Lewis O 91 Menahic ul-usûl üd-diniye ila mevakıf il-makasıd ıl-ayniye
Menahic ul-usûl üd-diniye ila mevakıf il-makasıd ıl-ayniyeAuthors
- Abdülbâkî Ârif Efendi, 1633-1713
عبد الباقي عارف افندي، - Free Library of Philadelphia. Rare Book Department. John Frederick Lewis Collection of Oriental Manuscripts
Other related names
- Muḥammad ibn Walī al-Dīn, active 1707, scribe
محمد بن ولى الدين، - Lewis, John Frederick, 1860-1932, former owner
- Lewis, Anne Baker, 1868-1937, donor
Call number
Lewis O 91(Philadelphia, Free Library of Philadelphia, Rare Book Department)
Alternate identifiers
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
Ottoman TurkishOrigin
The item is dated Ramaḍān 1119 A.H. (1707) and was copied by a scribe named Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥājj Walī al-Dīn (f. 102v).
- Date
- 1119 A.H. (1707)
- Place
Doctrinal book in Turkish; table of contents and list of previous works on this topic at front of book (f. i, iv-v).
- Ms. codex.
- Title from introduction (f. 5r)
- Catalog entry, lot 215, pasted to first flyleaf recto at front of book.
Iv, 102, ii leaves : 200 x 135 (153 x 170) mm bound to 250 x 143 mmFoliation
Contemporary foliation in ink in Hindu-Arabic numerals (1-9, 11-102), upper left recto; no catchwords.Support
Bound in black leather over pasteboard with flap (Type II); onlay stamped paper mandorla with pendants on the vertical axis and cornerpieces; red leather doublure; slip case in red leather with gold-tooled (now green) frame; in the center, the number 142, above and to the right, an orange and white stamp with the number 215.Layout
Headpiece in gold, pink and blue (f. 1v); textblock border-ruled in gold; rubrications in red.
- Formerly owned by John Frederick Lewis (bookplate inside front cover).
Subjects topical
- Islam--Doctrines--Early works to 1800
- Islamic law--Criticism and interpretation
- Manuscripts, Turkish
- Manuscripts, Oriental
- Manuscripts, 18th century
- Codices (bound manuscripts)
- Illuminations (painting)
- Envelope flaps (features)
- Inlays (decorative components)
- Text
- These images and the content of Rare Book Department Lewis O 91: Menahic ul-usûl üd-diniye ila mevakıf il-makasıd ıl-ayniye are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Rare Book Department Lewis O 91: Menahic ul-usûl üd-diniye ila mevakıf il-makasıd ıl-ayniye. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
- Inside front cover — Bookplate: "John Frederick Lewis"
- fol. 1r — Notations
- fol. 1v — Illuminated headpiece

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Section: Menahic ul-usûl üd-diniye ila mevakıf il-makasıd ıl-ayniye
Decoration: Illuminated headpiece

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