Lewis E 263 Carta executoria a pedimiento de Alonso Mendez de Parada
Carta executoria a pedimiento de Alonso Mendez de ParadaAuthors
- Spain. Sovereign (1516-1556 : Charles I) (http://viaf.org/viaf/121008676)
Other related names
- Mendez de Parada, Alonso, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Lewis E 263(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts)
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
Castilian, Spanish; LatinOrigin
- Place
Granada, Spain
This carta executoria, issued in the name of Charles I of Spain in favor of Alonso Mendez de Parada of the city of Huete in response to his litigation to establish noble status (pleito), was written in Granada and signed on February 25, 1538. It has elaborate illuminations on the first pages that are typical of this type of document, but the text, written in a rounded Gothic script, is mostly undecorated except for occasional illuminated letters marking the names of ancestors. The document is sewn in a single gathering with a multicolored cord.
- Notarial signature (fol. 1r)
52; 335 x 240 mm bound to 340 x 240 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, lower right recto; paper fragment between fols. 36-37 not included in foliationCollation
1 (52)Support
Limp vellum wrapper; two loops of twisted leather on front cover for closureLayout
Highly illuminated first opening with a large historiated initial of the Coronation of the Virgin and a simple coat of arms supported by two dragons (fol. 1v) and large miniatures of the Annunciation and portraits of John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist with his poisoned cup (fol. 2), all with full foliate borders of acanthus leaves and flowers; a smaller miniature of King Charles I and a repetition of the coat of arms supported by two dragons (fol. 48v); approximately thirty rather crude illuminated initials, usually marking the beginning of an ancestral name, ranging in height from four to ten lines
- Originally owned by Alonso Mendez de Parada; acquired by Free Library of Philadelphia in 1970
- 16th century
- Spanish
- Spain
- Heraldry
- Illumination
- Notable binding
- Legal
- Historiated initial
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 263: Carta executoria a pedimiento de Alonso Mendez de Parada are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Lewis E 263: Carta executoria a pedimiento de Alonso Mendez de Parada. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
- fol. 1v — Historiated initial D, Coronation of the Virgin
- fol. 1v — Large miniature, Coat of arms
- fol. 2r — Large miniature, Annunciation
- fol. 2r — Large miniature, Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist
- fol. 5r — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 6r — Illuminated initial R
- fol. 7v — Illuminated initial I
- fol. 10r — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 12v — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 15r — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 16r — Illuminated initial G
- fol. 17v — Illuminated initial I
- fol. 18v — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 18v — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 19r — Illuminated initial L
- fol. 20r — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 21v — Illuminated initial I
- fol. 22v — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 24r — Illuminated initial P
- fol. 25r — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 26v — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 28v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 29r — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 29r — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 33v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 35r — Illuminated initial G
- fol. 38r — Illuminated initial R
- fol. 39v — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 42r — Illuminated initial M
- fol. 43r — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 45v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 46v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 47v — Illuminated initial E
- fol. 48r — Illuminated initial A
- fol. 48v — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 48v — Historiated initial P, King Charles I
- fol. 48v — Large miniature, Coat of arms

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Decoration: Historiated initial D, Coronation of the Virgin
Decoration: Large miniature, Coat of arms

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Decoration: Large miniature, Annunciation
Decoration: Large miniature, Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist

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Decoration: Illuminated initial E

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Decoration: Illuminated initial L

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Decoration: Illuminated initial M

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Decoration: Illuminated initial P

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Decoration: Illuminated initial A

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Decoration: Illuminated initial A

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D

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Decoration: Illuminated initial E
Decoration: Illuminated initial A

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D

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Decoration: Illuminated initial G

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Decoration: Illuminated initial R

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Decoration: Illuminated initial A

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Decoration: Illuminated initial M

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Decoration: Illuminated initial A

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D

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Decoration: Illuminated initial E

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Decoration: Illuminated initial A

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Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Historiated initial P, King Charles I
Decoration: Large miniature, Coat of arms

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