Or 2696 Torah, megilot ṿe-hafṭarot ʿim perush Rash"i (תורה, מגילות והפטרות עם פרוש רש"י)
Torah, megilot ṿe-hafṭarot ʿim perush Rash"i (תורה, מגילות והפטרות עם פרוש רש"י)Funders
- The Polonsky Foundation
Call number
Or 2696(London, United Kingdom, British Library, Hebrew Manuscripts Digitisation Project)
Alternate identifiers
British LibraryLanguage
Between 1350 and 1399
- Place
GermanyUpper Rhine
Pentateuch, the Five Scrolls and Hafṭarot with masorah and Rashi's commentary.
- Hebrew inscriptions partially illegible (folios 2r, 2v).
- Ḥayim of Moriali ben Yaʿaḳov owner: sold to Shelomoh Yedayah(?) in 164 [1404]: purchase note (634r).
- Shelomoh ben Ḥayim sold it to Menaḥem ben Yeḥiel on Tuesday, 4 Tishri 168 [1408]: purchase note (634r).
- Ḥananel Menaḥem Yedayah(?) ben Yeḥiel: sold to Yaʿaḳov ben Eliʿezer on Wednesday 13 Tishri, 191 [1430]: purchase note (634r).
- Yaʿaḳov ben Eliʿezer sold it to Eleʿazar bar Shemuʾel ha-Leṿi on Thursday 24 Tishri, 191 [1430]: purchase note (634r).
- Molin (?) Montneier's widow: sold through Meʾir ben Yitsḥaḳ: purchase note (15th century) (634r).
- Yisraʾel ben Meʾir Heilpron (Heilbronn?): sold to Yosef ben Shelomoh: purchase note (15th century) (634r).
- Shelomoh bar Yosef Ḳastel Virnaḳo (?), Rikha Luriah: inscribed with their names (16th century?) (3r).
- Yaʿaḳov Ṿiṭal: inscribed with his name (17th century?) (2r).
- Yoʾel Abram Luzzatto [..] di Cittadella: inscribed with his name in Italian (1r).
- Abraham Luzzattoowner and his wife Perla: inscribed with their names, 433 [1673] (2r).
636; 636Support
BM/BL in-house.Layout
- Acquisition: N. Rabinowitz: purchased by the British Museum from him on 8 December 1883 ([638v]).
Related resources
- Manuscript description based on Margoliouth, G.: Catalogue of the Hebrew and Samaritan Manuscripts in the British Museum, London 1965.
- Text
- These images and the content of British Library Or 2696: Torah, megilot ṿe-hafṭarot ʿim perush Rash"i (תורה, מגילות והפטרות עם פרוש רש"י) are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/.
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Text
- To the extent possible under law, British Library has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this metadata about British Library Or 2696: Torah, megilot ṿe-hafṭarot ʿim perush Rash"i (תורה, מגילות והפטרות עם פרוש רש"י). This work is published from: United States. For a summary of CC0, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Legal code: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode.
- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
fol. 3r
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Section: Genesis
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Section: Song of Songs
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Section: Lamentations
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Section: Ecclesiastes
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Section: Hafṭarot
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Section: Various liturgical and masoretic notes
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