Lewis E 181 Psalter
PsalterOther related names
- Jackson, Johan C., former owner
- Campbell, Alexander, Sir, former owner
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/63874811/)
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 181(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Alternate identifiers
- https://know.freelibrary.org/Record/1457698
- deRicci: 20
- Leaves-of-gold: 12
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
- Place
This manuscript is a Gallican psalter, followed by Canticles, the Athanasian Creed, a litany, and the Office of the Dead. Copied in textualis in Flanders in the mid-thirteenth century, it is extensively illuminated with small inhabited initials with busts and three-quarter borders with abstract vegetal motifs characteristic of the Tweede group of manuscripts from the Ghent-Bruges region of Flanders. A single leaf was added at the beginning with a modern full-page illuminated incipit of the beginning of Psalm 1, "Beatus vir."
- Fourteenth-century cursive inscriptions in Flemish in the lower margins on fols. 11v, 29v, 62r, 62v, 64v, 79v, 100v, 104r and 149r
- Quires from fols. 97r-109v are loose, and fols. 110r-115v are partially detached
- Folio 1v: modern forgery, Beatus initial with David playing the harp and David and Goliath; NY: PML MS M. 97, (folio 24v) the 13th century Psalter-Hours on which this forgery was based, was in the collections of William Morris (1834-1896) and Richard Bennett (1844-1900) in the nineteenth century; it was given to the Pierpont Morgan Library in 1924; see http://corsair.morganlibrary.org
- Paper flyleaves
I+198+ii; 127 x 95 mm bound to 132 x 102 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, upper right recto and lower right rectoCollation
Structure uncertainSupport
Nineteenth-century English green morocco, gilt tooled and blind-stamped; gilt edgesLayout
One full-page initial (a modern forgery, Beatus initial with David playing the harp and David and Goliath, fol. 1v); five eleven-line historiated and inhabited initials, fol. 25v (Psalm 26), fol. 43v (Psalm 38), fol. 60r (Psalm 51), fol. 61r (Psalm 52), and fol. 76v (Psalm 68); four-line historiated and inhabited initials with busts throughout; three-quarter borders with zoomorphic terminals throughout; the abstracted vegetal motifs in the border decoration are characteristic of the "Tweede" group of manuscripts produced in the Ghent-Bruges region of Flanders, or modern-day Belgium
- "Johan C. Jackson 1853" written above the text on folio 2; "Sir Alexander Campbell 1883-4" on verso of front flyleaf; E. H. Van Ingen; sale, Anderson Galleries, New York, November 25, 1897, lot 117, illus.; John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936
Related resources
- De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, vol. 2 (New York: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), p. 2028, no. 20.
- Free Library of Philadelphia, A Descriptive Catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia, compiled by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, with an introduction by Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach (Philadelphia: The Library, 1937), p. 195-196, no. 181.
- Psalter
- 13th century
- Flemish
- Illumination
- Inhabited initial
- Historiated initial
- Flanders
- Liturgy
- Biblical
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 181: Psalter are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 181: Psalter. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
- fol. 1v — Full-page illuminated incipit, Beatus vir, historiated initial B, David playing the harp; David and Goliath
- fol. 2r — Inhabited initial Q, a man
- fol. 3r — Inhabited initial D, a nun
- fol. 3v — Historiated initial C, Virgin Mary
- fol. 4r — Inhabited initial U, a man
- fol. 5r — Inhabited initial D, King David
- fol. 6r — Inhabited initial D, Virgin Mary
- fol. 7r — Inhabited initial D, a saint
- fol. 7v — Inhabited initial C, a saint
- fol. 10v — Inhabited initial S, two men
- fol. 11v — Inhabited initial A, a man
- fol. 12r — Historiated initial D, Saint Peter
- fol. 12v — Inhabited initial D, a saint
- fol. 13v — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 14r — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 18r — Inhabited initial C, a saint
- fol. 19r — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 20r — Inhabited initial D, a saint
- fol. 21r — Inhabited initial O, a saint
- fol. 23r — Inhabited initial D, a saint
- fol. 23v — Inhabited initial D, a man
- fol. 25v — Historiated initial D, Jesus with altar, chalice, and host
- fol. 27r — Inhabited initial A, a monk preparing parchment
- fol. 28r — Inhabited initial A, a saint
- fol. 28v — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 31v — Illuminated initial B
- fol. 32v — Inhabited initial E, a nun
- fol. 34r — Inhabited initial B, a monk
- fol. 38r — Inhabited initial O, a monk
- fol. 39r — Inhabited initial N, a man
- fol. 41v — Historiated initial D, Jesus
- fol. 43v — Historiated initial D, Jesus with altar and chalice
- fol. 45r — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 47r — Historiated initial B, Jesus
- fol. 48r — Inhabited initial O, a saint
- fol. 49v — Inhabited initial D, a man
- fol. 51v — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 53r — Inhabited initial D, a nun
- fol. 54r — Historiated initial O, Jesus with two apostles
- fol. 54v — Historiated initial A, Jesus
- fol. 55v — Inhabited initial A, a nun
- fol. 57r — Historiated initial D, Jesus
- fol. 58v — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 60r — Historiated initial Q, Jesus confronts a devil
- fol. 61r — Inhabited initial D, Fool with a club and bread
- fol. 62r — Inhabited initial D, a man
- fol. 62v — Inhabited initial E, a monk
- fol. 64v — Inhabited initial M, nun and a man
- fol. 65v — Inhabited initial M, a saint(?)
- fol. 66r — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 67r — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 68r — Illuminated initial N
- fol. 69r — Inhabited initial D, saint(?)
- fol. 69v — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 70v — Inhabited initial D, a nun
- fol. 73r — Inhabited initial D, a monk
- fol. 73v — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 76v — Historiated initial S, David raising his arms toward Christ
- fol. 79v — Historiated initial D, Virgin Mary
- fol. 82r — Inhabited initial D, a man
- fol. 83v — Inhabited initial Q, a monk
- fol. 85r — Inhabited initial U, a man
- fol. 87r — Inhabited initial C, a monk
- fol. 88r — Inhabited initial N, a saint
- fol. 89r — Inhabited initial U, a man
- fol. 90v — Inhabited initial A, a saint
- fol. 95v — Inhabited initial D, a man
- fol. 96v — Inhabited initial Q, a saint
- fol. 97v — Inhabited initial Q, a saint
- fol. 98r — Inhabited initial B, a saint
- fol. 100r — Inhabited initial F, a man
- fol. 100v — Inhabited initial D, a woman
- fol. 104r — Inhabited initial D, a saint
- fol. 105v — Inhabited initial Q, devil (?)
- fol. 106v — Illuminated initial B, a saint
- fol. 107v — Inhabited initial D, devil
- fol. 108r — Illuminated initial D, a saint
- fol. 109v — Inhabited initial U, a monk
- fol. 110r — Inhabited initial C, a monk
- fol. 111r — Inhabited initial D, a man
- fol. 112v — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 114v — Inhabited initial B, a saint
- fol. 116r — Inhabited initial B(?)
- fol. 118r — Inhabited initial C(?)
- fol. 121r — Inhabited initial C(?)
- fol. 124r — Inhabited initial C, a saint
- fol. 127r — Illuminated initial P
- fol. 129r — Inhabited initial C(?)
- fol. 129v — Inhabited initial B
- fol. 130r — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 132v — Inhabited initial D, two nuns
- fol. 133r — Historiated initial C, King David(?)
- fol. 133v — Inhabited initial C, a nun
- fol. 135v — Inhabited initial B, a saint
- fol. 136v — Illuminated initial R
- fol. 137r — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 137v — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 138r — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 138v — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 139r — Inhabited initial P, a saint
- fol. 139v — Inhabited initial B, a saint
- fol. 140v — Inhabited initial N(?)
- fol. 141r — Inhabited initial D, a woman
- fol. 142r — Inhabited initial Q, a saint
- fol. 142v — Inhabited initial L, a man
- fol. 143v — Illuminated initial F
- fol. 144r — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 145r — Inhabited initial C, a man
- fol. 145v — Inhabited initial U, a saint
- fol. 146r — Inhabited initial P, a saint
- fol. 146v — Inhabited initial D, a man
- fol. 147v — Inhabited initial A, a nun
- fol. 148r — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 148v — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 149r — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 149v — Inhabited initial N, a saint
- fol. 150r — Inhabited initial Q, a saint
- fol. 151r — Inhabited initial N, a saint
- fol. 151v — Inhabited initial B, a saint
- fol. 152r — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 152v — Inhabited initial D, a saint
- fol. 153r — Inhabited initial D, a saint
- fol. 153v — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 154v — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 155r — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 155r — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 156v — Inhabited initial C, a saint
- fol. 157v — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 158r — Inhabited initial C, a nun
- fol. 159r — Inhabited initial D, a saint
- fol. 160v — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 161v — Inhabited initial D, a saint
- fol. 162v — Inhabited initial D, a saint
- fol. 163v — Illuminated initial B
- fol. 164v — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 166v — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 167r — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 168r — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 168v — Inhabited initial L, a nun
- fol. 169v — Inhabited initial D, a monk
- fol. 170r — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 170v — Inhabited initial C, a saint
- fol. 171r — Inhabited initial E, a monk
- fol. 172r — Inhabited initial E, a man
- fol. 173v — Inhabited initial C, a saint
- fol. 175r — Inhabited initial D, a man
- fol. 177v — Inhabited initial A, a man
- fol. 182r — Inhabited initial D, a man
- fol. 183v — Inhabited initial B, a saint
- fol. 185r — Inhabited initial B, a man
- fol. 186r — Inhabited initial N, a monk
- fol. 186v — Inhabited initial N, a nun
- fol. 187r — Inhabited initial Q, a saint
- fol. 190r — Inhabited initial R, king David
- fol. 192r — Inhabited initial P, nude male(?)
- fol. 192v — Inhabited initial P, a man
- fol. 193v — Inhabited initial D, a man
- fol. 194r — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 195r — Inhabited initial R, a saint
- fol. 195v — Inhabited initial H, a man
- fol. 196r — Illuminated initial Q
- fol. 197r — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 197v — Inhabited initial P, a man
- fol. 198v — Inhabited initial P, a man
- fol. 198v — Illuminated initial D, a nun
Inside front cover
6777_0001.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0001_thumb.jpg (8.8 KB)
6777_0001_web.jpg (672.5 KB)
fol. 1v
6777_0005.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0005_thumb.jpg (8.2 KB)
6777_0005_web.jpg (587.1 KB)
Section: Gallican Psalter
Decoration: Full-page illuminated incipit, Beatus vir, historiated initial B, David playing the harp; David and Goliath
fol. 2r
6777_0006.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0006_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0006_web.jpg (419.4 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial Q, a man
fol. 3r
6777_0008.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0008_thumb.jpg (5.8 KB)
6777_0008_web.jpg (375.6 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a nun
fol. 3v
6777_0009.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0009_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6777_0009_web.jpg (502.4 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial C, Virgin Mary
fol. 4r
6777_0010.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0010_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6777_0010_web.jpg (353.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, a man
fol. 5r
6777_0012.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0012_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6777_0012_web.jpg (366.6 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, King David
fol. 6r
6777_0014.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0014_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6777_0014_web.jpg (371.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, Virgin Mary
fol. 7r
6777_0016.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0016_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6777_0016_web.jpg (361.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a saint
fol. 7v
6777_0017.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0017_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0017_web.jpg (487.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C, a saint
fol. 10v
6777_0023.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0023_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0023_web.jpg (509.4 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial S, two men
fol. 11v
6777_0025.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0025_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6777_0025_web.jpg (514.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial A, a man
fol. 12r
6777_0026.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0026_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6777_0026_web.jpg (401.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial D, Saint Peter
fol. 12v
6777_0027.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0027_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0027_web.jpg (509.6 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a saint
fol. 13v
6777_0029.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0029_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0029_web.jpg (499.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial C
fol. 14r
6777_0030.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0030_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6777_0030_web.jpg (388.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
fol. 18r
6777_0038.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0038_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6777_0038_web.jpg (398.9 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C, a saint
fol. 19r
6777_0040.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0040_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6777_0040_web.jpg (385.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
fol. 20r
6777_0042.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0042_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6777_0042_web.jpg (408.9 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a saint
fol. 21r
6777_0044.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0044_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6777_0044_web.jpg (405.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial O, a saint
fol. 23r
6777_0048.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0048_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0048_web.jpg (415.9 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a saint
fol. 23v
6777_0049.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0049_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0049_web.jpg (510.4 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a man
fol. 25v
6777_0053.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0053_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6777_0053_web.jpg (510.2 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial D, Jesus with altar, chalice, and host
fol. 27r
6777_0056.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0056_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0056_web.jpg (425.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial A, a monk preparing parchment
fol. 28r
6777_0058.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0058_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0058_web.jpg (432.9 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial A, a saint
fol. 28v
6777_0059.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0059_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0059_web.jpg (520.8 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
fol. 31v
6777_0065.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0065_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0065_web.jpg (511.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial B
fol. 32v
6777_0067.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0067_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6777_0067_web.jpg (489.9 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial E, a nun
fol. 34r
6777_0070.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0070_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0070_web.jpg (394.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial B, a monk
fol. 38r
6777_0078.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0078_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0078_web.jpg (403.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial O, a monk
fol. 39r
6777_0080.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0080_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0080_web.jpg (426.6 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial N, a man
fol. 41v
6777_0085.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0085_thumb.jpg (7.3 KB)
6777_0085_web.jpg (513.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial D, Jesus
fol. 43v
6777_0089.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0089_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6777_0089_web.jpg (515.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial D, Jesus with altar and chalice
fol. 45r
6777_0092.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0092_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6777_0092_web.jpg (437.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
fol. 47r
6777_0096.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0096_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0096_web.jpg (436.4 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial B, Jesus
fol. 48r
6777_0098.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0098_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0098_web.jpg (438.3 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial O, a saint
fol. 49v
6777_0101.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0101_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6777_0101_web.jpg (490.5 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a man
fol. 51v
6777_0105.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0105_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0105_web.jpg (484.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
fol. 53r
6777_0108.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0108_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0108_web.jpg (428.8 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a nun
fol. 54r
6777_0110.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0110_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0110_web.jpg (425.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial O, Jesus with two apostles
fol. 54v
6777_0111.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0111_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0111_web.jpg (492.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial A, Jesus
fol. 55v
6777_0113.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0113_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6777_0113_web.jpg (503.8 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial A, a nun
fol. 57r
6777_0116.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0116_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0116_web.jpg (458.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial D, Jesus
fol. 58v
6777_0119.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0119_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0119_web.jpg (497.1 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial M
fol. 60r
6777_0122.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0122_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6777_0122_web.jpg (446.9 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial Q, Jesus confronts a devil
fol. 61r
6777_0124.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0124_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0124_web.jpg (463.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, Fool with a club and bread
fol. 62r
6777_0126.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0126_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6777_0126_web.jpg (443.4 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a man
fol. 62v
6777_0127.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0127_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0127_web.jpg (497.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial E, a monk
fol. 64v
6777_0131.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0131_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0131_web.jpg (489.9 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial M, nun and a man
fol. 65v
6777_0133.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0133_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6777_0133_web.jpg (486.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial M, a saint(?)
fol. 66r
6777_0134.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0134_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6777_0134_web.jpg (429.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
fol. 67r
6777_0136.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0136_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0136_web.jpg (431.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
fol. 68r
6777_0138.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0138_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6777_0138_web.jpg (427.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial N
fol. 69r
6777_0140.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0140_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0140_web.jpg (442.1 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, saint(?)
fol. 69v
6777_0141.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0141_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0141_web.jpg (460.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
fol. 70v
6777_0143.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0143_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6777_0143_web.jpg (479.6 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a nun
fol. 73r
6777_0148.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0148_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0148_web.jpg (431.9 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a monk
fol. 73v
6777_0149.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0149_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6777_0149_web.jpg (468.1 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
fol. 76v
6777_0155.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0155_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6777_0155_web.jpg (472.8 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial S, David raising his arms toward Christ
fol. 79v
6777_0161.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0161_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6777_0161_web.jpg (472.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial D, Virgin Mary
fol. 82r
6777_0166.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0166_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0166_web.jpg (456.5 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a man
fol. 83v
6777_0169.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0169_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6777_0169_web.jpg (452.8 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial Q, a monk
fol. 85r
6777_0172.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0172_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0172_web.jpg (434.1 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, a man
fol. 87r
6777_0176.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0176_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0176_web.jpg (465.5 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C, a monk
fol. 88r
6777_0178.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0178_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0178_web.jpg (441.4 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial N, a saint
fol. 89r
6777_0180.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0180_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0180_web.jpg (475.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, a man
fol. 90v
6777_0183.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0183_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6777_0183_web.jpg (473.1 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial A, a saint
fol. 95v
6777_0193.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0193_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0193_web.jpg (443.5 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a man
fol. 96v
6777_0195.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0195_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0195_web.jpg (455.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial Q, a saint
fol. 97v
6777_0197.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0197_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6777_0197_web.jpg (440.5 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial Q, a saint
fol. 98r
6777_0198.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0198_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6777_0198_web.jpg (453.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial B, a saint
fol. 100r
6777_0202.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0202_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0202_web.jpg (427.3 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial F, a man
fol. 100v
6777_0203.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0203_thumb.jpg (7.3 KB)
6777_0203_web.jpg (454.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a woman
fol. 104r
6777_0210.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0210_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0210_web.jpg (436.3 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a saint
fol. 105v
6777_0213.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0213_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6777_0213_web.jpg (461.9 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial Q, devil (?)
fol. 106v
6777_0215.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0215_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6777_0215_web.jpg (452.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial B, a saint
fol. 107v
6777_0217.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0217_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0217_web.jpg (436.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, devil
fol. 108r
6777_0218.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0218_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0218_web.jpg (433.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial D, a saint
fol. 109v
6777_0221.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0221_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0221_web.jpg (424.1 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, a monk
fol. 110r
6777_0222.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0222_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6777_0222_web.jpg (423.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C, a monk
fol. 111r
6777_0224.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0224_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0224_web.jpg (457.5 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a man
fol. 112v
6777_0227.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0227_thumb.jpg (7.3 KB)
6777_0227_web.jpg (457.2 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial M
fol. 114v
6777_0231.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0231_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6777_0231_web.jpg (446.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial B, a saint
fol. 116r
6777_0234.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0234_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6777_0234_web.jpg (434.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial B(?)
fol. 118r
6777_0238.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0238_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0238_web.jpg (462.3 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C(?)
fol. 121r
6777_0244.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0244_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0244_web.jpg (492.3 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C(?)
fol. 124r
6777_0250.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0250_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0250_web.jpg (445.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C, a saint
fol. 127r
6777_0256.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0256_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6777_0256_web.jpg (461.2 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial P
fol. 129r
6777_0260.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0260_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6777_0260_web.jpg (479.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C(?)
fol. 129v
6777_0261.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0261_thumb.jpg (7.3 KB)
6777_0261_web.jpg (466.3 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial B
fol. 130r
6777_0262.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0262_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0262_web.jpg (473.9 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial L
fol. 132v
6777_0267.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0267_thumb.jpg (7.5 KB)
6777_0267_web.jpg (455.5 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, two nuns
fol. 133r
6777_0268.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0268_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0268_web.jpg (489.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial C, King David(?)
fol. 133v
6777_0269.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0269_thumb.jpg (7.6 KB)
6777_0269_web.jpg (466.1 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C, a nun
fol. 135v
6777_0273.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0273_thumb.jpg (7.4 KB)
6777_0273_web.jpg (461.9 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial B, a saint
fol. 136v
6777_0275.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0275_thumb.jpg (7.5 KB)
6777_0275_web.jpg (488.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial R
fol. 137r
6777_0276.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0276_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0276_web.jpg (494.9 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial A
fol. 137v
6777_0277.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0277_thumb.jpg (7.4 KB)
6777_0277_web.jpg (457.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial L
fol. 138r
6777_0278.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0278_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0278_web.jpg (493.2 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
fol. 138v
6777_0279.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0279_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6777_0279_web.jpg (506.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial M
fol. 139r
6777_0280.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0280_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6777_0280_web.jpg (517.8 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial P, a saint
fol. 139v
6777_0281.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0281_thumb.jpg (7.4 KB)
6777_0281_web.jpg (475.6 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial B, a saint
fol. 140v
6777_0283.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0283_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6777_0283_web.jpg (494.3 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial N(?)
fol. 141r
6777_0284.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0284_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0284_web.jpg (535.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a woman
fol. 142r
6777_0286.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0286_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0286_web.jpg (498.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial Q, a saint
fol. 142v
6777_0287.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0287_thumb.jpg (7.4 KB)
6777_0287_web.jpg (493.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial L, a man
fol. 143v
6777_0289.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0289_thumb.jpg (7.3 KB)
6777_0289_web.jpg (462.7 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial F
fol. 144r
6777_0290.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0290_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0290_web.jpg (496.2 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial M
fol. 145r
6777_0292.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0292_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0292_web.jpg (528.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C, a man
fol. 145v
6777_0293.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0293_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6777_0293_web.jpg (471.3 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial U, a saint
fol. 146r
6777_0294.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0294_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0294_web.jpg (516.5 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial P, a saint
fol. 146v
6777_0295.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0295_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6777_0295_web.jpg (477.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a man
fol. 147v
6777_0297.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0297_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6777_0297_web.jpg (489.4 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial A, a nun
fol. 148r
6777_0298.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0298_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0298_web.jpg (506.7 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial L
fol. 148v
6777_0299.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0299_thumb.jpg (7.3 KB)
6777_0299_web.jpg (466.1 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial L
fol. 149r
6777_0300.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0300_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6777_0300_web.jpg (513.9 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial A
fol. 149v
6777_0301.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0301_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6777_0301_web.jpg (469.5 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial N, a saint
fol. 150r
6777_0302.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0302_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6777_0302_web.jpg (522.1 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial Q, a saint
fol. 151r
6777_0304.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0304_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0304_web.jpg (540.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial N, a saint
fol. 151v
6777_0305.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0305_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6777_0305_web.jpg (478.0 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial B, a saint
fol. 152r
6777_0306.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0306_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0306_web.jpg (516.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
fol. 152v
6777_0307.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0307_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6777_0307_web.jpg (491.4 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a saint
fol. 153r
6777_0308.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0308_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0308_web.jpg (508.1 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a saint
fol. 153v
6777_0309.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0309_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6777_0309_web.jpg (450.6 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial M
fol. 154v
6777_0311.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0311_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0311_web.jpg (454.8 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
fol. 155r
6777_0312.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0312_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0312_web.jpg (504.7 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
Decoration: Illuminated initial L
fol. 156v
6777_0315.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0315_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0315_web.jpg (433.2 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C, a saint
fol. 157v
6777_0317.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0317_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6777_0317_web.jpg (439.2 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
fol. 158r
6777_0318.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0318_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0318_web.jpg (488.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C, a nun
fol. 159r
6777_0320.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0320_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0320_web.jpg (487.6 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a saint
fol. 160v
6777_0323.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0323_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0323_web.jpg (440.8 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
fol. 161v
6777_0325.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0325_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6777_0325_web.jpg (455.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a saint
fol. 162v
6777_0327.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0327_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6777_0327_web.jpg (434.1 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a saint
fol. 163v
6777_0329.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0329_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6777_0329_web.jpg (446.9 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial B
fol. 164v
6777_0331.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0331_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0331_web.jpg (422.3 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial E
fol. 166v
6777_0335.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0335_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6777_0335_web.jpg (411.1 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial L
fol. 167r
6777_0336.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0336_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0336_web.jpg (483.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial L
fol. 168r
6777_0338.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0338_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0338_web.jpg (516.5 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial L
fol. 168v
6777_0339.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0339_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6777_0339_web.jpg (426.2 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial L, a nun
fol. 169v
6777_0341.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0341_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6777_0341_web.jpg (429.5 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a monk
fol. 170r
6777_0342.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0342_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6777_0342_web.jpg (523.0 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial L
fol. 170v
6777_0343.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0343_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0343_web.jpg (421.3 KB)
Section: Canticles
Decoration: Inhabited initial C, a saint
fol. 171r
6777_0344.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0344_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0344_web.jpg (506.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial E, a monk
fol. 172r
6777_0346.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0346_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0346_web.jpg (519.1 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial E, a man
fol. 173v
6777_0349.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0349_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0349_web.jpg (424.4 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial C, a saint
fol. 175r
6777_0352.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0352_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6777_0352_web.jpg (496.4 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a man
fol. 177v
6777_0357.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0357_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0357_web.jpg (429.2 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial A, a man
fol. 182r
6777_0366.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0366_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6777_0366_web.jpg (514.5 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a man
fol. 183v
6777_0369.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0369_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6777_0369_web.jpg (420.5 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial B, a saint
fol. 185r
6777_0372.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0372_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6777_0372_web.jpg (525.3 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial B, a man
fol. 186r
6777_0374.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0374_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6777_0374_web.jpg (544.6 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial N, a monk
fol. 186v
6777_0375.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0375_thumb.jpg (6.6 KB)
6777_0375_web.jpg (418.9 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial N, a nun
fol. 187r
6777_0376.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0376_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6777_0376_web.jpg (491.8 KB)
Section: Athanasian Creed
Decoration: Inhabited initial Q, a saint
fol. 190r
6777_0382.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0382_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0382_web.jpg (514.0 KB)
Section: Litany
Decoration: Inhabited initial R, king David
fol. 192r
6777_0386.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0386_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0386_web.jpg (503.0 KB)
Section: Office of the Dead
Decoration: Inhabited initial P, nude male(?)
fol. 192v
6777_0387.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0387_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0387_web.jpg (374.3 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial P, a man
fol. 193v
6777_0389.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0389_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0389_web.jpg (392.7 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial D, a man
fol. 194r
6777_0390.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0390_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6777_0390_web.jpg (542.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial M
fol. 195r
6777_0392.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0392_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6777_0392_web.jpg (509.9 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial R, a saint
fol. 195v
6777_0393.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0393_thumb.jpg (6.4 KB)
6777_0393_web.jpg (373.4 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial H, a man
fol. 196r
6777_0394.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0394_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6777_0394_web.jpg (507.4 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial Q
fol. 197r
6777_0396.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0396_thumb.jpg (6.5 KB)
6777_0396_web.jpg (537.8 KB)
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
fol. 197v
6777_0397.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0397_thumb.jpg (6.3 KB)
6777_0397_web.jpg (401.3 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial P, a man
fol. 198v
6777_0399.tif (38.4 MB)
6777_0399_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6777_0399_web.jpg (379.1 KB)
Decoration: Inhabited initial P, a man
Decoration: Illuminated initial D, a nun
lewis_e_181_body0000ref.tif (81.8 MB)
lewis_e_181_body0000ref_thumb.jpg (4.8 KB)
lewis_e_181_body0000ref_web.jpg (285.8 KB)