(SPC) MSS 133 Book of Hours : Use of Toul
Book of Hours : Use of ToulAuthors
- Catholic Church
Other related names
- Hodgkinson, Sampson, former owner
- Bosviel, Pierre, former owner
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
(SPC) MSS 133(Philadelphia, United States, Temple University Libraries, Special Collections Research Center)
Alternate identifiers
Special Collections Research CenterLanguage
Latin; Middle French (ca. 1400-1600)Origin
- Place
This book of hours was made in northeastern France following the Use of Toul in the Hours of the Virgin and Office of the Dead, with Infancy Cycle miniatures for the Hours of the Virgin. The calendar, brief Hours of the Cross and Hours of the Holy Spirit precede the Hours of the Virgin, with the Penitential Psalms, Litany, and Office of the Dead following, along with various prayers in Latin and French. The usual Marian prayer O intemerata and Gospel readings from Matthew, Mark, and Luke are not present. A bifolium in a later hand (circa 1500) from another manuscript with suffrages to Saints Michael, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, and Peter and Paul (fol. 123r-124r) is at the end of the volume.
- In Latin, with calendar, most rubrics, and a few accessory texts (fols. 71r-73v, 74r-74v) in Middle French
- Nineteenth-century parchment flyleaves
Ii+124+ii; 112 x 75 mm bound to 200 x 145 mmFoliation
Modern foliation [1-124] in pencil, upper right rectoCollation
1 (12), 2-8 (8), 9 (6), 10-15 (8), 16 (2)Support
Nineteenth-century grosgrain morocco over wooden boards, covers decorated with blind-stamped frame; gilt fleurons on covers and spine, edges gilt, probably English (Les Enluminures)Layout
Twelve arched miniatures: above five lines of text with three- or four-line initials on burnished gold with full foliate and floral borders of acanthus and ivy leaves (Crucifixion, fol. 13r; Pentecost, fol. 16r; Annunciation, fol. 19r; Visitation, fol. 28v; Nativity, fol. 37v; Annunciation to the shepherds, fol. 42v; Adoration of the Magi, fol. 46r; Presentation in the Temple, fol. 49v; flight into Egypt, fol. 53r; Massacre of the Innocents, fol. 49r; King David praying to God with harp on the ground, fol. 75r; raising of Lazarus, fol. 90r); two-line initials in gold on blue and pink and one-line initials alternating between gold with purple penwork and blue with red penwork throughout; geometric line endings in blue, pink and gold in Litany (fols. 84v-87r)
- Formerly owned by Sampson Hodgkinson; loaned by him to the National Exhibition of Works of Art held in Leeds in 1868, no. 586 (label from exhibition on last flyleaf); sold at auction at the Hôtel Drouot (Roger Glandaz, auctioneer), 2 June 1933, lot 34 (pencil note, inside lower cover); purchased by "GV" at a sale on 14 December 1967 (pencil note, inside lower cover); formerly owned by Pierre Bosviel (bookplate, inside upper cover); purchased by Temple University from Les Enluminures (Paris and Chicago), 2010
- Codices
- Books of hours
- Devotional calendars
- Illuminated manuscripts
- Book of Hours
- 15th century
- France
- French
- Miniature
- Private devotional text
- Illustration
- Illumination
- Christian
- Gothic
- Text
- These images and the content of Special Collections Research Center, (SPC) MSS 133: Book of Hours : Use of Toul are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Temple University Libraries, Special Collections Research Center has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Special Collections Research Center (SPC) MSS 133: Book of Hours : Use of Toul. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 1r — Calendar
- fol. 13r — Brief Hours of the Cross
- fol. 16r — Brief Hours of the Holy Spirit
- fol. 19r — Hours of the Virgin, Use of Toul
- fol. 63r — Gospel Lesson, John
- fol. 64r — Prayers
- fol. 75r — Penitential Psalms, Litany, and Prayers
- fol. 90r — Office of the Dead, Use of Toul
- fol. 123r — Suffrages
- Inside front cover — Bookplate, Pierre Bosviel
- fol. 1r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 2r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 3r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 4r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 5r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 6r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 7r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 8r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 9r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 10r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 11r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 12r — Illuminated initials KL
- fol. 13r — Large miniature, Crucifixion
- fol. 13r — Four line Illuminated initial D
- fol. 13r — Illuminated border
- fol. 16r — Large miniature, Pentecost
- fol. 16r — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 16r — Illuminated border
- fol. 19r — Large miniature, Annunciation
- fol. 19r — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 19r — Illuminated border
- fol. 28v — Large miniature, Visitation
- fol. 28v — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 28v — Illuminated border
- fol. 37v — Large miniature, Nativity
- fol. 37v — Three line illuminated initial D
- fol. 37v — Illuminated border
- fol. 42v — Large miniature, Annunciation to the shepherds
- fol. 42v — Three line illuminated initial D
- fol. 42v — Illuminated border
- fol. 46r — Large miniature, Adoration of the Magi
- fol. 46r — Three line illuminated initial D
- fol. 46r — Illuminated border
- fol. 49v — Large miniature, Presentation in the Temple
- fol. 49v — Three line illuminated initial D
- fol. 49v — Illuminated border
- fol. 53r — Large miniature, Flight into Egypt
- fol. 53r — Three line illuminated initial D
- fol. 53r — Illuminated border
- fol. 59r — Large miniature, Massacre of the Innocents
- fol. 59r — Three line illuminated initial A
- fol. 59r — Illuminated border
- fol. 75r — Large miniature, King David in prayer with harp on the ground
- fol. 75r — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 75r — Illuminated border
- fol. 90r — Raising of Lazarus
- fol. 90r — Four line illuminated initial D
- fol. 90r — Illuminated border

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Decoration: Bookplate, Pierre Bosviel

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Section: Calendar
Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

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Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

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Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

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Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

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Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

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Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

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Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

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Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

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Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

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Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

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Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

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Decoration: Illuminated initials KL

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Section: Brief Hours of the Cross
Decoration: Large miniature, Crucifixion
Decoration: Four line Illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

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Section: Brief Hours of the Holy Spirit
Decoration: Large miniature, Pentecost
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

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Section: Hours of the Virgin, Use of Toul
Decoration: Large miniature, Annunciation
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

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Decoration: Large miniature, Visitation
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

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Decoration: Large miniature, Nativity
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

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Decoration: Large miniature, Annunciation to the shepherds
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

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Decoration: Large miniature, Adoration of the Magi
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

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Decoration: Large miniature, Presentation in the Temple
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

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Decoration: Large miniature, Flight into Egypt
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

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6400_0122_web.jpg (426.9 KB)
Decoration: Large miniature, Massacre of the Innocents
Decoration: Three line illuminated initial A
Decoration: Illuminated border

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Section: Gospel Lesson, John

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Section: Prayers

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Section: Penitential Psalms, Litany, and Prayers
Decoration: Large miniature, King David in prayer with harp on the ground
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

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Section: Office of the Dead, Use of Toul
Decoration: Raising of Lazarus
Decoration: Four line illuminated initial D
Decoration: Illuminated border

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Section: Suffrages