Lewis E 115 Book of Hours, Use of Rome
Book of Hours, Use of RomeOther related names
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811/)
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 115(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- deRicci: 94
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
Saint Reparata appears in red in the calendar (8 October, fol. 11r) and Saints Reparata and Zenobius appear in the litany (fols. 121r and 120r); it is likely that the book was produced for Florentine use; early 15th century
- Place
This compact Italian Book of Hours is illustrated with sixteen large miniatures facing the incipit pages of their respective sections, as well as two historiated initials. Its sequence of miniatures for the Hours of the Virgin diverges from the usual Infancy narrative. The book also contains a complete sequence of Passion miniatures for the Long and Short Hours of the Cross, as well as two miniatures for the Office of the Dead.
Ii+244+iii; 99 x 72 mm bound to 108 x 79 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, upper right rectoCollation
1 (14), 2 (10), 3 (2), 4 (9, +7 +8 +9), 5-10 (10), 11 (6), 12-18 (10), 19-20 (6), 21-26 (10), 27 (4, -4)Support
Mostly regular original catchwords in ink on versos at fols. 24v, 26v, 35v, 45v, 51v, 75v, 85v, 95v, 111v, 121v, 141v, 151v, 161v, 171v, 193v, 203v, 213v, 223v, 233v, 243v; recto side catchwords at 17r, 19r, 20r, 22r, 23r, 27r, 32r, 35r, 39r, 53r, 56r, 58r, 59r, 75r, 77r, 83r, 105r, 106rBinding
Italian eighteenth-century calf, gilt back, gilt cross on top cover, gilt edges with clasp, in red morocco caseLayout
Sixteen large miniatures; two historiated initials; eighteen decorative initials; capitals alternately in red and blue; rubrication in red
- Sir Thomas David Gibson Carmichael; sold by Sotheby's, London, March 23, 1903, no. 818; to Ellis and Elvey (Cat. 102, 1903, no. 225; Cat. 105, 1904, no. 50; Cat. 114, 1907, no. 8; Cat. 129, 1910, no. 413); (directly to?) John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936
- Book of Hours
- 15th century
- Christian
- Italy
- Historiated initial
- Notable binding
- Miniature
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 115: Book of Hours, Use of Rome are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 115: Book of Hours, Use of Rome. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- Flyleaf 1 verso — Modern collation and list of contents
- Flyleaf 2 recto — Modern title page and list of miniatures
- fol. 2r — Calendar
- fol. 15r — Hours of the Virgin, Use of Rome
- fol. 102r — Penitential Psalms, Litany, and Prayers
- fol. 132r — Long Hours of the Passion
- fol. 177r — Short Hours of the Passion
- fol. 184r — Office of the Dead
- Flyleaf 1 verso — Modern collation and list of contents
- Flyleaf 2 recto — Modern title page and list of miniatures
- fol. 2r — Decorated initial KL
- fol. 4r — Decorated initial KL
- fol. 5r — Decorated initial KL
- fol. 8r — Decorated Initial KL
- fol. 9r — Decorated initial KL
- fol. 12r — Decorated initial KL
- fol. 14r — Modern photograph of a crucifixion, pasted in
- fol. 15r — Historiated initial D, Virgin and Child
- fol. 15r — Illuminated border
- fol. 15r — Escutcheon, blank
- fol. 19v — One line illuminated initial D
- fol. 22r — One line illuminated initial D
- fol. 29v — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 29v — Illuminated border
- fol. 44v — Large miniature, Meeting at the Golden Gate
- fol. 45r — Five line illuminated initial D
- fol. 45r — One line illuminated initial D
- fol. 45r — Illuminated border
- fol. 47r — One line illuminated D
- fol. 47r — One line illuminated D
- fol. 50v — Large miniature, Birth of the Virgin
- fol. 51r — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 51r — One line illuminated Initial D
- fol. 51r — One line illuminated initial D
- fol. 51r — Illuminated border
- fol. 52v — One line illuminated initial D
- fol. 55v — Large miniature, Annunciation
- fol. 56r — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 56r — One line illuminated initial D
- fol. 56r — Illuminated border
- fol. 60r — Large miniature, Nativity
- fol. 60v — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 64v — Large miniature, Baptism of Christ
- fol. 65r — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 65r — One line illuminated initial D
- fol. 65v — One line illuminated initial D
- fol. 74r — Large miniature, Last Supper
- fol. 74v — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 75r — One line illuminated initial D
- fol. 102r — Seven line historiated initial, King David
- fol. 102r — Illuminated Border
- fol. 132v — Large miniature, Arrest of Christ
- fol. 133r — Five line illuminated initial D
- fol. 133r — Illuminated border
- fol. 146v — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 151v — Large miniature, Flagellation
- fol. 152r — Four line Illuminated initial D
- fol. 155r — Large miniature, Mocking of Christ
- fol. 155v — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 155v — Illuminated border
- fol. 158v — Large miniature, Crucifixion with Mary, John, and the two thieves
- fol. 159r — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 162v — Large miniature, Crucifixion with Mary and John
- fol. 163r — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 166v — Large miniature, Lamentation (Three Maries with the dead Christ)
- fol. 166v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 171v — Large miniature, Entombment
- fol. 172r — Four line illuminated initial C
- fol. 172r — Illuminated border
- fol. 177v — Large miniature, Ascension
- fol. 178r — Five line illuminated initial D
- fol. 178r — Illuminated border
- fol. 182v — Large miniature, Pentecost
- fol. 184r — Six Line illuminated initial D
- fol. 184r — Illuminated border
- fol. 196r — Large miniature, Harrowing of Hell
- fol. 196v — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 196v — Illuminated border
- fol. 210r — One line initial D

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Section: Modern collation and list of contents

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Section: Modern title page and list of miniatures

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Section: Calendar
Decoration: Decorated initial KL

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Decoration: Decorated initial KL

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Decoration: Decorated initial KL

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6002_0020_web.jpg (265.9 KB)
Decoration: Decorated Initial KL

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6002_0022_web.jpg (368.4 KB)
Decoration: Decorated initial KL

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Decoration: Decorated initial KL

6002_0032.tif (24.7 MB)
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Decoration: Modern photograph of a crucifixion, pasted in

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6002_0034_thumb.jpg (7.7 KB)
6002_0034_web.jpg (366.7 KB)
Section: Hours of the Virgin, Use of Rome
Decoration: Historiated initial D, Virgin and Child
Decoration: Illuminated border
Decoration: Escutcheon, blank

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6002_0043_web.jpg (500.8 KB)
Decoration: One line illuminated initial D

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Decoration: One line illuminated initial D

6002_0063.tif (24.7 MB)
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6002_0063_web.jpg (462.0 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

6002_0093.tif (24.7 MB)
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6002_0093_web.jpg (418.1 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Meeting at the Golden Gate

6002_0094.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0094_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6002_0094_web.jpg (375.8 KB)
Decoration: Five line illuminated initial D
Decoration: One line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

6002_0098.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0098_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6002_0098_web.jpg (381.4 KB)
Decoration: One line illuminated D
Decoration: One line illuminated D

6002_0105.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0105_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6002_0105_web.jpg (425.6 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Birth of the Virgin

6002_0106.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0106_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6002_0106_web.jpg (385.5 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D
Decoration: One line illuminated Initial D
Decoration: One line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

6002_0109.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0109_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6002_0109_web.jpg (449.3 KB)
Decoration: One line illuminated initial D

6002_0115.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0115_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6002_0115_web.jpg (347.2 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Annunciation

6002_0116.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0116_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6002_0116_web.jpg (323.8 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D
Decoration: One line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

6002_0124.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0124_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6002_0124_web.jpg (288.3 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Nativity

6002_0125.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0125_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6002_0125_web.jpg (445.6 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D

6002_0133.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0133_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6002_0133_web.jpg (435.8 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Baptism of Christ

6002_0134.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0134_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6002_0134_web.jpg (424.6 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D
Decoration: One line illuminated initial D

6002_0135.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0135_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6002_0135_web.jpg (358.8 KB)
Decoration: One line illuminated initial D

6002_0152.tif (24.7 MB)
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6002_0152_web.jpg (290.6 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Last Supper

6002_0153.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0153_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6002_0153_web.jpg (446.1 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D

6002_0154.tif (24.7 MB)
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6002_0154_web.jpg (374.3 KB)
Decoration: One line illuminated initial D

6002_0208.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0208_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6002_0208_web.jpg (339.2 KB)
Section: Penitential Psalms, Litany, and Prayers
Decoration: Seven line historiated initial, King David
Decoration: Illuminated Border

6002_0268.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0268_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6002_0268_web.jpg (354.0 KB)
Section: Long Hours of the Passion

6002_0269.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0269_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6002_0269_web.jpg (425.8 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Arrest of Christ

6002_0270.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0270_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6002_0270_web.jpg (444.2 KB)
Decoration: Five line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

6002_0297.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0297_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6002_0297_web.jpg (477.4 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D

6002_0307.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0307_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6002_0307_web.jpg (337.5 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Flagellation

6002_0308.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0308_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6002_0308_web.jpg (354.8 KB)
Decoration: Four line Illuminated initial D

6002_0314.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0314_thumb.jpg (5.2 KB)
6002_0314_web.jpg (410.1 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Mocking of Christ

6002_0315.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0315_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6002_0315_web.jpg (335.7 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

6002_0321.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0321_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6002_0321_web.jpg (381.2 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Crucifixion with Mary, John, and the two thieves

6002_0322.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0322_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6002_0322_web.jpg (427.3 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D

6002_0329.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0329_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6002_0329_web.jpg (390.2 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Crucifixion with Mary and John

6002_0330.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0330_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6002_0330_web.jpg (432.7 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D

6002_0337.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0337_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6002_0337_web.jpg (434.1 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Lamentation (Three Maries with the dead Christ)
Decoration: Illuminated initial D

6002_0347.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0347_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6002_0347_web.jpg (351.2 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Entombment

6002_0348.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0348_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6002_0348_web.jpg (375.2 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial C
Decoration: Illuminated border

6002_0358.tif (24.7 MB)
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6002_0358_web.jpg (390.2 KB)
Section: Short Hours of the Passion

6002_0359.tif (24.7 MB)
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6002_0359_web.jpg (390.5 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Ascension

6002_0360.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0360_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6002_0360_web.jpg (434.9 KB)
Decoration: Five line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

6002_0369.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0369_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6002_0369_web.jpg (313.5 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Pentecost

6002_0372.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0372_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6002_0372_web.jpg (387.4 KB)
Section: Office of the Dead
Decoration: Six Line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

6002_0396.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0396_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
6002_0396_web.jpg (358.0 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Harrowing of Hell

6002_0397.tif (24.7 MB)
6002_0397_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6002_0397_web.jpg (405.6 KB)
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

6002_0424.tif (24.7 MB)
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6002_0424_web.jpg (406.8 KB)
Decoration: One line initial D

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6002_0495_web.jpg (261.0 KB)
Section: Modern collation and list of contents

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6002_0496_web.jpg (329.2 KB)
Section: Modern title page and list of miniatures

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