Widener 3 Book of Hours, Use of Sarum ("The John Browne Hours")
Book of Hours, Use of Sarum ("The John Browne Hours")Other related names
- Browne, John, d. 1476, former owner
- Browne, Agnes, former owner
- Widener, Joseph E. (Joseph Early), 1872-1943, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/21158694/#Widener,_Joseph_E._(Joseph_Early),_1872-1943)
- Lady Margaret Ayloffe, 1704?-1797, former owner
- Topham, John, 1746-1803, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/32346628)
- St. John-Mildmay, Henry St. John Carew, Sir, 1791-1845, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/8721254)
- Widener, P.A.B. (Peter Arrell Brown), 1834-1915, former owner (http://viaf.org/viaf/72315066)
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
Widener 3(Philadelphia, United States, Free Library of Philadelphia, Widener Collection)
Alternate identifiers
- deRicci: 3
- Leaves-of-gold: 33
- TELMA-Luxury-Bound: 2965
Free Library of PhiladelphiaLanguage
- Place
This lavish Book of Hours ("The Browne Hours") was made for the wealthy English merchant John Browne and his wife Agnes. The couple are portrayed as supplicants before the Mass of Saint Gregory on fol. 8v, and John Browne's trademark appears in the border of that page and also inside the back cover. The volume is remarkable in many aspects. It retains its original fifteenth century binding, complete with silver clasps inlaid with miniatures of the Virgin and Child and Veronica's veil. John and Agnes's names are inscribed on the reverse of these clasps. The name of the binder is stamped on the leather of the covers: Anthony de Gavere. The text of the Hours of the Virgin in this book is especially sumptuously illuminated, with one full-page and one large miniature opening each of the individual hours. Unusually, the Hours are interrupted between Lauds and Prime by a series of suffrages. In addition to the usual Penitential Psalms, this book contains the Passion Psalms and the Psalter of Saint Jerome. The papal tiara has been erased on fol. 8v and the commemoration of Thomas Becket has been struck through, testifying to this manuscript's post-medieval English history.
- In Mass of Saint Gregory, his papal tiara has been rubbed out on f. 8v; rubrics (an indulgence?) erased on facing page, f. 9r. text is crossed out on ff. 20r-20v (Suffrage of Saint Thomas Becket). Saint Margaret's face has been effaced on f. 35v
- This manuscript was made for the wealthy English merchant John Browne and his wife Agnes; the fifteenth century binding was done by Anthony de Gavere, a member of a prominent family of Flemish bookbinders active from 1459 to 1505; his name is recorded in the inscriptions stamped into the borders of the four decorative panels on the front and back covers; the two clasps that contain miniatures depicting the Virgin and Child with an angel (upper) and Saint Veronica holding the Sudarium (lower) are inscribed on the reverse with the names of John and Agnes to further personalize the manuscript for its owners
153; 225 x 165 mm bound to 241 x 172 mmFoliation
Modern foliation in pencil, upper right rectoCollation
Original fifteenth-century dark brown calfskin; by Flemish bookbinder Anthony de Gavere; blind-stamped panels with birds and animals in vines, peasants dancing, angels; inscribed "ANTHONIUS DE GAUERE OB LAUDEM XPISTI LIBRUM HUNC RECTE LIGAUI"; silver clasps inlaid with miniatures on vellum behind rock crystal windows, showing Virgin and Child and Saint Veronica, etched on reverse are the names "John Browne" and "Angnes Browne" with John Browne's trademarkLayout
Twenty-four full-page miniatures, eight large miniatures, twenty-one historiated initials, all with partial or full spray borders; numerous smaller initials and line-fillers in red, blue, and gold throughout
- Made for John Browne the Younger (d. 1476) and Agnes Browne of Stamford, Lincolnshire, England, 1460-1470; "Tho. Rosary," on flyleaf, c. 1720; "The gift of [Margaret] Lady Ayloffe [1704(?)-1797] to John Topham [1746-1803], Esq. May the 9th 1783," inside front cover; Sir Henry St. John Mildmay of Dogmersfield, Hampshire, England (bookplate of Dogmersfield Library on front flyleaf), c. 1820; his sale, Sotheby's, London, April 18-20, 1907, no. 6; Quaritch, London, 1907; P.A.B. Widener, Philadelphia; Joseph E. Widener, Philadelphia, 1915; given by his children, Josephine Widener Wichfeld and Peter A.B. Widener, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1944, in memory of their father
Related resources
- De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, vol. 2 (New York,: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), p. 2115-2116, no. 3.
- Supplement to the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, originated by C. U. Faye, continued and edited by W. H. Bond (New York: The Bibliographical Society of America, 1962), p. 453.
- Free Library of Philadelphia. Saints, Scribes, and Scholars: An Exhibition of Illuminated Manuscripts and Early Printed Books from the Collections of the Rare Book Department of the Free Library of Philadelphia. Compiled by Satoko I. Parker, Walter A. Frankel, and Marie E. Korey (Philadelphia: The Free Library of Philadelphia, 1988), p. 18.
- Lillian M.C. Randall et al., Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery, vol. 3, Belgium, 1250-1530 (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press with The Walters Art Gallery, 1997), p. 131.
- Philadelphia Museum of Art, Leaves of Gold: Manuscript Illumination from Philadelphia Collections, edited by James R. Tanis (Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2001), pp. 106-108, cat. no. 33.
- Rogers, Nicholas. "Patrons and purchasers: evidence for the original owners of books of hours produced in the Low Countries for the English market," in B. Cardon, J. Van der Stock and D. Vanwijnsberghe (eds.), "Als Ich Can": Liber Amicorum in Memory of Professor Dr. Maurits Smeyers. Leuven, 2002, vol. II, 1165-1181 (see pp. 1167, 1173, 1177, and 1178).
- TELMA-Luxury Bound: A corpus of manuscripts illustrated in the Netherlands (1400-1550) (http://www.cn-telma.fr/luxury-bound/manuscrit2965/)
- The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, The History of Bookbinding, 525-1950 A.D., exh. cat. (Baltimore: The Walters Art Gallery, 1957), pp. 54-55, no. 127, pl. 28.
- Book of Hours
- 15th century
- Flemish
- Gothic
- Historiated initial
- Illumination
- Original binding
- Flanders
- Text
- These images and the content of Free Library of Philadelphia, Widener 3: Book of Hours, Use of Sarum ("The John Browne Hours") are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Free Library of Philadelphia, Special Collections has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Free Library of Philadelphia Widener 3: Book of Hours, Use of Sarum ("The John Browne Hours"). This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 2r — Calendar
- fol. 9r — Prayer to Saint Gregory
- fol. 10r — The Fifteen Os of Saint Bridget
- fol. 16r — Commemoration of the Trinity
- fol. 18r — Commemoration of Saint John the Baptist
- fol. 20r — Commemoration of Saint Thomas Becket
- fol. 22r — Commemoration of Saint George
- fol. 24r — Commemoration of Saint Christopher
- fol. 26r — Commemoration of Saint Agnes
- fol. 28r — Commemoration of Saint Anne
- fol. 30r — Commemoration of Saint Mary Magdalene
- fol. 32r — Commemoration of Saint Catherine
- fol. 34r — Commemoration of Saint Barbara
- fol. 36r — Commemoration of Saint Margaret
- fol. 38r — Hours of the Virgin, Use of Sarum (Matins through Lauds)
- fol. 50v — Suffrages
- fol. 57r — Hours of the Virgin, Prime to end
- fol. 75v — Prayer to the Virgin, "Salve virgo virginum stella matutina" attr. to Bonaventure
- fol. 79r — O intemerata
- fol. 80v — Obsecro te
- fol. 82v — Hymn, "Ave mundi spes"
- fol. 84r — Hymn commemorating the Seven Joys of the Virgin
- fol. 87r — Prayers to the Image of Christ, the Individual Wounds of Christ, the Virgin, and Saint John the Evangelist
- fol. 90r — Seven Last Words of the Lord
- fol. 94r — Penitential Psalms, followed by a Litany and Prayers
- fol. 109r — Office of the Dead
- fol. 127r — Commendation of Souls
- fol. 138r — Passion Psalms
- fol. 144r — Psalter of Saint Jerome
- Inside front cover — Bookplate, Dogmersfield Library
- Inside front cover — Bookplate, Joseph Widener
- Inside front cover — Notation in ink, "The gift of Lady Ayloffe to John Topham Esq. May the 9th 1783"
- fol. 1r — Notations in pencil
- fol. 8v — Full-page miniature, Mass of Saint Gregory with owner portraits
- fol. 8v — Full spray border with crown and trademark of John Browne
- fol. 9v — Full-page miniature, Salvator Mundi
- fol. 9v — Full spray border
- fol. 10r — Illuminated initial O
- fol. 10r — Full spray border
- fol. 15v — Full-page miniature, Trinity
- fol. 15v — Full spray border
- fol. 16r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 16r — Full spray border
- fol. 17v — Full-page miniature, Saint John the Baptist
- fol. 17v — Full spray border
- fol. 18r — Illuminated initial G
- fol. 18r — Full spray border
- fol. 19v — Full-page miniature, Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket
- fol. 19v — Full spray border
- fol. 20r — Illuminated initial G
- fol. 20r — Full spray border
- fol. 21v — Full-page miniature, Saint George and the Dragon
- fol. 21v — Full spray border
- fol. 22r — Illuminated initial G
- fol. 22r — Full spray border
- fol. 23v — Full-page miniature, Saint Christopher
- fol. 23v — Full spray border
- fol. 24r — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 24r — Full spray border
- fol. 25v — Full-page miniature, Saint Agnes
- fol. 25v — Full spray border
- fol. 26r — Illuminated initial S
- fol. 26r — Full spray border
- fol. 27v — Full-page miniature, Saint Anne
- fol. 27v — Full spray border
- fol. 28r — Illuminated initial G
- fol. 28r — Full spray border
- fol. 29v — Full-page miniature, Saint Mary Magdalene
- fol. 29v — Full spray border
- fol. 30r — Illuminated initial G
- fol. 30r — Full spray border
- fol. 31v — Full-page miniature, Saint Catherine
- fol. 31v — Full spray border
- fol. 32r — Illuminated initial G
- fol. 32r — Full spray border
- fol. 33v — Full-page miniature, Saint Barbara
- fol. 33v — Full spray border
- fol. 34r — Illuminated initial G
- fol. 34r — Full spray border
- fol. 35v — Full-page miniature, Saint Margaret
- fol. 35v — Full spray border
- fol. 36r — Illuminated initial G
- fol. 36r — Full spray border
- fol. 37v — Full-page miniature, Agony in the Garden
- fol. 37v — Full spray border
- fol. 38r — Large miniature, Annunciation
- fol. 38r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 38r — Full spray border
- fol. 44v — Full-page miniature, Betrayal of Christ
- fol. 44v — Full spray border
- fol. 45r — Large miniature, Visitation
- fol. 45r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 45r — Full spray border
- fol. 50v — Historiated initial V, Dove of the Holy Spirit
- fol. 50v — Partial spray border
- fol. 51r — Historiated initial M, Saint Michael the Archangel
- fol. 51r — Partial spray border
- fol. 51v — Historiated initial P, Saints Peter and Paul
- fol. 51v — Partial spray border
- fol. 52r — Historiated initial A, Saint Andrew
- fol. 52r — Partial spray border
- fol. 52v — Historiated initial S, Saint Stephen
- fol. 52v — Historiated initial L, Saint Lawrence
- fol. 52v — Partial spray border
- fol. 53v — Historiated initial B, Saint Nicholas
- fol. 53v — Partial spray border
- fol. 54v — Historiated initial O, All Saints
- fol. 54v — Partial spray border
- fol. 56v — Full-page miniature, Christ before Pilate
- fol. 56v — Full spray border
- fol. 57r — Large miniature, Nativity
- fol. 57r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 57r — Full spray border
- fol. 60r — Large miniature, Annunciation to the Shepherds
- fol. 60r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 60r — Full spray border
- fol. 62v — Full-page miniature, Christ Carrying the Cross and Saint Veronica
- fol. 62v — Full spray border
- fol. 63r — Large miniature, Adoration of the Magi
- fol. 63r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 63r — Full spray border
- fol. 65v — Full-page miniature, Crucifixion
- fol. 65v — Full spray border
- fol. 66r — Large miniature, Presentation in the Temple
- fol. 66r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 66r — Full spray border
- fol. 68v — Full-page miniature, Descent from the Cross
- fol. 68v — Full spray border
- fol. 69r — Large miniature, Massacre of the Innocents
- fol. 69r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 69r — Full spray border
- fol. 71v — Full-page miniature, Entombment
- fol. 71v — Full spray border
- fol. 72r — Large miniature, Flight into Egypt
- fol. 72r — Illuminated initial C
- fol. 72r — Full spray border
- fol. 75v — Historiated initial S, Annunciation
- fol. 75v — Partial spray border
- fol. 79r — Historiated initial O, Pietà
- fol. 79r — Partial spray border
- fol. 84r — Historiated initial V, Presentation of Mary in the Temple
- fol. 84r — Partial spray border
- fol. 87r — Historiated initial O, Christ nailed to the Cross
- fol. 87r — Historiated initial C, Cross
- fol. 87r — Partial spray border
- fol. 87v — Historiated initial A, Veronica's veil
- fol. 87v — Historiated initial S, Christ's right hand with wound
- fol. 87v — Partial spray border
- fol. 88r — Historiated initial A, Christ's left hand with wound
- fol. 88r — Historiated initial O, Five wounds of Christ
- fol. 88r — Partial spray border
- fol. 88v — Historiated initial S, Christ's right foot with wound
- fol. 88v — Historiated initial L, Christ's left foot with wound
- fol. 88v — Partial spray border
- fol. 89r — Historiated initial I, Saint John the Evangelist
- fol. 89r — Partial spray border
- fol. 90r — Historiated initial, Crucifixion
- fol. 90r — Partial spray border
- fol. 94r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 94r — Full spray border
- fol. 108v — Full-page miniature, Funeral scene
- fol. 108v — Full spray border
- fol. 109r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 109r — Full spray border
- fol. 126v — Full-page miniature, Resurrection of the Elect
- fol. 126v — Full spray border
- fol. 127r — Illuminated initial B
- fol. 127r — Full spray border
- fol. 137v — Full-page miniature, Imago Pietatis
- fol. 137v — Full spray border
- fol. 138r — Illuminated initial D
- fol. 138r — Full spray border
- fol. 143v — Full-page miniature, Saint Jerome in his study
- fol. 143v — Full spray border
- fol. 144r — Illuminated initial V
- fol. 144r — Full spray border

6639_0001.tif (95.8 MB)
6639_0001_thumb.jpg (5.7 KB)
6639_0001_web.jpg (375.1 KB)
Decoration: Bookplate, Dogmersfield Library
Decoration: Bookplate, Joseph Widener
Decoration: Notation in ink, "The gift of Lady Ayloffe to John Topham Esq. May the 9th 1783"

6639_0002.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0002_thumb.jpg (3.8 KB)
6639_0002_web.jpg (238.6 KB)
Decoration: Notations in pencil

6639_0004.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0004_thumb.jpg (4.1 KB)
6639_0004_web.jpg (253.4 KB)
Section: Calendar

6639_0017.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0017_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6639_0017_web.jpg (451.5 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Mass of Saint Gregory with owner portraits
Decoration: Full spray border with crown and trademark of John Browne

6639_0018.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0018_thumb.jpg (4.9 KB)
6639_0018_web.jpg (332.1 KB)
Section: Prayer to Saint Gregory

6639_0019.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0019_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6639_0019_web.jpg (479.4 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Salvator Mundi
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0020.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0020_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6639_0020_web.jpg (453.2 KB)
Section: The Fifteen Os of Saint Bridget
Decoration: Illuminated initial O
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0031.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0031_thumb.jpg (7.5 KB)
6639_0031_web.jpg (484.8 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Trinity
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0032.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0032_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6639_0032_web.jpg (447.0 KB)
Section: Commemoration of the Trinity
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0035.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0035_thumb.jpg (7.3 KB)
6639_0035_web.jpg (460.7 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Saint John the Baptist
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0036.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0036_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0036_web.jpg (452.0 KB)
Section: Commemoration of Saint John the Baptist
Decoration: Illuminated initial G
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0039.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0039_thumb.jpg (7.3 KB)
6639_0039_web.jpg (482.6 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0040.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0040_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0040_web.jpg (454.8 KB)
Section: Commemoration of Saint Thomas Becket
Decoration: Illuminated initial G
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0043.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0043_thumb.jpg (7.4 KB)
6639_0043_web.jpg (477.5 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Saint George and the Dragon
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0044.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0044_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6639_0044_web.jpg (457.8 KB)
Section: Commemoration of Saint George
Decoration: Illuminated initial G
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0047.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0047_thumb.jpg (7.4 KB)
6639_0047_web.jpg (462.6 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Saint Christopher
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0048.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0048_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0048_web.jpg (443.7 KB)
Section: Commemoration of Saint Christopher
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0051.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0051_thumb.jpg (7.3 KB)
6639_0051_web.jpg (408.6 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Saint Agnes
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0052.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0052_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6639_0052_web.jpg (396.2 KB)
Section: Commemoration of Saint Agnes
Decoration: Illuminated initial S
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0055.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0055_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6639_0055_web.jpg (460.8 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Saint Anne
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0056.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0056_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6639_0056_web.jpg (438.0 KB)
Section: Commemoration of Saint Anne
Decoration: Illuminated initial G
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0059.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0059_thumb.jpg (7.3 KB)
6639_0059_web.jpg (466.2 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Saint Mary Magdalene
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0060.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0060_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0060_web.jpg (449.8 KB)
Section: Commemoration of Saint Mary Magdalene
Decoration: Illuminated initial G
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0063.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0063_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6639_0063_web.jpg (478.7 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Saint Catherine
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0064.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0064_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0064_web.jpg (457.4 KB)
Section: Commemoration of Saint Catherine
Decoration: Illuminated initial G
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0067.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0067_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6639_0067_web.jpg (461.5 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Saint Barbara
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0068.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0068_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6639_0068_web.jpg (472.9 KB)
Section: Commemoration of Saint Barbara
Decoration: Illuminated initial G
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0071.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0071_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6639_0071_web.jpg (457.6 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Saint Margaret
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0072.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0072_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0072_web.jpg (454.3 KB)
Section: Commemoration of Saint Margaret
Decoration: Illuminated initial G
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0075.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0075_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0075_web.jpg (453.1 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Agony in the Garden
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0076.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0076_thumb.jpg (6.7 KB)
6639_0076_web.jpg (440.0 KB)
Section: Hours of the Virgin, Use of Sarum (Matins through Lauds)
Decoration: Large miniature, Annunciation
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0089.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0089_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6639_0089_web.jpg (463.4 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Betrayal of Christ
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0090.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0090_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6639_0090_web.jpg (424.8 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Visitation
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0101.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0101_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6639_0101_web.jpg (418.8 KB)
Section: Suffrages
Decoration: Historiated initial V, Dove of the Holy Spirit
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0102.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0102_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6639_0102_web.jpg (368.4 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial M, Saint Michael the Archangel
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0103.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0103_thumb.jpg (6.2 KB)
6639_0103_web.jpg (418.4 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial P, Saints Peter and Paul
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0104.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0104_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6639_0104_web.jpg (373.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial A, Saint Andrew
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0105.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0105_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6639_0105_web.jpg (415.3 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial S, Saint Stephen
Decoration: Historiated initial L, Saint Lawrence
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0107.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0107_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6639_0107_web.jpg (404.4 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial B, Saint Nicholas
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0109.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0109_thumb.jpg (6.0 KB)
6639_0109_web.jpg (417.7 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial O, All Saints
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0113.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0113_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6639_0113_web.jpg (463.8 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Christ before Pilate
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0114.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0114_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0114_web.jpg (458.1 KB)
Section: Hours of the Virgin, Prime to end
Decoration: Large miniature, Nativity
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0120.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0120_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6639_0120_web.jpg (445.5 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Annunciation to the Shepherds
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0125.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0125_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6639_0125_web.jpg (463.9 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Christ Carrying the Cross and Saint Veronica
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0126.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0126_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0126_web.jpg (453.1 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Adoration of the Magi
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0131.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0131_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6639_0131_web.jpg (457.0 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Crucifixion
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0132.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0132_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0132_web.jpg (468.8 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Presentation in the Temple
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0137.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0137_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0137_web.jpg (445.8 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Descent from the Cross
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0138.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0138_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0138_web.jpg (459.9 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Massacre of the Innocents
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0143.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0143_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6639_0143_web.jpg (472.0 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Entombment
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0144.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0144_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0144_web.jpg (448.2 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Flight into Egypt
Decoration: Illuminated initial C
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0151.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0151_thumb.jpg (5.9 KB)
6639_0151_web.jpg (400.6 KB)
Section: Prayer to the Virgin, "Salve virgo virginum stella matutina" attr. to Bonaventure
Decoration: Historiated initial S, Annunciation
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0158.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0158_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6639_0158_web.jpg (361.5 KB)
Section: O intemerata
Decoration: Historiated initial O, Pietà
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0161.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0161_thumb.jpg (5.1 KB)
6639_0161_web.jpg (338.5 KB)
Section: Obsecro te

6639_0165.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0165_thumb.jpg (5.0 KB)
6639_0165_web.jpg (319.2 KB)
Section: Hymn, "Ave mundi spes"

6639_0168.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0168_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6639_0168_web.jpg (395.1 KB)
Section: Hymn commemorating the Seven Joys of the Virgin
Decoration: Historiated initial V, Presentation of Mary in the Temple
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0174.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0174_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6639_0174_web.jpg (383.7 KB)
Section: Prayers to the Image of Christ, the Individual Wounds of Christ, the Virgin, and Saint John the Evangelist
Decoration: Historiated initial O, Christ nailed to the Cross
Decoration: Historiated initial C, Cross
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0175.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0175_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6639_0175_web.jpg (400.6 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial A, Veronica's veil
Decoration: Historiated initial S, Christ's right hand with wound
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0176.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0176_thumb.jpg (5.6 KB)
6639_0176_web.jpg (378.9 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial A, Christ's left hand with wound
Decoration: Historiated initial O, Five wounds of Christ
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0177.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0177_thumb.jpg (6.1 KB)
6639_0177_web.jpg (439.2 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial S, Christ's right foot with wound
Decoration: Historiated initial L, Christ's left foot with wound
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0178.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0178_thumb.jpg (5.4 KB)
6639_0178_web.jpg (389.4 KB)
Decoration: Historiated initial I, Saint John the Evangelist
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0180.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0180_thumb.jpg (5.5 KB)
6639_0180_web.jpg (358.7 KB)
Section: Seven Last Words of the Lord
Decoration: Historiated initial, Crucifixion
Decoration: Partial spray border

6639_0188.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0188_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6639_0188_web.jpg (475.7 KB)
Section: Penitential Psalms, followed by a Litany and Prayers
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0217.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0217_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6639_0217_web.jpg (440.9 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Funeral scene
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0218.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0218_thumb.jpg (6.9 KB)
6639_0218_web.jpg (479.9 KB)
Section: Office of the Dead
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0253.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0253_thumb.jpg (7.2 KB)
6639_0253_web.jpg (442.6 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Resurrection of the Elect
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0254.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0254_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6639_0254_web.jpg (476.7 KB)
Section: Commendation of Souls
Decoration: Illuminated initial B
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0275.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0275_thumb.jpg (7.1 KB)
6639_0275_web.jpg (433.7 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Imago Pietatis
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0276.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0276_thumb.jpg (7.0 KB)
6639_0276_web.jpg (499.2 KB)
Section: Passion Psalms
Decoration: Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0287.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0287_thumb.jpg (7.4 KB)
6639_0287_web.jpg (436.1 KB)
Decoration: Full-page miniature, Saint Jerome in his study
Decoration: Full spray border

6639_0288.tif (84.1 MB)
6639_0288_thumb.jpg (6.8 KB)
6639_0288_web.jpg (473.9 KB)
Section: Psalter of Saint Jerome
Decoration: Illuminated initial V
Decoration: Full spray border

widener_003_body0000ref.tif (107.7 MB)
widener_003_body0000ref_thumb.jpg (4.9 KB)
widener_003_body0000ref_web.jpg (295.4 KB)