Lewis E 103 Book of Hours, Use of Rome
Book of Hours, Use of RomeOther related names
- Hoe, Robert, 1839-1909, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/17337420)
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811)
- Lewis, Anne Baker, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 103(Philadelphia, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- deRicci: 104
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
15th or 16th century
- Place
This Book of Hours, Use of Rome, is from fifteenth- or sixteenth-century Flanders. Although now missing at least eleven leaves that likely had miniatures, it retains nineteen leaves with three-quarter or full borders with floral specimens and sometimes lattice-work against colored backgrounds, inhabited by creatures including butterflies and moths, snails, birds, an owl, and a monkey. Prayers, suffrages, and Gospel lessons precede the Hours of the Virgin.
- Leaves missing between fols. 16 and 17, 17 and 18, 25 and 26, 26 and 27, 28 and 29, 57 and 58, 58 and 59, 60 and 61, 67 and 68, 70 and 71, and 100 and 101 (probably those containing miniatures)
Iv+138+iv; 115 x 80 mm bound to 125 x 95 mmFoliation
Foliation, earlier in ink, upper right recto (skipping fol. 68); later foliation in pencil corrects them or adds correct number lower right recto; references in this record are to the later foliationCollation
Structure uncertainSupport
Mid-nineteenth-century English Russia leather, blind tooled, gilt edges; stamped in gold on spine: Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis, Latin Ms, and Flemish XV CenturyLayout
Floral and inhabited borders; red, blue, and gold decorated initials and line fillers throughout
- Robert Hoe (sold 1912); John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936; book plates of Robert Hoe (on inside front cover) and John Frederick Lewis (on recto of front fly leaf); unidentified armorial book plate with six lions on inside front cover; note written in pencil on recto of back fly leaf, "Sale no. 2088 Robt. Hoe"; in pencil of recto of last back end leaf: "h. 68"
Related resources
- De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, vol. 2 (New York: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), p. 2043, no. 104.
- Free Library of Philadelphia, A Descriptive Catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia, compiled by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, with an introduction by Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach (Philadelphia: The Free Library, 1937), p. 112-113, no. 103.
- Book of Hours
- 15th century
- 16th century
- Flemish
- Flanders
- Inhabited initial
- Missing leaves
- Devotion
- Private devotional text
- Liturgy
- Illustration
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 103: Book of Hours, Use of Rome are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 103: Book of Hours, Use of Rome. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Prayer, Obsecro te
- fol. 4r — Prayer, O intemerata
- fol. 7r — Suffrages
- fol. 9r — Athanasian Creed
- fol. 12v — Prayers, beginning with O bone ihesu
- fol. 17v — Suffrages
- fol. 26r — Gospel Lessons
- fol. 29r — Hours of the Virgin
- fol. 83r — Penitential Psalms, Litany, and Prayers
- fol. 101r — Office of the Dead
- fol. 1r — Five line decorated initial O
- fol. 4r — Four line decorated initial O
- fol. 6v — Four line decorated initial A
- fol. 7r — Five line decorated initial O
- fol. 7r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 7v — Five line decorated initial O
- fol. 8r — Five line decorated initial M
- fol. 8r — Two line decorated initial I
- fol. 8v — Two line decorated initial L
- fol. 9r — Six line decorated initial Q
- fol. 12v — Five line decorated initial O
- fol. 14v — Five line decorated initial D
- fol. 16v — Four line decorated initial D
- fol. 16v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 17v — Five line decorated initial I
- fol. 17v — Two line decorated initial B
- fol. 18r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 18r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 18v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 18v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 19r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 19r — Four line decorated initial P
- fol. 20r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 22r — Five line decorated initial R
- fol. 22v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 22v — Four line decorated initial I
- fol. 23r — Two line decorated initial O
- fol. 23v — Two line decorated initial C
- fol. 23v — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 24r — Two line decorated initial O
- fol. 24v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 25r — Five line decorated initial B
- fol. 25r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 25v — Five line decorated initial O
- fol. 25v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 26r — Six line decorated initial I
- fol. 27v — Six line decorated initial I
- fol. 29v — Two line decorated initial Q
- fol. 30r — Three line decorated initial D
- fol. 31r — Two line decorated initial C
- fol. 32v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 33v — Three line decorated initial C
- fol. 35r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 36v — Two line decorated initial F
- fol. 38v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 39v — Two line decorated initial C
- fol. 41r — Two line decorated initial I
- fol. 41v — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 42r — Two line decorated initial Q
- fol. 42v — Two line decorated initial T
- fol. 44r — Three line decorated initial M
- fol. 45r — Two line decorated initial Q
- fol. 45v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 47r — Five line decorated initial D
- fol. 47r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 47v — Two line decorated initial I
- fol. 48v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 49v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 50r — Two line decorated initial B
- fol. 51v — Two line decorated initial L
- fol. 52v — Two line decorated initial C
- fol. 53v — Two line decorated initial L
- fol. 54r — Two line decorated initial U
- fol. 54r — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 54r — Two line decorated initial O
- fol. 54v — Two line decorated initial B
- fol. 56r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 56v — Two line decorated initial P
- fol. 56v — Two line decorated initial O
- fol. 57v — Two line decorated initial C
- fol. 58r — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 58r — Two line decorated initial O
- fol. 58v — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 59r — Two line decorated initial B
- fol. 60r — Two line decorated initial U
- fol. 60r — Two line decorated initial Q
- fol. 60v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 61r — Two line decorated initial L
- fol. 61v — Two line decorated initial L
- fol. 62r — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 62v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 63r — Two line decorated initial P
- fol. 63r — Two line decorated initial O
- fol. 63v — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 64r — Six line decorated initial D
- fol. 64r — Two line decorated initial M
- fol. 64v — Two line decorated initial A
- fol. 65v — Two line decorated initial Q
- fol. 66r — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 66r — Two line decorated initial C
- fol. 66v — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 66v — Two line decorated initial O
- fol. 67r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 68r — Two line decorated initial N
- fol. 68v — Two line decorated initial B
- fol. 69r — Two line decorated initial I
- fol. 69v — Two line decorated initial F
- fol. 69v — Two line decorated initial P
- fol. 70r — Two line decorated initial O
- fol. 70v — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 71r — Two line decorated initial L
- fol. 71v — Two line decorated initial L
- fol. 72v — Two line decorated initial N
- fol. 73r — Two line decorated initial L
- fol. 74r — Two line decorated initial A
- fol. 74r — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 74r — Two line decorated initial A
- fol. 75r — Two line decorated initial M
- fol. 76r — Two line decorated initial C
- fol. 76v — Two line decorated initial P
- fol. 76v — Two line decorated initial O
- fol. 77r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 77v — Two line decorated initial C
- fol. 78r — Six line decorated initial C
- fol. 78r — Two line decorated initial S
- fol. 78v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 79v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 79v — Two line decorated initial M
- fol. 80r — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 80r — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 80v — Two line decorated initial N
- fol. 81r — Two line decorated initial B
- fol. 81r — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 81v — Two line decorated initial O
- fol. 82r — Two line decorated initial S
- fol. 82v — Two line decorated initial O
- fol. 83r — Six line decorated initial D
- fol. 84r — Two line decorated initial B
- fol. 85r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 87r — Two line decorated initial M
- fol. 89r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 91r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 91v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 93r — Two line decorated initial K
- fol. 97v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 99r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 99r — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 99r — Two line decorated initial I
- fol. 99v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 99v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 99v — Two line decorated initial U
- fol. 100r — Two line decorated initial F
- fol. 101v — Two line decorated initial L
- fol. 102r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 102v — Two line decorated initial C
- fol. 103v — Two line decorated initial M
- fol. 104v — Two line decorated initial L
- fol. 105r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 105v — Two line decorated initial I
- fol. 105v — Two line decorated initial F
- fol. 106r — Two line decorated initial U
- fol. 107v — Two line decorated initial U
- fol. 109r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 110r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 111v — Two line decorated initial P
- fol. 112r — Two line decorated initial T
- fol. 113r — Two line decorated initial M
- fol. 113v — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 114v — Two line decorated initial A
- fol. 116r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 118r — Two line decorated initial R
- fol. 118v — Two line decorated initial H
- fol. 119v — Two line decorated initial Q
- fol. 120r — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 122v — Two line decorated initial B
- fol. 123v — Two line decorated initial Q
- fol. 125r — Two line decorated initial S
- fol. 126r — Two line decorated initial P
- fol. 127r — Two line decorated initial Q
- fol. 128r — Two line decorated initial M
- fol. 129v — Two line decorated initial T
- fol. 131r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 132r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 132v — Two line decorated initial E
- fol. 134r — Two line decorated initial L
- fol. 135r — Two line decorated initial C
- fol. 135v — Two line decorated initial L
- fol. 136r — Two line decorated initial B
- fol. 137r — Two line decorated initial D
- fol. 138r — Two line decorated initial P

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Section: Prayer, Obsecro te
Decoration: Five line decorated initial O

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Section: Prayer, O intemerata
Decoration: Four line decorated initial O

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Decoration: Four line decorated initial A

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Section: Suffrages
Decoration: Five line decorated initial O
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Five line decorated initial O

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Decoration: Five line decorated initial M
Decoration: Two line decorated initial I

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial L

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Section: Athanasian Creed
Decoration: Six line decorated initial Q

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Section: Prayers, beginning with O bone ihesu
Decoration: Five line decorated initial O

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Decoration: Five line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Four line decorated initial D
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Section: Suffrages
Decoration: Five line decorated initial I
Decoration: Two line decorated initial B

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D
Decoration: Four line decorated initial P

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Five line decorated initial R

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D
Decoration: Four line decorated initial I

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial O

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial C
Decoration: Two line decorated initial E

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial O

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Five line decorated initial B
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Five line decorated initial O
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Section: Gospel Lessons
Decoration: Six line decorated initial I

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Decoration: Six line decorated initial I

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Section: Hours of the Virgin

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial Q

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Decoration: Three line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial C

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Three line decorated initial C

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial F

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial C

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial I

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial E

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial Q

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial T

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Decoration: Three line decorated initial M

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial Q

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Five line decorated initial D
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial I

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial B

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial L

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial C

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial L

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial U
Decoration: Two line decorated initial E
Decoration: Two line decorated initial O

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial B

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial P
Decoration: Two line decorated initial O

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial C

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial E
Decoration: Two line decorated initial O

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial E

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial B

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial U
Decoration: Two line decorated initial Q

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial L

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial L

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial E

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial P
Decoration: Two line decorated initial O

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial E

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Decoration: Six line decorated initial D
Decoration: Two line decorated initial M

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial A

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial Q

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial E
Decoration: Two line decorated initial C

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial E
Decoration: Two line decorated initial O

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial N

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Decoration: Two line decorated initial B

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4953_0146_thumb.jpg (4.8 KB)
4953_0146_web.jpg (300.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial I

4953_0147.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0147_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
4953_0147_web.jpg (339.0 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial F
Decoration: Two line decorated initial P

4953_0148.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0148_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0148_web.jpg (355.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial O

4953_0149.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0149_web.jpg (301.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial E

4953_0150.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0150_web.jpg (351.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial L

4953_0151.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0151_web.jpg (324.0 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial L

4953_0153.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0153_web.jpg (369.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial N

4953_0154.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0154_web.jpg (350.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial L

4953_0156.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0156_thumb.jpg (4.8 KB)
4953_0156_web.jpg (322.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial A
Decoration: Two line decorated initial E
Decoration: Two line decorated initial A

4953_0158.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0158_web.jpg (352.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial M

4953_0160.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0160_web.jpg (321.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial C

4953_0161.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0161_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
4953_0161_web.jpg (360.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial P
Decoration: Two line decorated initial O

4953_0162.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0162_web.jpg (373.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0163.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0163_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
4953_0163_web.jpg (344.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial C

4953_0164.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0164_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4953_0164_web.jpg (386.2 KB)
Decoration: Six line decorated initial C
Decoration: Two line decorated initial S

4953_0165.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0165_thumb.jpg (5.0 KB)
4953_0165_web.jpg (391.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0167.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0167_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
4953_0167_web.jpg (375.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D
Decoration: Two line decorated initial M

4953_0168.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0168_thumb.jpg (4.6 KB)
4953_0168_web.jpg (355.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial E
Decoration: Two line decorated initial E

4953_0169.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0169_thumb.jpg (4.8 KB)
4953_0169_web.jpg (320.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial N

4953_0170.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0170_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
4953_0170_web.jpg (347.7 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial B
Decoration: Two line decorated initial E

4953_0171.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0171_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
4953_0171_web.jpg (330.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial O

4953_0172.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0172_thumb.jpg (4.8 KB)
4953_0172_web.jpg (331.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial S

4953_0173.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0173_thumb.jpg (4.4 KB)
4953_0173_web.jpg (335.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial O

4953_0174.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0174_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4953_0174_web.jpg (391.0 KB)
Section: Penitential Psalms, Litany, and Prayers
Decoration: Six line decorated initial D

4953_0176.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0176_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
4953_0176_web.jpg (365.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial B

4953_0178.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0178_web.jpg (303.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0182.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0182_web.jpg (300.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial M

4953_0186.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0186_web.jpg (337.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0190.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0190_web.jpg (343.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0191.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0191_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0191_web.jpg (321.0 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0194.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0194_web.jpg (330.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial K

4953_0203.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0203_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0203_web.jpg (340.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0206.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0206_thumb.jpg (4.8 KB)
4953_0206_web.jpg (312.0 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D
Decoration: Two line decorated initial E
Decoration: Two line decorated initial I

4953_0207.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0207_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0207_web.jpg (320.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D
Decoration: Two line decorated initial U

4953_0208.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0208_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
4953_0208_web.jpg (354.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial F

4953_0210.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0210_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0210_web.jpg (367.4 KB)
Section: Office of the Dead

4953_0211.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0211_thumb.jpg (4.6 KB)
4953_0211_web.jpg (311.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial L

4953_0212.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0212_web.jpg (324.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0213.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0213_web.jpg (359.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial C

4953_0215.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0215_web.jpg (321.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial M

4953_0217.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0217_web.jpg (340.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial L

4953_0218.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0218_web.jpg (353.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0219.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0219_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
4953_0219_web.jpg (295.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial I
Decoration: Two line decorated initial F

4953_0220.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0220_thumb.jpg (4.6 KB)
4953_0220_web.jpg (313.7 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial U

4953_0223.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0223_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0223_web.jpg (304.7 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial U

4953_0226.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0226_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0226_web.jpg (348.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0228.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0228_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
4953_0228_web.jpg (318.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0231.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0231_thumb.jpg (4.6 KB)
4953_0231_web.jpg (290.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial P

4953_0232.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0232_web.jpg (306.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial T

4953_0234.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0234_thumb.jpg (4.4 KB)
4953_0234_web.jpg (354.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial M

4953_0235.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0235_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0235_web.jpg (286.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0237.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0237_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0237_web.jpg (341.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial A

4953_0240.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0240_web.jpg (312.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0244.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0244_web.jpg (305.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial R

4953_0245.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0245_web.jpg (321.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial H

4953_0247.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0247_web.jpg (271.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial Q

4953_0248.tif (31.0 MB)
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4953_0248_web.jpg (303.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial E

4953_0253.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0253_thumb.jpg (4.4 KB)
4953_0253_web.jpg (326.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial B

4953_0255.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0255_thumb.jpg (4.6 KB)
4953_0255_web.jpg (288.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial Q

4953_0258.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0258_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0258_web.jpg (349.7 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial S

4953_0260.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0260_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0260_web.jpg (320.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial P

4953_0262.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0262_thumb.jpg (4.4 KB)
4953_0262_web.jpg (344.0 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial Q

4953_0264.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0264_thumb.jpg (4.6 KB)
4953_0264_web.jpg (326.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial M

4953_0267.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0267_thumb.jpg (4.6 KB)
4953_0267_web.jpg (280.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial T

4953_0270.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0270_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0270_web.jpg (349.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0272.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0272_thumb.jpg (4.7 KB)
4953_0272_web.jpg (315.0 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0273.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0273_thumb.jpg (4.4 KB)
4953_0273_web.jpg (318.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial E

4953_0276.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0276_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0276_web.jpg (324.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial L

4953_0278.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0278_thumb.jpg (4.6 KB)
4953_0278_web.jpg (355.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial C

4953_0279.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0279_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0279_web.jpg (331.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial L

4953_0280.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0280_thumb.jpg (4.5 KB)
4953_0280_web.jpg (359.7 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial B

4953_0282.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0282_thumb.jpg (4.4 KB)
4953_0282_web.jpg (351.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial D

4953_0284.tif (31.0 MB)
4953_0284_thumb.jpg (4.1 KB)
4953_0284_web.jpg (305.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line decorated initial P

alt_lewis_e_103_body0006.tif (31.0 MB)
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alt_lewis_e_103_body0006_web.jpg (248.5 KB)

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