Lewis E 110 Book of Hours, use of Rome
Book of Hours, use of RomeOther related names
- Richardson, Thomas F., former owner
- Lewis, John Frederick, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811)
- Lewis, Anne Baker, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 110(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia)
Alternate identifiers
- https://know.freelibrary.org/Record/1597387
- deRicci: 54
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
Latin; Middle French (ca. 1400-1600)Origin
Early 15th century
- Place
Northern France
This manuscript is a Book of Hours from the early 15th century.
- On recto of front flyleaf: signed "John F. Lewis 1919" in pen, stamp of Thomas F. Richardson of Boston and pencil notes in Lewis's hand: "XIV century/Paris use/190 ff/12 miniatures/1360-1380/covers 100 years later." Written in pencil on fol. 120r: "T. F. Richardson manuscript written between 1360 and 1380 A.D. The covers are 100 years later. Lfs 190 and 12 miniatures. Style Parisian."
I+188+i; 133 x 90 mm bound to 139 x 90 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil upper corner recto; inconsistent, mostly erased modern foliation in pencil lower center margin rectoCollation
1 (12), 2-12 (8), 13 (2), 14-23 (8), 24 (6)Support
Horizontal lower margin center verso: fols. 28, 36, 44, 52, 60, 68, 76, 84, 92, 100, 110, 118, 126, 142, 150, 158, 166, 174, 182Binding
Flemish, early sixteenth-century stamped calf; panel with Saint Roch (1295-1327) dressed as a pilgrim accompanied by an angel and a dog repeated twice on the front cover and twice on the back, other stamps of a dog, a wyvern, a dragon, and a deer; edges gilded and gauffered; leather has been repaired and the spine rebackedLayout
Ten full-page miniatures, two small miniatures; floral and inhabited borders throughout; one-, two-, and three-line initials decorated in red, blue, and gold and decorated line fillers throughout
- Thomas F. Richardson, Boston; John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936
- Book of Hours
- 15th century
- France
- French
- Christian
- Miniature
- Flemish
- Inhabited initial
- Devotion
- Private devotional text
- Liturgy
- Illustration
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 110: Book of Hours, use of Rome are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 110: Book of Hours, use of Rome. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
- fol. 1r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 1r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 2r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 2r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 3r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 3r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 4r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 5r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 6r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 6r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 7r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 7r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 8r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 9r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 10r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 10r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 11r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 12r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 13r — Large Illuminated initial I
- fol. 14v — Large Illuminated initial I
- fol. 16v — Two line Illuminated initial C
- fol. 16v — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 18v — Large Illuminated initial I
- fol. 21r — Large miniature, Annunciation
- fol. 21r — Three line Illuminated initial D
- fol. 21r — Two Grotesques present in upper margin
- fol. 21v — Two line Illuminated initial D
- fol. 21v — Two line Illuminated initial U
- fol. 23v — Large illuminated initial Q
- fol. 23v — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 24v — Two line illuminated D
- fol. 26r — Two line illuminated initial C
- fol. 26r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 28v — Two line illuminated D
- fol. 30v — Large illuminated I
- fol. 31r — Two line illuminated E
- fol. 31v — Large illuminated Q
- fol. 31v — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 32v — Two line illuminated T
- fol. 35v — Small miniature, Visitation
- fol. 36r — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 37r — Large illuminated initial I
- fol. 37r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 37v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 39r — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 40v — Two line illuminated initial B
- fol. 43r — Large illuminated initial L
- fol. 46r — Large illuminated initial L
- fol. 47r — Two line illuminated initial U
- fol. 47r — Two line illuminated initial O
- fol. 47r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 48r — Two line illuminated initial B
- fol. 50r — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 50r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 50v — Large illuminated initial P
- fol. 50v — Two line illuminated initial O
- fol. 51v — Small miniature, Nativity
- fol. 51v — Two line illuminated initial M
- fol. 52r — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 52r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 53r — Two line illuminated initial B
- fol. 55r — Three line initial L
- fol. 55v — Two line illuminated initial Q
- fol. 56r — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 56r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 56v — Two line illuminated initial E
- fol. 56v — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 57r — Large miniature, Annunciation to the Shepherds
- fol. 57r — Three line illuminated D
- fol. 57v — Two line illuminated initial A
- fol. 58r — Three line initial L
- fol. 58r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 59r — Three line initial L
- fol. 60v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 60v — Two line illuminated initial E
- fol. 61v — Large miniature, Adoration of the Magi
- fol. 61v — Three line illuminated D
- fol. 62r — Two line illuminated initial H
- fol. 62r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 62v — Two line illuminated initial N
- fol. 63v — Two line illuminated initial Q
- fol. 64v — Two line illuminated initial E
- fol. 65r — Two line illuminated initial C
- fol. 66r — Large miniature, Presentation in the Temple
- fol. 66r — Three line illuminated D
- fol. 66v — Large illuminated initial I
- fol. 67v — Two line illuminated initial N
- fol. 68r — Two line illuminated initial B
- fol. 69r — Large illuminated initial I
- fol. 69r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 69v — Four line illuminated initial F
- fol. 70r — Three line illuminated initial P
- fol. 70v — Large miniature, Coronation of the Virgin
- fol. 70v — Three line illuminated D
- fol. 71r — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 71r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 72r — Large illuminated initial L
- fol. 72r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 73v — Large illuminated initial L
- fol. 74v — Two line Illuminated initial A
- fol. 75r — Two line Illuminated initial A
- fol. 75r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 76r — Two line illuminated initial M
- fol. 77r — Two line illuminated initial C
- fol. 78r — Large miniature, Flight into Egypt
- fol. 78r — Two line illuminated C
- fol. 78v — Two line illuminated S
- fol. 79v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 80v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 81r — Two line illuminated initial E
- fol. 81v — Two line illuminated initial N
- fol. 82r — Two line illuminated initial B
- fol. 82v — Two line illuminated initial E
- fol. 85v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 87r — Large illuminated initial F
- fol. 88r — Two line illuminated initial C
- fol. 90r — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 90r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 92r — Two line illuminated initial C
- fol. 92r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 94v — Two line illuminated initial E
- fol. 94v — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 95r — Two line illuminated initial C
- fol. 95v — Two line illuminated initial M
- fol. 96v — Two line illuminated initial Q
- fol. 96v — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 97v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 99v — Two line illuminated initial E
- fol. 99v — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 103r — Large miniature, God Enthroned in Majesty
- fol. 103r — Three line illuminated initial D
- fol. 103r — Grotesque in upper margin
- fol. 104v — Two line illuminated initial B
- fol. 106v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 110r — Two line illuminated initial M
- fol. 110r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 112v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 116v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 117v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 120r — Large illuminated initial L
- fol. 120r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 125v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 126r — Large illuminated initial F
- fol. 126v — Large miniature, Crucifixion
- fol. 126v — Three line illuminated initial D
- fol. 127r — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 127r — Two line illuminated initial P
- fol. 127r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 127v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 128r — Three line illuminated initial H
- fol. 128v — Large illuminated initial H
- fol. 128v — Two line illuminated initial C
- fol. 129r — Large illuminated initial L
- fol. 129r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 129v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 130r — Large illuminated initial H
- fol. 130r — Two line illuminated initial C
- fol. 130r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 131r — Large miniature, Pentecost
- fol. 131r — Three line illuminated initial D
- fol. 131v — Two line illuminated initial N
- fol. 132r — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 132r — Two line illuminated initial O
- fol. 132v — Two line illuminated initial S
- fol. 133r — Two line illuminated initial S
- fol. 133r — Two line illuminated initial S
- fol. 133r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 133v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 134r — Two line illuminated initial S
- fol. 134r — Two line illuminated initial S
- fol. 134r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 134v — Four line illuminated initial H
- fol. 135r — Large miniature, Priest Reciting the Office of the Dead over a shrouded corpse
- fol. 135r — Three line illuminated initial D
- fol. 137r — Two line illuminated initial C
- fol. 137r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 139r — Large illuminated initial L
- fol. 139r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 140v — Two line illuminated initial I
- fol. 141r — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 141r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 141v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 142r — Two line illuminated initial U
- fol. 142r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 144v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 147r — Large illuminated initial P
- fol. 148r — Two line illuminated initial T
- fol. 148r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 149v — Two line illuminated initial M
- fol. 150r — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 151v — Two line illuminated initial A
- fol. 154v — Two line illuminated initial D
- fol. 157v — Two line illuminated initial R
- fol. 158r — Four line illuminated initial H
- fol. 159r — Two line illuminated initial Q
- fol. 160v — Two line illuminated initial E
- fol. 164r — Two line illuminated initial B
- fol. 166r — Two line illuminated initial Q
- fol. 168v — Two line illuminated initial S
- fol. 170r — Four line illuminated initial P
- fol. 170r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 171v — Two line illuminated initial Q
- fol. 173r — Two line illuminated initial T
- fol. 175v — Two line illuminated initial E
- fol. 175v — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 178v — Three line illuminated initial O
- fol. 178v — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
- fol. 183r — Three line illuminated initial O
- fol. 183r — Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0001.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0001_thumb.jpg (3.7 KB)
4877_0001_web.jpg (327.2 KB)

4877_0004.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0004_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
4877_0004_web.jpg (287.3 KB)
Section: Calendar
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

4877_0006.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0006_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
4877_0006_web.jpg (343.3 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0008.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0008_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
4877_0008_web.jpg (320.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0010.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0010_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
4877_0010_web.jpg (366.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

4877_0012.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0012_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
4877_0012_web.jpg (319.9 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

4877_0014.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0014_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
4877_0014_web.jpg (372.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0016.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0016_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
4877_0016_web.jpg (301.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0018.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0018_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
4877_0018_web.jpg (370.9 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

4877_0020.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0020_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
4877_0020_web.jpg (316.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

4877_0022.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0022_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
4877_0022_web.jpg (358.9 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0024.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0024_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
4877_0024_web.jpg (307.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

4877_0026.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0026_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
4877_0026_web.jpg (352.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

4877_0028.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0028_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
4877_0028_web.jpg (319.4 KB)
Decoration: Large Illuminated initial I

4877_0031.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0031_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0031_web.jpg (373.5 KB)
Decoration: Large Illuminated initial I

4877_0035.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0035_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
4877_0035_web.jpg (372.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line Illuminated initial C
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0039.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0039_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0039_web.jpg (379.1 KB)
Decoration: Large Illuminated initial I

4877_0044.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0044_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
4877_0044_web.jpg (354.7 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Annunciation
Decoration: Three line Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Two Grotesques present in upper margin

4877_0045.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0045_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0045_web.jpg (440.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Two line Illuminated initial U

4877_0049.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0049_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0049_web.jpg (405.5 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial Q
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0051.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0051_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0051_web.jpg (355.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated D

4877_0054.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0054_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
4877_0054_web.jpg (347.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial C
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0059.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0059_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0059_web.jpg (352.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated D

4877_0063.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0063_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0063_web.jpg (335.7 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated I

4877_0064.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0064_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
4877_0064_web.jpg (297.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated E

4877_0065.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0065_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0065_web.jpg (391.4 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated Q
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0067.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0067_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0067_web.jpg (338.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated T

4877_0073.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0073_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
4877_0073_web.jpg (419.3 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, Visitation

4877_0074.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0074_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0074_web.jpg (367.7 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0076.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0076_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0076_web.jpg (325.0 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial I
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0077.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0077_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0077_web.jpg (410.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0080.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0080_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0080_web.jpg (306.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0083.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0083_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0083_web.jpg (348.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial B

4877_0088.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0088_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
4877_0088_web.jpg (303.8 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial L

4877_0094.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0094_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
4877_0094_web.jpg (346.7 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial L

4877_0096.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0096_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0096_web.jpg (304.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial U
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial O
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0098.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0098_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0098_web.jpg (348.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial B

4877_0102.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0102_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
4877_0102_web.jpg (353.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0103.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0103_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0103_web.jpg (335.8 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial P
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial O

4877_0105.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0105_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
4877_0105_web.jpg (405.6 KB)
Decoration: Small miniature, Nativity
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial M

4877_0106.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0106_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0106_web.jpg (341.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0108.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0108_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0108_web.jpg (313.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial B

4877_0112.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0112_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0112_web.jpg (324.7 KB)
Decoration: Three line initial L

4877_0113.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0113_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0113_web.jpg (407.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial Q

4877_0114.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0114_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0114_web.jpg (376.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0115.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0115_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0115_web.jpg (362.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial E
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0116.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0116_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
4877_0116_web.jpg (358.7 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Annunciation to the Shepherds
Decoration: Three line illuminated D

4877_0117.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0117_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
4877_0117_web.jpg (429.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial A

4877_0118.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0118_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0118_web.jpg (371.3 KB)
Decoration: Three line initial L
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0120.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0120_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0120_web.jpg (334.7 KB)
Decoration: Three line initial L

4877_0123.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0123_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
4877_0123_web.jpg (359.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial E

4877_0125.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0125_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
4877_0125_web.jpg (446.2 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Adoration of the Magi
Decoration: Three line illuminated D

4877_0126.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0126_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0126_web.jpg (390.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial H
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0127.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0127_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
4877_0127_web.jpg (376.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial N

4877_0129.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0129_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0129_web.jpg (424.0 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial Q

4877_0131.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0131_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0131_web.jpg (367.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial E

4877_0132.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0132_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0132_web.jpg (348.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial C

4877_0134.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0134_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
4877_0134_web.jpg (399.0 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Presentation in the Temple
Decoration: Three line illuminated D

4877_0135.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0135_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
4877_0135_web.jpg (372.6 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial I

4877_0137.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0137_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0137_web.jpg (428.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial N

4877_0138.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0138_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0138_web.jpg (400.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial B

4877_0140.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0140_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
4877_0140_web.jpg (351.9 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial I
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0141.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0141_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0141_web.jpg (425.3 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial F

4877_0142.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0142_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
4877_0142_web.jpg (382.2 KB)
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial P

4877_0143.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0143_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
4877_0143_web.jpg (421.5 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Coronation of the Virgin
Decoration: Three line illuminated D

4877_0144.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0144_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0144_web.jpg (362.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0146.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0146_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0146_web.jpg (393.2 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial L
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0149.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0149_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0149_web.jpg (409.8 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial L

4877_0151.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0151_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
4877_0151_web.jpg (373.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line Illuminated initial A

4877_0152.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0152_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0152_web.jpg (349.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line Illuminated initial A
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0154.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0154_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0154_web.jpg (384.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial M

4877_0156.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0156_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0156_web.jpg (355.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial C

4877_0158.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0158_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
4877_0158_web.jpg (408.7 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Flight into Egypt
Decoration: Two line illuminated C

4877_0159.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0159_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
4877_0159_web.jpg (365.0 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated S

4877_0161.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0161_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0161_web.jpg (380.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0163.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0163_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0163_web.jpg (358.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0164.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0164_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0164_web.jpg (332.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial E

4877_0165.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0165_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0165_web.jpg (390.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial N

4877_0166.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0166_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0166_web.jpg (364.7 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial B

4877_0167.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0167_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0167_web.jpg (351.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial E

4877_0173.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0173_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0173_web.jpg (400.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0176.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0176_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0176_web.jpg (359.5 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial F

4877_0178.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0178_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
4877_0178_web.jpg (404.7 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial C

4877_0182.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0182_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
4877_0182_web.jpg (390.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0186.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0186_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
4877_0186_web.jpg (387.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial C
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0191.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0191_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0191_web.jpg (373.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial E
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0192.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0192_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0192_web.jpg (396.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial C

4877_0193.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0193_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0193_web.jpg (435.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial M

4877_0195.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0195_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
4877_0195_web.jpg (388.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial Q
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0197.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0197_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0197_web.jpg (417.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0201.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0201_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0201_web.jpg (419.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial E
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0208.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0208_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
4877_0208_web.jpg (377.6 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, God Enthroned in Majesty
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Grotesque in upper margin

4877_0211.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0211_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
4877_0211_web.jpg (331.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial B

4877_0215.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0215_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0215_web.jpg (326.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0222.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0222_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
4877_0222_web.jpg (372.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial M
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0227.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0227_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0227_web.jpg (341.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0235.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0235_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0235_web.jpg (338.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0237.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0237_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0237_web.jpg (363.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0242.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0242_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0242_web.jpg (385.7 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial L
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0253.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0253_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0253_web.jpg (383.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0254.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0254_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0254_web.jpg (409.4 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial F

4877_0255.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0255_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
4877_0255_web.jpg (416.2 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Crucifixion
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial D

4877_0256.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0256_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
4877_0256_web.jpg (397.0 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial P
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0257.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0257_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0257_web.jpg (419.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0258.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0258_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0258_web.jpg (409.5 KB)
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial H

4877_0259.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0259_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0259_web.jpg (364.0 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial H
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial C

4877_0260.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0260_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0260_web.jpg (363.8 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial L
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0261.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0261_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
4877_0261_web.jpg (412.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0262.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0262_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0262_web.jpg (405.8 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial H
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial C
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0264.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0264_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
4877_0264_web.jpg (394.7 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Pentecost
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial D

4877_0265.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0265_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0265_web.jpg (410.0 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial N

4877_0266.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0266_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0266_web.jpg (395.7 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial O

4877_0267.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0267_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0267_web.jpg (342.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial S

4877_0268.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0268_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
4877_0268_web.jpg (372.7 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial S
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial S
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0269.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0269_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0269_web.jpg (389.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0270.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0270_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
4877_0270_web.jpg (427.7 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial S
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial S
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0271.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0271_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0271_web.jpg (355.8 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial H

4877_0272.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0272_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
4877_0272_web.jpg (396.2 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Priest Reciting the Office of the Dead over a shrouded corpse
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial D

4877_0276.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0276_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
4877_0276_web.jpg (361.3 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial C
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0280.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0280_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
4877_0280_web.jpg (364.4 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial L
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0283.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0283_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0283_web.jpg (327.0 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial I

4877_0284.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0284_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
4877_0284_web.jpg (364.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0285.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0285_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0285_web.jpg (376.0 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0286.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0286_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
4877_0286_web.jpg (392.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial U
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0291.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0291_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0291_web.jpg (331.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0296.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0296_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0296_web.jpg (360.1 KB)
Decoration: Large illuminated initial P

4877_0298.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0298_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0298_web.jpg (411.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial T
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0301.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0301_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0301_web.jpg (382.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial M

4877_0302.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0302_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0302_web.jpg (414.5 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0305.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0305_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0305_web.jpg (379.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial A

4877_0311.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0311_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0311_web.jpg (331.6 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial D

4877_0317.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0317_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0317_web.jpg (362.4 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial R

4877_0318.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0318_thumb.jpg (4.9 KB)
4877_0318_web.jpg (353.2 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial H

4877_0320.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0320_thumb.jpg (5.0 KB)
4877_0320_web.jpg (337.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial Q

4877_0323.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0323_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0323_web.jpg (350.8 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial E

4877_0330.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0330_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0330_web.jpg (436.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial B

4877_0334.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0334_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0334_web.jpg (406.7 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial Q

4877_0339.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0339_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0339_web.jpg (353.1 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial S

4877_0342.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0342_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0342_web.jpg (422.9 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial P
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0345.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0345_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
4877_0345_web.jpg (405.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial Q

4877_0348.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0348_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
4877_0348_web.jpg (383.2 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial T

4877_0353.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0353_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
4877_0353_web.jpg (388.9 KB)
Decoration: Two line illuminated initial E
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0359.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0359_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
4877_0359_web.jpg (406.5 KB)
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial O
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

4877_0368.tif (34.1 MB)
4877_0368_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
4877_0368_web.jpg (389.6 KB)
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial O
Decoration: Border inhabited by an illuminated dragon

lewis_e_110_body0389spineref.tif (11.9 MB)
lewis_e_110_body0389spineref_thumb.jpg (1.8 KB)
lewis_e_110_body0389spineref_web.jpg (65.9 KB)

lewis_e_110_body0000ref.tif (66.5 MB)
lewis_e_110_body0000ref_thumb.jpg (4.2 KB)
lewis_e_110_body0000ref_web.jpg (257.5 KB)