Lewis E 137 Sententiae (Sentences)
Sententiae (Sentences)Authors
- Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -636 (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n80139470.html)
Other related names
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811/)
- Lewis, Anne Baker, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 137(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- https://know.freelibrary.org/Record/1547295
- deRicci: 126
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
12th century
- Place
This manuscript is a 12th century copy, written in Spain, of the Sententiarum of St. Isidore (ca. 560-636), bishop of Seville and one of the Doctors of the Church. The Sententiarum is a collection of theological writings meant to serve as a manual for the clergy. Most of the passages were culled from the works of Gregory the Great and St. Augustine. It is divided into three parts and covers subjects such as creation, the nature of evil, ecclesiastical orders, and the judgment of God.
Ii+154+ii; 199 x 146 mm bound to 205 x 162 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, upper right rectoCollation
1-19 (8), 20 (2)Signatures
Signatures throughout, Roman numerals, bottom center verso; signatures towards the end are trimmed fully or partially: 8v, 16v, 24v, 32v, 40v, 48v, 56v, 64v, 72v, 80v, 88v, 104v, 112v, 136v, 152vSupport
19th-century brown morocco with blind stamped covers by Riviere, gilt edges. S. YSIDORI LIBRI TRES SENTENTIARUM CODEX M. S. IN MEMBRANIS S.AEC. XII stamped in gold on spine.Layout
Decorated initials and rubrication throughout; several manicules
- J. and J. Leighton (booksellers), London; John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia, purchased July 28, 1920; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936; Printed description from catalog of J. and J. Leighton tipped onto front flyleaf; "Bound by Riviere" stamped in inside front cover
- Treatise
- 12th century
- Christian
- Caroline minuscule
- Manicules
- Spain
- Church Fathers
- Theology
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 137: Sententiae (Sentences) are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 137: Sententiae (Sentences). This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Isidore of Seville, Sententiarum; incipit: Su[m]mum bonu[m] D[eu]s e[st]. q[ui]a incommutabilis e[st] et corru[m]pi om[n]ino non potest. [1v]; explicit: Illi eni[m] deplorandi s[un]t in morte, quos miseros in fernus ex hac uita recipit, no[n] quos celestis aula letificandos concludit [sic]. [fol. 154R]
- Flyleaf 1 recto — Print catalog entry
- fol. 1v — Decorated initial S
- fol. 2r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 3r — Two-line red initial C
- fol. 3v — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 4v — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 6r — Two-line red initial O
- fol. 6v — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 7r — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 10r — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 11v — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 15v — Two-line red initial O
- fol. 17r — Two-line red initial V
- fol. 18r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 19r — Two-line red initial F
- fol. 21v — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 23r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 24v — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 25v — Two-line red initial F
- fol. 26r — Three-line red initial I
- fol. 28r — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 30r — Two-line red initial Q
- fol. 30v — Three-line red initial F
- fol. 31r — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 31v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 32v — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 33r — Two-line red initial O
- fol. 34r — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 34v — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 36v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 36v — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 37v — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 39r — Decorated initial O
- fol. 40r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 41v — Two-line red initial Q
- fol. 42r — Two-line red initial Q
- fol. 42v — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 44r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 45r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 47r — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 48r — Two-line red initial Q
- fol. 48v — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 50r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 51v — Two-line red initial C
- fol. 51v — Manicule
- fol. 52r — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 54v — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 55v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 57r — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 57v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 58v — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 59r — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 60v — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 60v — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 61v — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 61v — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 63r — Two-line red initial B
- fol. 63v — Two-line red initial B
- fol. 64v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 65r — Two-line red initial O
- fol. 65v — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 65v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 68r — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 69r — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 70r — Two-line red initial R
- fol. 71r — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 71v — Three-line red initial I
- fol. 72r — Two-line red initial Q
- fol. 73r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 74v — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 75r — Two-line red initial O
- fol. 76v — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 79v — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 81r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 82v — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 84v — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 85v — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 89r — Decorated initial D
- fol. 90r — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 92r — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 93r — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 93v — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 99r — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 101r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 102v — Manicule
- fol. 103r — Manicule
- fol. 105v — Two-line red initial O
- fol. 106v — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 107r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 107v — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 108r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 108v — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 110r — Two-line red initial C
- fol. 111r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 112v — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 113v — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 114r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 114v — Two-line red initial Q
- fol. 114v — Manicule
- fol. 115r — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 115v — Manicule
- fol. 116r — Two-line red initial H
- fol. 117r — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 118r — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 120r — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 120v — Two-line red initial L
- fol. 121v — Two-line red initial F
- fol. 122r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 122v — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 123r — Two-line red initial C
- fol. 123v — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 124r — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 124r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 125v — Two-line red initial U
- fol. 126r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 127r — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 127v — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 128r — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 129r — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 130r — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 130r — Two-line red initial B
- fol. 130v — Two-line red initial Q
- fol. 131r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 132v — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 133r — Two-line red initial Q
- fol. 134r — Two-line red initial S
- fol. 136v — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 137r — Two-line red initial V
- fol. 139r — Two-line red initial Q
- fol. 139v — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 140r — Two-line red initial D
- fol. 140v — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 141r — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 141r — Manicule
- fol. 141v — Two-line red initial A
- fol. 142r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 142v — Two-line red initial V
- fol. 143r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 143v — Two-line red initial Q
- fol. 144r — Two-line red initial E
- fol. 145r — Two-line red initial N
- fol. 145r — Two-line red initial P
- fol. 146v — Manicule
- fol. 147r — Two-line red initial I
- fol. 147v — Two-line red initial M
- fol. 149v — Two-line red initial G
- fol. 152r — Two-line red initial T
- fol. 152v — Two-line red initial Q
- Flyleaf 1 recto — Print catalog entry

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Section: Isidore of Seville, Sententiarum

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Decoration: Two-line red initial D

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6496_0219_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6496_0219_web.jpg (412.9 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial P

6496_0220.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0220_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6496_0220_web.jpg (414.2 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial N

6496_0221.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0221_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6496_0221_web.jpg (471.7 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial I

6496_0224.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0224_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6496_0224_web.jpg (427.7 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial C

6496_0226.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0226_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6496_0226_web.jpg (461.6 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial A

6496_0229.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0229_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6496_0229_web.jpg (450.4 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial E

6496_0231.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0231_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6496_0231_web.jpg (403.8 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial S

6496_0232.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0232_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6496_0232_web.jpg (430.3 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial A

6496_0233.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0233_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6496_0233_web.jpg (477.6 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial Q
Decoration: Manicule

6496_0234.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0234_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6496_0234_web.jpg (493.2 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial S

6496_0235.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0235_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6496_0235_web.jpg (401.3 KB)
Decoration: Manicule

6496_0236.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0236_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6496_0236_web.jpg (414.5 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial H

6496_0238.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0238_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6496_0238_web.jpg (471.1 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial M

6496_0240.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0240_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6496_0240_web.jpg (430.9 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial T

6496_0244.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0244_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6496_0244_web.jpg (418.2 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial I

6496_0245.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0245_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6496_0245_web.jpg (460.1 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial L

6496_0247.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0247_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6496_0247_web.jpg (399.6 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial F

6496_0248.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0248_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6496_0248_web.jpg (424.1 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial N

6496_0249.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0249_thumb.jpg (7.3 KB)
6496_0249_web.jpg (440.3 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial D

6496_0250.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0250_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6496_0250_web.jpg (472.0 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial C

6496_0251.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0251_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6496_0251_web.jpg (397.0 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial I

6496_0252.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0252_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6496_0252_web.jpg (393.8 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial A
Decoration: Two-line red initial N

6496_0255.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0255_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6496_0255_web.jpg (390.2 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial U

6496_0256.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0256_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6496_0256_web.jpg (421.6 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial N

6496_0258.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0258_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6496_0258_web.jpg (446.3 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial S

6496_0259.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0259_thumb.jpg (7.3 KB)
6496_0259_web.jpg (391.7 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial I

6496_0260.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0260_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6496_0260_web.jpg (421.3 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial S

6496_0262.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0262_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6496_0262_web.jpg (479.6 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial P

6496_0264.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0264_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6496_0264_web.jpg (411.9 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial I
Decoration: Two-line red initial B

6496_0265.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0265_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6496_0265_web.jpg (448.0 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial Q

6496_0266.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0266_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6496_0266_web.jpg (466.7 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial N

6496_0269.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0269_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6496_0269_web.jpg (433.4 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial P

6496_0270.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0270_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6496_0270_web.jpg (477.5 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial Q

6496_0272.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0272_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6496_0272_web.jpg (403.1 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial S

6496_0277.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0277_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6496_0277_web.jpg (423.0 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial P

6496_0278.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0278_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6496_0278_web.jpg (472.9 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial V

6496_0282.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0282_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6496_0282_web.jpg (460.2 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial Q

6496_0283.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0283_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6496_0283_web.jpg (380.6 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial P

6496_0284.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0284_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6496_0284_web.jpg (421.1 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial D

6496_0285.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0285_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6496_0285_web.jpg (428.8 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial I

6496_0286.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0286_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6496_0286_web.jpg (464.4 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial P
Decoration: Manicule

6496_0287.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0287_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6496_0287_web.jpg (359.9 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial A

6496_0288.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0288_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6496_0288_web.jpg (400.1 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial N

6496_0289.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0289_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6496_0289_web.jpg (434.8 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial V

6496_0290.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0290_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6496_0290_web.jpg (461.9 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial N

6496_0291.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0291_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6496_0291_web.jpg (372.3 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial Q

6496_0292.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0292_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6496_0292_web.jpg (409.1 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial E

6496_0294.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0294_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6496_0294_web.jpg (524.8 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial N
Decoration: Two-line red initial P

6496_0297.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0297_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6496_0297_web.jpg (475.9 KB)
Decoration: Manicule

6496_0298.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0298_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6496_0298_web.jpg (493.2 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial I

6496_0299.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0299_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6496_0299_web.jpg (370.9 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial M

6496_0303.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0303_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6496_0303_web.jpg (355.0 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial G

6496_0308.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0308_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6496_0308_web.jpg (397.3 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial T

6496_0309.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0309_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6496_0309_web.jpg (429.7 KB)
Decoration: Two-line red initial Q

6496_0314.tif (71.9 MB)
6496_0314_thumb.jpg (3.3 KB)
6496_0314_web.jpg (233.8 KB)
Decoration: Print catalog entry

lewis_e_137_body0000ref.tif (93.8 MB)
lewis_e_137_body0000ref_thumb.jpg (5.3 KB)
lewis_e_137_body0000ref_web.jpg (381.4 KB)