Lewis O 64 Kitāb-i Sharafʹnāmah-ʼi Iskandarī. / کتاب شرفنامۀ اسکندرى
Kitāb-i Sharafʹnāmah-ʼi Iskandarī.کتاب شرفنامۀ اسکندرى
- Niẓāmī Ganjavī, 1140 or 1141-1202 or 1203
نظامى گنجوى، - Free Library of Philadelphia. Rare Book Department. John Frederick Lewis Collection of Oriental Manuscripts
Other related names
- Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner
- Lewis, Anne Baker, 1868-1937, donor
Call number
Lewis O 64(Philadelphia, Free Library of Philadelphia, Rare Book Department)
Alternate identifiers
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
- Date
- between 1550 and A.H. 1029 (1619)
- Place
Illustrated copy of the Sharafnāmah, the first part of the Iskandarnāmah of Niẓāmī, missing a few lines at the end. The text was probably taken from a more complete copy of the Khamsah, since the recto of the first leaf is the end of Haft Paykar. The text is copied onto thin paper that has been inset into a watermarked frame for each leaf. Some of the leaves are later replacements, though carefully done (f. 59-66).
- Ms. codex.
- Title from caption title (f. 1v).
- Notes in pencil, "circa 1740", "bound by Herring" (last flyleaf recto at end of book).
- Two different catalog entries in English pasted in, neither numbered: one on the inside front cover, the other on the first flyleaf recto at the back of the book.
- "Persian History of Alexander the Great from B. Harwood to Mr. Greene, cost £30" (note tipped in before f. 1).
Iv, 88, iii leaves : 285 x 160 (177 x 87) mm bound to 295 x 175 mmFoliation
Modern foliation added in pencil, upper left recto; catchwords every verso, lower left.Support
Rebound in European green, straight grain leather with blind tooled and gold tooled rectangular borders and frame; "Life of Alexander the Great" stamped on spine.Layout
Titlepiece in gold and blue with vine and flower motifs (f. 1v); 9 nearly full page illustrations (f. 13v, 19v, 32v, 39v, 46r, 53v, 67v, 77v, 85v) some of which either have holes or have had holes in them repaired; border rules in gold, blue and red; text division markers in blue surrounded by stems with gold leaves and orange or green flowers; in the replacement leaves, f. 59-66, the text divisions are simpler and are dark blue ink with the suggestion of stems and leaves, some in gold.
- Formerly owned by B. Harwood and Mr. Greene (note tipped in before f. 1).
- Formerly owned by John Frederick Lewis (bookplate inside back cover).
Subjects topical
- Persian poetry--747-1500
- Persian literature--747-1500
- Illumination of books and manuscripts, Iranian--Specimens
- Manuscripts, Persian
- Manuscripts, Oriental
- Manuscripts, 17th century
- Codices (bound manuscripts)
- Manuscripts (documents)
- Illuminations (painting)
- Miniatures (paintings)
- Text
- These images and the content of Rare Book Department Lewis O 64: Kitāb-i Sharafʹnāmah-ʼi Iskandarī. are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Rare Book Department Lewis O 64: Kitāb-i Sharafʹnāmah-ʼi Iskandarī.. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
- Inside front cover — Catalog entry
- Insert recto — Notations
- fol. 1r — Illuminated corner fill
- fol. 1v — Illuminated headpiece
- fol. 2v — Example of illuminated text divider
- fol. 13v — Illustration
- fol. 19v — Illustration
- fol. 32v — Illustration
- fol. 39v — Illustration
- fol. 46r — Illustration
- fol. 53v — Illustration
- fol. 67v — Illustration
- fol. 77v — Illustration
- fol. 85v — Illustration
- fol. 88v — Illuminated corner fill
- Inside back cover — Bookplate: "John Frederick Lewis"

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Section: [End of Haft paykar].
Decoration: Illuminated corner fill

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Section: Kitāb-i Sharafʹnāmah-ʼi Iskandarī.
Decoration: Illuminated headpiece

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Decoration: Example of illuminated text divider

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Decoration: Illuminated corner fill

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Decoration: Bookplate: "John Frederick Lewis"

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