Lewis E 179 Prayer Book
Prayer BookAuthors
- Erasmus, Desiderius (http://viaf.org/viaf/87673996)
- Prudentius (http://viaf.org/viaf/100010336)
- Vida, Marco Girolamo (http://viaf.org/viaf/100162370)
Other related names
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811/)
- Joachim, Baron von Windhag, former owner
- von Kniestedt, Eberhard, former owner
- Huth, Henry, former owner
- Parsons, E., former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 179(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- deRicci: 110
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
circa 1540
- Place
Northern Germany?
This Prayer Book, which contains prayers and other devotional texts by Erasmus, Prudentius, and Marco Girolamo Vida, can be dated to circa 1540. It is illustrated with forty-five copperplate engravings depicting the Life of Christ, which are integral to the book's structure. The support is paper.
- The final flyleaf is foliated as fol. 110
- Texts by Erasmus, Prudentius, and Marco Girolamo Vida identified by Nicholas Herman, March 2017
Cropped watermark visible at top of fol. 6Extent
I+109+i; 138 x 96 mm bound to 146 x 101 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, upper right recto; modern numbering of engravings in lower corner of relevant pagesCollation
1 (8), 2 (18), 3 (20), 4 (14), 5 (16), 6 (18), 7 (10), 8 (6, +5 +6)Support
Lower right recto: 70r, 75r, 76r, 89r, 90r, 95r, 97r, 98r, 99rBinding
Contemporary German stamped calf, within a border of scrolls and medallions; on each side a stamped center panel gilt showing Christ triumphing over Death, with the initials HGV (attributed to Hans von Ghent), in cloth caseLayout
Forty copperplate engravings depicting the Life of Christ, the first colored, the subsequent engravings occupying every other leaf
- Owned by Joachim, Baron von Windhag, his bookplate of 1661 on verso of first flyleaf; Eberhard von Kniestedt, his bookplate on upper pastedown; Henry Huth (The Huth Library, V, 1880, p. 1718; A. H. Huth, A catalogue of the woodcuts and engravings in the Huth library, 1910, pp. 13-14); A. H. Huth sale of engravings, Sotheby's London, July 4, 1911, no. 47; to E. Parsons; (directly to?) John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936
Related resources
- De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, vol. 2 (New York,: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), p. 2044, no. 110.
- Free Library of Philadelphia, A Descriptive Catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia, compiled by Edwin Wolf, 2nd , with an introduction by Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach (Philadelphia: The Free Library, 1937), p. 193, no. 179.
- Prayer book
- 16th century
- Christian
- Germany
- Notable binding
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 179: Prayer Book are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 179: Prayer Book. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 9v — Devotional text, unidentified; incipit: O Mortale genus quid spe...; explicit: ...in omnes seculorum miiriadas.
- fol. 10v — Erasmus, Prayer to the Virgin; incipit: Ave Maria prudentium virginum regina; explicit: ...et Gaudiorum socia.
- fol. 12v — Erasmus, Prayer for Receiving Communion; incipit: Quae linguae, aut quae mens...; explicit: ...impendisti, donasti, dedicasti, Amen.
- fol. 13v — Erasmus, Paraphrase of Luke; incipit: O foelix, inquit, virgo...; explicit: ...concepisti citra virilem operam.
- fol. 14v — Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad; incipit: Et iam nox medium spatium...; explicit: ...laetis dissultat plausibus aether.
- fol. 16v — Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad; incipit: Nos vero interea...; explicit: ...dictus de nomine christus.
- fol. 17v — Prudentius, Hymn for the Epiphany; incipit: Quicumque Christum quaeritis...; explicit: ...singulat unda & salitus.
- fol. 20r — Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad; incipit: Ecce hominum subito...; explicit: ...per mania foedere labi.
- fol. 21v — Prudentius, Hymn for Holy Innocents; incipit: Salvete flores martiirum...; explicit: ...nemo posthac mortuus.
- fol. 23v — Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad; incipit: Herodes ut sese delusum...; explicit: ...nemora avia gressu.
- fol. 25r — Erasmus, Paraphrase of Matthew; incipit: Rex Herodes posteaquam ipsa...; explicit: ...quo postea periit, fuisse.
- fol. 25v — Prudentius, Hymn for before meals ("Ante cibum hymnus"); incipit: O crucifer bone, lucisator Omnipotens pie...; explicit: ...et abire vetant.
- fol. 27v — Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad; incipit: Tres adeo incerti soles erravimus...; explicit: ...atque insania crevit.
- fol. 28v — Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad; incipit: Ille hominum primis...; explicit: ...flumine crinem.
- fol. 31r — Erasmus, Paraphrase of Luke; incipit: Abducit dominum...; explicit: ...plus quam dei gloriam.
- fol. 33v — Prudentius, Hymn for after meals; incipit: Pastis visceribus ciboque sumpto; explicit: ...ac vigore conples.
- fol. 33v — Erasmus, prayer: "Iesu fons bonorum"
- fol. 35v — Erasmus, Paraphrase of John; incipit: Mulier, inquit, fidem...; explicit: ...ipsum messiam esse suspicetur.
- fol. 37r — Erasmus, Prayer for Docility; incipit: Audi preces meas...; explicit: ...per eundem tueri. Amen.
- fol. 38r — Erasmus, Paraphrase of John; incipit: Dixit: Pater ago tibi gratias...; explicit: ...tali cultu sepelierant.
- fol. 38v — Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad; incipit: Ecce autem ingentem...; explicit: ...et popularibus auris.
- fol. 40r — Erasmus, Paraphrase of Luke; incipit: Incipit odisse quod male amarat...; explicit: ...gratuitam bonitatem calumniari.
- fol. 40v — Erasmus, Prayer for Penance; incipit: Summe rerum omnium conditor...; explicit: ...vitiorum memet involvi.
- fol. 42r — Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad; incipit: Praecedit peditum late manus omnis...; explicit: ...ea deinde piacula sunto.
- fol. 44v — Erasmus, Prayer against Temptation; incipit: Domine Jesu Christe, praesidium nostrae...; explicit: ...et spiritu sancto amen.
- fol. 45r — Erasmus, Prayer of Thanksgiving for Victory; incipit: Gratias ago tibi domine...; explicit: ...deo et patri, quicum vivis.
- fol. 46v — Erasmus, Prayer for Serious Illness; incipit: Domine Iesu, unica salus viventium...; explicit: ...et gloria fine fine. Amen.
- fol. 48v — Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, Our Father; incipit: Audi pater in coelis...; explicit: ...gloria per omnia secula. Amen.
- fol. 48v — Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad; incipit: Ergo ubi pulsa fames...; explicit: ...linquens imitabile factum.
- fol. 58r — Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, Thy Kingdom Come; incipit: Pater coelestis...; explicit: ...in aeterna secula amen.
- fol. 65r — Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, Thy Will be Done; incipit: Pater alsor ac moderator...; explicit: ...in aeterna secula amen.
- fol. 70r — Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, Our Daily Bread; incipit: Pater noster coelestis...; explicit: ...in omnia saecula. Amen.
- fol. 74r — Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, And Forgive Us; incipit: Est quidem illud...; explicit: ...nominis perennem Amen.
- fol. 76v — Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, And Lead us Not into Temptation; incipit: Pater noster coelos inhabitans...; explicit: ...prodeuntem in omnia saecula Amen.
- fol. 80r — Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, But Deliver us from Evil; incipit: Pater omnipotens, tua gratuita...; explicit: ...tuam bonitatem praestaturam quod petimus.
- fol. 82r — Erasmus, Prayer to God the Father; incipit: Indulgissime pater, qui summus in summis habitas...; explicit: ...a satana periculum. Amen.
- fol. 85v — Erasmus, Prayer to God the Son; incipit: Generis humani conditor ac redemptor...; explicit: ...per omnia saecula. Amen.
- fol. 89r — Erasmus, Prayer to God the Holy Spirit; incipit: Adorande spiritus, qui triadem illam omnipotentem absolvis...; explicit: ...et regnas in aeternum. Amen.
- fol. 89v — Erasmus, Prayer to Jesus Son of the Virgin; incipit: Adoro te prona supplicique mente generis instaurator humani...; explicit: ...semper adorandus cum patre et spiritu sancto. Amen.
- Front cover — Panel, Christ triumphing over death
- Inside front cover — Bookplate, Eberhard von Kniestedt
- Flyleaf 1 verso — Bookplate, Joachim Baron Windhag 1661
- fol. 11r — Engraving, Annunciation
- fol. 13r — Engraving, Visitation
- fol. 15r — Engraving, Nativity
- fol. 17r — Engraving, Circumcision
- fol. 18v — Engraving, Adoration of the Magi
- fol. 20v — Engraving, Presentation in the Temple
- fol. 22v — Engraving, Flight into Egypt
- fol. 24v — Engraving, Massacre of the Innocents
- fol. 26v — Engraving, Holy Family at home
- fol. 28r — Engraving, Christ teaching the Elders in the Temple
- fol. 30r — Engraving, Baptism of Christ
- fol. 32r — Engraving, Temptation of Christ
- fol. 34r — Engraving, Wedding at Cana
- fol. 36r — Engraving, Samaritan Woman at the Well
- fol. 37v — Engraving, Raising of Lazarus
- fol. 39v — Engraving, Anointing of Jesus
- fol. 41v — Engraving, Entry into Jerusalem
- fol. 43v — Engraving, Christ Expelling the Money Changers from the Temple
- fol. 45v — Engraving, Judas receives thirty pieces of Silver
- fol. 47r — Engraving, Christ breaking bread with the Apostles (?)
- fol. 49r — Engraving, Washing of the Disciples' Feet
- fol. 51r — Engraving, Last Supper
- fol. 53r — Engraving, Agony in the Garden
- fol. 54v — Engraving, Arrest of Christ
- fol. 56v — Engraving, Christ before Annas
- fol. 58v — Engraving, Christ before Caiaphas
- fol. 60v — Engraving, Mocking of Christ
- fol. 62r — Engraving, Christ before Pilate
- fol. 64r — Engraving, Remorse and Suicide of Judas
- fol. 66r — Engraving, Christ before Herod
- fol. 68r — Engraving, Flagellation of Christ
- fol. 69v — Engraving, Scourging of Christ
- fol. 71v — Engraving, Ecce Homo
- fol. 73v — Engraving, Pilate washing his hands
- fol. 75v — Engraving, Christ carrying the Cross
- fol. 77r — Engraving, Christ nailed to the Cross
- fol. 79r — Engraving, Crucifixion
- fol. 81r — Engraving, Deposition
- fol. 83r — Engraving, Entombment of Christ
- fol. 85r — Engraving, Harrowing of Hell
- fol. 86v — Engraving, Resurrection
- fol. 88v — Engraving, Doubting Thomas
- fol. 90v — Engraving, Ascension
- fol. 92v — Engraving, Pentecost
- fol. 94v — Engraving, Last Judgement
- Back cover — Panel, Christ triumphing over death

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Decoration: Panel, Christ triumphing over death

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Decoration: Bookplate, Eberhard von Kniestedt

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Decoration: Bookplate, Joachim Baron Windhag 1661

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Section: Devotional text, unidentified

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer to the Virgin

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Decoration: Engraving, Annunciation

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer for Receiving Communion

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Decoration: Engraving, Visitation

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Section: Erasmus, Paraphrase of Luke

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Section: Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad

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Decoration: Engraving, Nativity

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Section: Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad

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Decoration: Engraving, Circumcision

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Section: Prudentius, Hymn for the Epiphany

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Decoration: Engraving, Adoration of the Magi

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Section: Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad

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Decoration: Engraving, Presentation in the Temple

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Section: Prudentius, Hymn for Holy Innocents

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Decoration: Engraving, Flight into Egypt

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Section: Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad

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Decoration: Engraving, Massacre of the Innocents

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Section: Erasmus, Paraphrase of Matthew

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Section: Prudentius, Hymn for before meals ("Ante cibum hymnus")

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Decoration: Engraving, Holy Family at home

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Section: Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad

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Decoration: Engraving, Christ teaching the Elders in the Temple

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Section: Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad

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Decoration: Engraving, Baptism of Christ

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Section: Erasmus, Paraphrase of Luke

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Decoration: Engraving, Temptation of Christ

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Section: Prudentius, Hymn for after meals
Section: Erasmus, prayer: "Iesu fons bonorum"

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Decoration: Engraving, Wedding at Cana

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Section: Erasmus, Paraphrase of John

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Decoration: Engraving, Samaritan Woman at the Well

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer for Docility

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Decoration: Engraving, Raising of Lazarus

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Section: Erasmus, Paraphrase of John

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Section: Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad

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Decoration: Engraving, Anointing of Jesus

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Section: Erasmus, Paraphrase of Luke

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer for Penance

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Decoration: Engraving, Entry into Jerusalem

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Section: Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad

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Decoration: Engraving, Christ Expelling the Money Changers from the Temple

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer against Temptation

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer of Thanksgiving for Victory

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Decoration: Engraving, Judas receives thirty pieces of Silver

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer for Serious Illness

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Decoration: Engraving, Christ breaking bread with the Apostles (?)

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, Our Father
Section: Marco Girolamo Vida, Christiad

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Decoration: Engraving, Washing of the Disciples' Feet

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Decoration: Engraving, Last Supper

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Decoration: Engraving, Agony in the Garden

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Decoration: Engraving, Arrest of Christ

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Decoration: Engraving, Christ before Annas

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, Thy Kingdom Come

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Decoration: Engraving, Christ before Caiaphas

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Decoration: Engraving, Mocking of Christ

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Decoration: Engraving, Christ before Pilate

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Decoration: Engraving, Remorse and Suicide of Judas

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, Thy Will be Done

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Decoration: Engraving, Christ before Herod

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Decoration: Engraving, Flagellation of Christ

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Decoration: Engraving, Scourging of Christ

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, Our Daily Bread

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Decoration: Engraving, Ecce Homo

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Decoration: Engraving, Pilate washing his hands

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, And Forgive Us

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Decoration: Engraving, Christ carrying the Cross

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, And Lead us Not into Temptation

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Decoration: Engraving, Christ nailed to the Cross

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Decoration: Engraving, Crucifixion

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer to Our Father, But Deliver us from Evil

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Decoration: Engraving, Deposition

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer to God the Father

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Decoration: Engraving, Entombment of Christ

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Decoration: Engraving, Harrowing of Hell

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer to God the Son

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Decoration: Engraving, Resurrection

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Decoration: Engraving, Doubting Thomas

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer to God the Holy Spirit

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Section: Erasmus, Prayer to Jesus Son of the Virgin

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Decoration: Engraving, Ascension

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Decoration: Engraving, Pentecost

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Decoration: Engraving, Last Judgement

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Decoration: Panel, Christ triumphing over death

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