Lewis E 157 Missal, use of Rome
Missal, use of RomeOther related names
- Seillière, Achille, baron, 1813-1873, former owner (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n84193755.html)
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811/)
- Lewis, Anne Baker, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 157(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- https://know.freelibrary.org/Record/1457694
- deRicci: 34
- Leaves-of-gold: 48
- TELMA-Luxury-Bound: 2953
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
Second quarter 16th century
- Place
Southern Netherlands
This manuscript is a sixteenth-century Missal, following the use of Rome, from the Southern Netherlands. It is highly decorated, including twenty-two historiated initials.
- The first six leaves (quire 1) and the last six leaves (quire 35) are blank, framed but not ruled
- Stub between fols. 94 and 95
Ii+271+ii; 360 x 245 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, upper rightCollation
1 (6), 2-12 (8), 13 (5, +5), 14-16 (8), 17 (7, +3), 18 (7, +3), 19-34 (8), 35 (6)Signatures
Signatures throughout; print-style signatures, with the first four leaves of a quire identified by a number plus a letter (e.g., D1, D2, D3, D4), and the last four leaves unmarkedSupport
Catchwords throughout, lower right verso, written vertically; catchwords are also occasionally written on leaves that are not the final leaf of the quire, and on the rectoBinding
French, blind-stamped dark green morocco by Belz-Niedrée with superexlibris of the Bibliothèque de Mello on both covers, parchment doublures in gold-tooled frame, early twentieth centuryLayout
Twenty-two Historiated initials, five borders of flora and fauna, two smaller historiated initials, approximately three hundred illuminated and decorated letters.
- Baron François Florentin Achille Seillière, Paris (1813-1873); sale, Sotheby's, London, February 28, 1887; catalogue description of Tregaskis (London bookseller) pasted onto back flyleaf; John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936; inscribed on the front inner flyleaf: "From the collection of Baron Seillière Missale Romanum ms. on vellum, XV century. 263 leaves, 300 large initials in gold and colors. 23 miniatures, 5 pages with borders. 'Bibliothèque de Mello' armorial binding by Belz- Niedrée."
Related resources
- De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, vol. 2 (New York,: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), p. 2030, no. 34.
- Free Library of Philadelphia, A Descriptive Catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia, compiled by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, with an introduction by Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach (Philadelphia: The Library, 1937), p. 169, no. 157.
- Philadelphia Museum of Art, Leaves of Gold: Manuscript Illumination from Philadelphia Collections, edited by James R. Tanis (Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2001), pp. 144-146, no. 48.
- TELMA-Luxury Bound: A corpus of manuscripts illustrated in the Netherlands (1400-1550) (http://www.cn-telma.fr/luxury-bound/manuscrit2953/)
- Missal
- 16th century
- Netherlands
- Christian
- Historiated initial
- Illumination
- Liturgy
- Gothic
- Flemish
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 157: Missal, use of Rome are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 157: Missal, use of Rome. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 7r — Temporale, containing Masses for Christmas, Saint Stephen, Epiphany, Last Supper, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, and the Feast of Corpus Christi
- fol. 100r — Ordo Missae, noted (begins imperfectly), followed by Prefaces
- fol. 127r — Prayers of Saint Ambrose
- fol. 136r — Canon of the Mass, noted
- fol. 248v — Common of Saints
- fol. 265v — Mass for Blessing of Candles, incomplete (decoration incomplete)
- Flyleaf 1 recto — Notations in pencil
- fol. 7r — Decorated border, flora
- fol. 14v — Historiated initial C, Stoning of Saint Stephen
- fol. 14v — Decorated border, flora
- fol. 21r — Historiated initial C, Adoration of Kings
- fol. 21r — Decorated border, flora
- fol. 28v — Historiated initial N, True Cross with monograms ihs and ma on altar
- fol. 70r — Historiated initial R, Resurrection
- fol. 77r — Historiated initial V, Ascension of Christ
- fol. 84v — Historiated initial S, Pentecost
- fol. 92v — Historiated initial C, Monstrance
- fol. 111r — Historiated initial U, Virgin and Child in radiance
- fol. 136r — Historiated initial T, Mass of Saint Gregory
- fol. 136r — Decorated border, flora
- fol. 146r — Illuminated initial P, with flora
- fol. 146v — Illuminated initial E, with flora
- fol. 149r — Historiated initial G, Virgin praying surrounded by her symbols
- fol. 149r — Sanctorale
- fol. 149r — Decorated border, flora and fauna
- fol. 153r — Illuminated initial S, with flora
- fol. 153v — Illuminated initial D, with flora
- fol. 155r — Historiated initial S, Presentation of Christ at the Temple
- fol. 161r — Historiated initial O, Saint Benedict
- fol. 166r — Historiated initial R, Annunciation
- fol. 172v — Historiated initial D, Saint John the Baptist with book
- fol. 179v — Historiated initial N, Saints Peter and Paul
- fol. 186r — Historiated initial G, Visitation
- fol. 193r — Historiated initial S, Saint Martin and beggar
- fol. 198v — Historiated initial G, Assumption of the Virgin
- fol. 205v — Historiated initial G, Nativity of the Virgin
- fol. 213v — Historiated initial G, Dedication of a church
- fol. 221v — Historiated initial G, All Saints
- fol. 228v — Historiated initial R, Allegory of Death with three skulls and bone
- fol. 242r — Historiated initial S, Saint Martin and the beggar
- Flyleaf 1 recto — Notations in pencil

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Decoration: Notations in pencil

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Section: Temporale, containing Masses for Christmas, Saint Stephen, Epiphany, Last Supper, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, and the Feast of Corpus Christi
Decoration: Decorated border, flora

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Decoration: Historiated initial C, Stoning of Saint Stephen
Decoration: Decorated border, flora

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Decoration: Historiated initial C, Adoration of Kings
Decoration: Decorated border, flora

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Decoration: Historiated initial N, True Cross with monograms ihs and ma on altar

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Decoration: Historiated initial R, Resurrection

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Decoration: Historiated initial V, Ascension of Christ

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Decoration: Historiated initial S, Pentecost

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Decoration: Historiated initial C, Monstrance

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Section: Ordo Missae, noted (begins imperfectly), followed by Prefaces

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Decoration: Historiated initial U, Virgin and Child in radiance

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Section: Prayers of Saint Ambrose

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Section: Canon of the Mass, noted
Decoration: Historiated initial T, Mass of Saint Gregory
Decoration: Decorated border, flora

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Decoration: Illuminated initial P, with flora

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Decoration: Illuminated initial E, with flora

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Decoration: Historiated initial G, Virgin praying surrounded by her symbols
Decoration: Sanctorale
Decoration: Decorated border, flora and fauna

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Decoration: Illuminated initial S, with flora

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D, with flora

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Decoration: Historiated initial S, Presentation of Christ at the Temple

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Decoration: Historiated initial O, Saint Benedict

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Decoration: Historiated initial R, Annunciation

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Decoration: Historiated initial D, Saint John the Baptist with book

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Decoration: Historiated initial N, Saints Peter and Paul

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Decoration: Historiated initial G, Visitation

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Decoration: Historiated initial S, Saint Martin and beggar

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Decoration: Historiated initial G, Assumption of the Virgin

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Decoration: Historiated initial G, Nativity of the Virgin

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Decoration: Historiated initial G, Dedication of a church

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Decoration: Historiated initial G, All Saints

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Decoration: Historiated initial R, Allegory of Death with three skulls and bone

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Decoration: Historiated initial S, Saint Martin and the beggar

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Section: Common of Saints

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Section: Mass for Blessing of Candles, incomplete (decoration incomplete)

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Decoration: Notations in pencil

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