GloriaDei.BaptismalRecords1804-1878 Baptisms, 1804-1878
Baptisms, 1804-1878Authors
- Gloria Dei Church (Philadelphia, Pa.) (
- Council on Library and Information Resources
Call number
GloriaDei.BaptismalRecords1804-1878(Philadelphia, United States, Gloria Dei Church, Philadelphia, PA)
Alternate identifiers
Gloria Dei Church, Philadelphia, PALanguage
English; SwedishOrigin
- Place
United States
Baptisms recorded by Nicholas Collin, Director of the Swedish Churches in Pennsylvania, from 1804 to 1878. Each entry includes the date of baptism, name of the person baptized, his or her date of birth, parents' names, and other information such as whether the baptism was conducted in a private home, the names of known extended family members, adults' occupations and countries of birth, and concerns about the family's financial situation or behavior.
382 pages;Support
PaperRelated resources
- Philadelphia Congregations Early Records Project (
- ATLA Digital Library (
Subjects topical
- Church records and registers
- Baptismal records
- Lutherans
- Episcopalians
- Lutheran Church
- Pennsylvania--Philadelphia
- Gloria Dei Church (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Episcopal Church
- Manuscripts
- Registers (Lists)
- 19th century
- Register
- Text
- These images and the content of Gloria Dei Church, Philadelphia, PA GloriaDei.BaptismalRecords1804-1878: Baptisms, 1804-1878 are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, Gloria Dei Church has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about Gloria Dei Church, Philadelphia, PA GloriaDei.BaptismalRecords1804-1878: Baptisms, 1804-1878. This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see Legal code:
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