverse of parchment flyleaf; Description of manuscript signed "Anderson Auction Co." and dated 10/12/1912, written in modern hand on original back flyleaf
Related resources
- De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, vol. 2 (New York: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), p. 2035, no. 61.
- Free Library of Philadelphia, A Descriptive Catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia, compiled by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, with an introduction by Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach (Philadelphia: The Free Library, 1937), p. 99, no. 91.
- Webber, Philip E., "Medieval Netherlandic Manuscripts in Greater Philadelphia Libraries," Archief- en bibliotheekwezen in België 47 (1976): pp. 482-484 (article pp. 459-513).
- Books of hours
- Book of Hours
- 15th century
- Netherlands
- Christian
- Miniature
- Private devotional text
- Devotion
- Liturgy
- Illustration
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 91: Book of Hours, Use of Utrecht are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 91: Book of Hours, Use of Utrecht. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- Flyleaf 8 verso — List of saints in sixteenth-century cursive hand, identical to beginning of list on fol. 70v in the Litany
- fol. 1r — Calendar, Maastricht use
- fol. 13r — Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermon beginning "O broeders. Ghetruwelick sal ic versuchtende ende eyschende ontfanghen ..."
- fol. 15r — Hours of the Virgin, translation of Geert Groote
- fol. 61r — Seven Penitential Psalms, translation of Geert Groote
- fol. 69r — Litany
- fol. 80r — Office of the Dead, translation of Geert Groote
- fol. 116r — Hours of Eternal Wisdom, translation of Geert Groote
- fol. 134r — Hours of the Holy Spirit, translation of Geert Groote
- fol. 142r — Hours of the Holy Cross, translation of Geert Groote
- fol. 154v — Prayer, "Ich sal mijn begeerten geuen den here voer alle sijn volck ..." (added by contemporary hand)
- fol. 162r — Prayers to be read before and after receiving the Holy Sacrament
- Flyleaf 8 verso — List of saints in sixteenth-century cursive hand, identical to beginning of list on fol. 70v in the Litany

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Section: List of saints in sixteenth-century cursive hand, identical to beginning of list on fol. 70v in the Litany

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Section: Calendar, Maastricht use

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Section: Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermon beginning "O broeders. Ghetruwelick sal ic versuchtende ende eyschende ontfanghen ..."

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Decoration: Large Post-medieval miniature, "Mater dolorosa"

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Section: Hours of the Virgin, translation of Geert Groote
Decoration: Six line red and blue initial H

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Decoration: Full-page Post-medieval miniature, David in Penance

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Section: Seven Penitential Psalms, translation of Geert Groote

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Section: Litany

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Section: Office of the Dead, translation of Geert Groote

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Section: Hours of Eternal Wisdom, translation of Geert Groote

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Section: Hours of the Holy Spirit, translation of Geert Groote

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Section: Hours of the Holy Cross, translation of Geert Groote
Decoration: Four line red and blue initial H

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Decoration: Large red initial I

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Decoration: Large red initial I

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Section: Prayer, "Ich sal mijn begeerten geuen den here voer alle sijn volck ..." (added by contemporary hand)

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Section: Prayers to be read before and after receiving the Holy Sacrament

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Section: List of saints in sixteenth-century cursive hand, identical to beginning of list on fol. 70v in the Litany

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