Or 2530 Sidur (סידור)
Sidur (סידור)Funders
- The Polonsky Foundation
Call number
Or 2530(London, United Kingdom, British Library, Hebrew Manuscripts Digitisation Project)
Alternate identifiers
British LibraryLanguage
Between 1500 and 1690
- Place
A volume belonging to a series of Karaite service-books, which have been originally deposited in the Karaite Synagogue in Jerusalem.
- Imperfect at the end.
- Lacunae after folio 10, 14, 102, 104, 109, 136, 176, 358.
- Several leaves are more or less damaged.
- User's notes: folio 3r (upper left-hand margin): Shemu᾿el Leṿi ben Avraham ha-Leṿi: inscribed, dated (5)452 ( 1692); folio 359v: Avraham ben Shemu᾿el ha-Leṿi; Yitsḥaḳ ha-Leṿi, and another one partially illegible.
359 folios; 359 foliosSupport
BM/BL in-house. Spine title: 'Karaite Prayer Book. Hebrew. Brit. Mus. Oriental 2530.'Layout
- Acquisition: Moses Wilhelm Shapira (b. 1830, d. 1884), an antiquities dealer of Jerusalem: purchased by the British Library from him on 08 July 1882; inscribed, folio [ 360v].
Related resources
- Manuscript description based on Margoliouth, G.: Catalogue of the Hebrew and Samaritan Manuscripts in the British Museum, London 1965.
- Text
- These images and the content of British Library Or 2530: Sidur (סידור) are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, British Library has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about British Library Or 2530: Sidur (סידור). This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
Table of contents
- fol. 3v — Services for week-days
- fol. 83r — Services for the Sabbath
- fol. 103r — Services for Teru῾ah
- fol. 115r — Services for Sukot
- fol. 196v — A series of services for fast days and Purim
- fol. 329r — An office used at marriages (a fragment)
- fol. 333r — Services for rosh ḥodesh
- fol. 359r — Services for Pesaḥ
fol. 3v
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Section: Services for week-days
fol. 83r
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Section: Services for the Sabbath
fol. 103r
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Section: Services for Teru῾ah
fol. 115r
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Section: Services for Sukot
fol. 196v
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Section: A series of services for fast days and Purim
fol. 329r
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Section: An office used at marriages (a fragment)
fol. 333r
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Section: Services for rosh ḥodesh
fol. 359r
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Section: Services for Pesaḥ
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