Lewis E 102 Book of Hours, Use of Rome
Book of Hours, Use of RomeOther related names
- Master of Edward IV, active 1470-1490, artist (https://viaf.org/viaf/95690260)
- Minns, Susan B., former owner (https://viaf.org/viaf/7299199)
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811/)
- Lewis, Anne Baker, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 102(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- https://know.freelibrary.org/Record/1599787
- deRicci: 87
- TELMA-Luxury-Bound: 2943
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
- Place
Bruges?, Flanders
This high-quality Flemish Book of Hours, probably produced in Bruges around the turn of the sixteenth century, is written in a fine Northern Rotunda script. It contains nine full-page miniatures attributed to the Master of Edward IV (active in Bruges between about 1470 and 1500), each of which is on the verso side of an inserted folio, facing the first page of the relevant text. Miniatures and their facing incipit pages are surrounded by lavish strewn-flower borders typical of the so-called Ghent-Bruges school. The flowers are painted in a naturalistic manner over a thin gold-wash ground, which is frequently inhabited by moths, birds, flies, and occasional zoomorphic or anthropomorphic creatures. The book's calendar is followed by the prayer to the Face of Christ, the "Salve sancta facies," introduced by an image of the Salvator Mundi along whose neckline the words "DOMINUS. DOMINUS" are discernable (fol. 16v). In a manner typical of Flemish Books of Hours, the Hours of the Cross and Hours of the Holy Spirit, as well as the Mass of the Virgin, precede the Hours of the Virgin; these sections are introduced by miniatures of the Crucifixion (fol. 18v), Pentecost (fol. 23v), and Virgin and Child (fol. 28v). The Hours of the Virgin itself contains miniatures of the Annunciation (fol. 35v) and Visitation (fol. 47v) for Matins and Lauds respectively, but no miniatures for the subsequent hours, which follow seamlessly without page breaks. The Penitential Psalms occur next, introduced by a miniature of the penitent King David (fol. 78v). The Office of the Dead begins with a miniature showing the Raising of Lazarus (fol. 91v). The final section, opening with an image of the Agony in the Garden (fol. 116v), contains readings from the Passion according to the four Evangelists. The upper and lower pastedowns of the book are original ruled blank pages, and are integral to the book block.
- Fols. 1-3 and 146-153 are original blank-but-ruled flyleaves
153; 215 x 145 mm bound to 227 x 162 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, upper right rectoCollation
1-2 (8), 3 (11, +1 +3 +8), 4 (10, +2 +9), 5 (8), 6 (9, +3), 7-9 (8), 10 (9, +1), 11 (9, +5), 12-13 (8), 14 (9, +5), 15-18 (8), 19 (2)Support
Original downward-facing catchwords in lower right margin at fols.: 36v; 44v; 53v; 61v; 69v; 86v; 95v; 103v; 111v; 120v; 128v; 136v; and 144vBinding
Black stamped morocco over wooden boards, possibly sixteenth-centuryLayout
Nine full-page miniatures with full inhabited floral borders; red, blue, and gold decorated initials and line fillers throughout
- Susan B. Minns (sold at American Art Association, 2-3 May 1922, lot 420); John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936; catalogue entry with illustration tipped onto inside front cover; pencil "310" written in inside front cover
Related resources
- American Art Association, Collection of Miss Susan Minns of Boston, Mass.; Books, Bookplates, Coins, Curios, Prints, Illuminated Manuscripts and Horae Illustrative of "The Dance of Death," to be sold May 2nd and 3rd, 1922 (Greenwich, Conn.: Condé Nast, 1922), lot 420 (with illustration).
- De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, vol. 2 (New York,: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), p. 2039, no. 87.
- Free Library of Philadelphia, A Descriptive Catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia, compiled by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, with an introduction by Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach (Philadelphia: The Free Library, 1937), p. 111-112, no. 102.
- Brinkmann, Bodo, Die flämische Buchmalerei am Ende des Burgunderreichs: der Meister des Dresdener Gebetbuchs und die Miniaturisten seiner Zeit, 2 vols. (Turnhout: Brepols, 1997), p. 146, text ill. 42-43 (attributed to the master of Master Edward IV).
- TELMA-Luxury Bound: A corpus of manuscripts illustrated in the Netherlands (1400-1550) (http://www.cn-telma.fr/luxury-bound/manuscrit2943/)
- 16th century
- Flemish
- Flanders
- Book of Hours
- Illustration
- Miniature
- Illumination
- Christian
- Devotion
- Private devotional text
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 102: Book of Hours, Use of Rome are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 102: Book of Hours, Use of Rome. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 4r — Calendar
- fol. 17r — Prayer to the Holy Face, "Salve sancta facies …"
- fol. 19r — Hours of the Cross
- fol. 24r — Hours of the Holy Spirit
- fol. 29r — Mass of the Virgin
- fol. 36r — Hours of the Virgin, Use of Rome
- fol. 79r — Penitential Psalms, Litany, and Prayers
- fol. 92r — Office of the Dead
- fol. 113r — Obsecro te
- fol. 117r — The Passion according to Saint Matthew
- fol. 126r — The Passion according to Saint Mark
- fol. 133r — The Passion according to Saint Luke
- fol. 140r — The Passion according to Saint John
- fol. 16v — Full-page miniature, Salvator mundi
- fol. 16v — Full strewn-flower panel border with owl, bee, moth, and drollery
- fol. 17r — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 17r — Full strewn-flower panel border with angel playing bagpipe, moths, fly, and monkey
- fol. 18v — Full-page miniature, Crucifixion
- fol. 18v — Full strewn-flower panel border with bird, fly, moth, and drollery
- fol. 19r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 19r — Full strewn-flower panel border with moths and hooded man playing a citole
- fol. 23v — Full-page miniature, Pentecost
- fol. 23v — Full strewn-flower panel border shell, fly, and drollery
- fol. 24r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 24r — Full strewn-flower panel border with moths and anthropomorphic cock drollery
- fol. 28v — Full-page miniature, Virgin and Child with Musical Angels
- fol. 28v — Full strewn-flower panel border with bird and moths
- fol. 29r — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 29r — Full strewn-flower panel border with moths, snail, and musical angel
- fol. 35v — Full-page miniature, Annunciation
- fol. 35v — Full strewn-flower panel border with moth and anthropomorphic peacock
- fol. 36r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 36r — Full strewn-flower panel border with moth, fly, and woman making a chaplet
- fol. 47v — Full-page miniature, Visitation
- fol. 47v — Full strewn-flower panel border with moth and birds
- fol. 48r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 48r — Full strewn-flower panel border with moth, snail, musical man and griffin
- fol. 54v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 59v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 62r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 64r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 68v — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 72r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 78v — Full-page miniature, King David
- fol. 78v — Full strewn-flower panel border with bird, snail, and peacock
- fol. 79r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 79r — Full strewn-flower panel border with moths, gardener, and organ-playing bear
- fol. 91v — Full-page miniature, Raising of Lazarus
- fol. 91v — Full strewn-flower panel border with moths, skulls, and bones
- fol. 92r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 92r — Full strewn-flower panel border with fly, skulls, and bones
- fol. 113r — Illuminated initial O
- fol. 116v — Full-page miniature, Agony in the Garden
- fol. 116v — Full strewn-flower panel border with moths, snail, and owl
- fol. 117r — Illuminated initial I
- fol. 117r — Full strewn-flower panel border with moths, fly, angel with lance, and drollery
- fol. 126r — Illuminated initial I
- fol. 133r — Illuminated initial I
- fol. 140r — Illuminated initial I
- Insert recto — Print catalog entry

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Section: Calendar

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Decoration: Full-page miniature, Salvator mundi
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with owl, bee, moth, and drollery

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Section: Prayer to the Holy Face, "Salve sancta facies …"
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with angel playing bagpipe, moths, fly, and monkey

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Decoration: Full-page miniature, Crucifixion
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with bird, fly, moth, and drollery

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Section: Hours of the Cross
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with moths and hooded man playing a citole

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Decoration: Full-page miniature, Pentecost
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border shell, fly, and drollery

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Section: Hours of the Holy Spirit
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with moths and anthropomorphic cock drollery

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Decoration: Full-page miniature, Virgin and Child with Musical Angels
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with bird and moths

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Section: Mass of the Virgin
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with moths, snail, and musical angel

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Decoration: Full-page miniature, Annunciation
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with moth and anthropomorphic peacock

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Section: Hours of the Virgin, Use of Rome
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with moth, fly, and woman making a chaplet

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Decoration: Full-page miniature, Visitation
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with moth and birds

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with moth, snail, musical man and griffin

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D

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Decoration: Illuminated initial A

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D

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Decoration: Full-page miniature, King David
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with bird, snail, and peacock

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Section: Penitential Psalms, Litany, and Prayers
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with moths, gardener, and organ-playing bear

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Decoration: Full-page miniature, Raising of Lazarus
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with moths, skulls, and bones

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Section: Office of the Dead
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with fly, skulls, and bones

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Section: Obsecro te
Decoration: Illuminated initial O

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Decoration: Full-page miniature, Agony in the Garden
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with moths, snail, and owl

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Section: The Passion according to Saint Matthew
Decoration: Illuminated initial I
Decoration: Full strewn-flower panel border with moths, fly, angel with lance, and drollery

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Section: The Passion according to Saint Mark
Decoration: Illuminated initial I

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Section: The Passion according to Saint Luke
Decoration: Illuminated initial I

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Section: The Passion according to Saint John
Decoration: Illuminated initial I

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Decoration: Print catalog entry

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